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Well I've had vista for a while now and had XP since mid '02 and I must say vista is improved by much. I've read sites saying all vista is is a spoofed up XP but I must disagree.

1. Vista's startup is absolutly amazing xp on my system (amd 3200+ 1 gb ram) took oh I dunno about a minute give or take while vista takes upwards of 30 seconds give or take.

2.Shutdowns are also amazing taking about 10 seconds.

3. Stability is AMAZING XP did crash on me about every 3 days +/- if I didn't reboot it before that I've only restarted vista once or twice and it hasn't crashed on me once yet.

4. Multi tasking is better than ever. I know a 3200+ nowadays isn't the best multitasker you could get but it was decent but if I was running firefox, World of Warcraft, Itunes, and maybe another misc program or two XP was shot after being done with that it'd run quite abit slower till the next restart but with vista give it 30 seconds after exiting out and it's running top speed again.

5. Though it does eat alot of ram at startup and when idle I havn't ran into a performance issue with a program yet.

6. Security...the UAC (user account control) is ANNOYING but it does grant quite a chunk more of security though I havn't run into a virus yet so i can't quite say how much more I'd have to guess alot.

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Vista is a good OS, not a great OS but good. If you do alot of business i would say upgrade right away, if you game don't waste your time. Graphics card drivers are a big problem right now with it. give it atleast another month or so.

As far as security it hasent been out long enough to really know how good it is. I can say this tho, if its anohter XP with security alot more people will be switching to mac and linux.

Well if you can't tlel I'm a die hard windows fan but I have been thinking of starting to dual boot with mac though I'm not sure if my proccesor and vid card are exactly mac compatible  :cry2:

you can not boot mac on that thing at all. You have to have a apple computer to use OSX.

you could boot windows on a mac, but not mac on windows.

I have windows running in bootcamp, and parallels on my mac, vista and xp, and they both run great.

I friggen love vista.  If you're system can handle it I highly reccomend.  I'm running it on a core 2 duo system with 2 gig of DDR2  (PC2 6400) and a radeon x1950 pro... BUT amazingly it runs well on my laptop too, which is only has a pentium M 2.66 with 1GB of DDR2 400 (I think that's PC2 3200) and a ATI Mobility Radeon X600.... the laptop not only runs it well but it also runs it with full graphics somehow :-P

Vista is a smooth operator ;-)

I friggen love vista.  If you're system can handle it I highly reccomend.  I'm running it on a core 2 duo system with 2 gig of DDR2  (PC2 6400) and a radeon x1950 pro... BUT amazingly it runs well on my laptop too, which is only has a pentium M 2.66 with 1GB of DDR2 400 (I think that's PC2 3200) and a ATI Mobility Radeon X600.... the laptop not only runs it well but it also runs it with full graphics somehow :-P

Vista is a smooth operator ;-)

Im running Enterprise Edition it on a Dell Dimension 9200 with the Core 2 Duo E6600 with 4gigs of RAM (muahahahahahaha) and a Geforce 7900.  I love VISTA!  Although some things that used to be so simple are just anoying as hell though...one example being setting screen fonts to "large" or "extra large" now involves having to change the DPI setting, when it used to be in the darn "appearance" tab. 

It's smooth, ultra stable (so far), and although it eats more resources, everything runs really fast.  What I love even more than vista is Office 2007.  It's a huge step up!

Well I've tried a few programs to speed up XP but programs never ran so fast or smoothly with XP as they do with vista nor was the system as stable  :cool: and not to mention the startup/shutdown times are amazing but that's just a plus  :cool2: the eye candy is just a very small part of it.

of course it all depends on the user/system my computer wasn't the best out there after all I'm sure with a dual core XP would run lighting fast too and probably be much more stable with 2 gb+ of ram vs my 1 gb and of course both the factors would matter for multi tasking +what you do exactly when you multi task.

But I must say despite all I've heard about vista being a resource hog (which it is) it runs much smoother on my machine then XP did and IMO was worth the money for it to not be forced to restart every 2 or 3 days and to multi task 100x better.

Yes and no when idle it still eats up 25% of my ram (aprox 256 MB) which is not nearly as much as half (512 MB) that it eats at startup it is still alot more than XP or mac.But as I said every program I've ran every game etc has ran smoothly despite vistas large ram consumpution.

Got a new box and I'm quite glad I got Vista on it. One argument I have for it vs xp home is the UAC combined with administrator is quite error-proof. I havent had my parents/sister screw anything up yet, because of that I assume. I like the indexing too, but I've heard there are a few good ones out there for xp too. But for my mom that doesn't know how to find her e-mail, indexing does the job. Then again, I agree that the price is steep.

Got a new box and I'm quite glad I got Vista on it. One argument I have for it vs xp home is the UAC combined with administrator is quite error-proof. I havent had my parents/sister screw anything up yet, because of that I assume. I like the indexing too, but I've heard there are a few good ones out there for xp too. But for my mom that doesn't know how to find her e-mail, indexing does the job. Then again, I agree that the price is steep.

Sure hope it stays that way. You know how microsoft can be with there patches  :uglystupid2:  Yea with a dual core and 2 gig of ram xp is plenty fast, Because I am the only user of my computer, plus I really keep my stuff organized well, and have it xp pretty tweaked out, I have yet to see anything personally that would at this point make me want to switch. Not trying to flame ya man, or tell you your wrong. Sounds like vista will be nice for the average user. Hope it stays that way and does not go the way of xp and its security.

I agree with Junerian.. Vista is a major improvement over XP. It actually runs faster than XP in everything it does. Anyone that says you have to have buy a brand new computer to run Vista are complete retards. If you bought anything other than a "value" computer Vista should run fine. Also, Ultimate is way cool. Has anyone tried DreamScene yet? So bad ass... :grin:

Well, Vista is cool, however, you do need a sorta good PC to run it. I have an oooold box amd @ 1.20ghz, 768mb ram and ati 9600. I maneged to install it, and the setup was really fast considering my specs. However, once I got a few apps installed, it just turned to crap. So you need quite a bit of ram to run this OS.

Well that is very old and sorry to say the cpu seems waaaay outa date. Us saying you don't need a good computer we're not talking about a computer from 5 years ago but something released within the last 3'ish years should do it just fine.

But yea your ram seems decent since I only have a bit more than you do I think the CPU was more of the trouble.

Was your RAM DDR or SDR?

i have been running vista ultimate on a 2 1/2 y/o dell 8400 with 2GB ram & an ati x800 with 256mb memory since the 1st day it was released....i like it after i have become use to it...but i do have some issues...the onboard soundmax driver is screwy...when i record streaming video i get picture but no sound...says i don't have a wave out...& ie7 does some wierd things like on some sites it will not remember my password & the links on my start page stay highlighted until i run crap cleaner & forget running cablenut or any other tcp optimizer as at this point none work...i installed vista just for something new to mess with....i still have xp on my alienware...so if vista won't cooperate then i use it...

oh does anyone know how to make the desktop icons smaller....i mean a lot smaller..they are huge...the only setting i can find for this is the advanced setting in display properties & i have it all the way down to 16 as far as it will go & it barely made any difference....   

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