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When you change your Color Code, go to portal.smartbro.net

There you will find out if you can change your Color Code. I think some people aren't allowed to do so, something about their account blocked.

you don't need to go to portal.smartbro.net in order to change the color code. this procedure is being done through your canopy page..

you can actually change it by accessing the web based interface of your canopy. regarding the color code this happens when you are changing the color code that is located from another SITE..

i visited last week the cell site of SMART which has APs installed. one cell site can have several AP's. Each AP's has different color codes.. if you choose a different color code belonging in one cluster of AP then you wont be sent to the protal.smartbro.net or to the new bro-portal.smartbro.net. you can just restart and browse immediately.

but in cases on where you change a color code belonging to another cell site, then thats the time you will be redirected..

to further explain better.. here is a scenario

JOHN is a new subscriber, during the installation of the smartbro package in his home he is pointed to Cell Site A (CS-A). 

CS-A has 6 Access Points.. AP 111, AP 222, AP 333, AP 444, AP 555, AP 666 (111, 222, etc are color codes) they are clustered in a sense that i can make a radial coverage.


(north, north east, east etc.) (that's why during AP Evaluation you can see several results with varying Jitter and RSSI,  APs with higher RSSI and Low Jitter usually are the one that is facing in your direction. and the rest who has a High Jitter and Low RSSI are actually the APs that are faced in other directions.

During Johns installation, the technician pointed the canopy to the AP with the color code 111. But John was having a problem with the internet connection so he visited TMN and found ways on how to TWEAK smartbro.. he stumbled upon a thread that tells him to change the color code..

John successfully accessed the canopy page and changed his color code from 111 to 222.  Remember that this color codes belong to one cluster and its located in Cell SITE A.. so normally John wont be prompted with a portal.smartbro.net splash screen. instead once he reseted his IP configuration  to automatic (to default) he can obviously just go browsing the net...

but in a case on where JOHN changed the color code to AP 777 which belongs to Cell SIte B then thats the time he needs to authenticate through the portal.smarbro.net or bro-portal.smartbro.net and have to call the Customer service hotline in order to have hs connection reset. cause usually the system will actually detect a new setting....

as of the moment the bro-portal.smartbro.net is not working well, so you might as well think twice before doing so, coz i actually just did this and it took them weeks to get me browsing the net since bro-portal.smartbro.net is their new portal and its still in beta... so good luck to all the tweakers...

Uhh, you misunderstood me.I meant after changing your Color Code, go to the portal, not go to the portal to change the Color Code.

And second, there are cases where you have to go to the portal after changing just your Color Code. Something about some accounts not having all the features.

Uhh, you misunderstood me.I meant after changing your Color Code, go to the portal, not go to the portal to change the Color Code.

And second, there are cases where you have to go to the portal after changing just your Color Code. Something about some accounts not having all the features.

aw sorry to hear that, i must have skipped some line...

by the way, if i'll try this what exactly should i do in the portal?  :undecided: it's kinda new to me..

aw sorry to hear that, i must have skipped some line...

by the way, if i'll try this what exactly should i do in the portal?  :undecided: it's kinda new to me..

You didn't skip a line. My English is just bad, that's all. :grin:

Just log-in your account. It will detect the changes and apply them.

@ ianonline

is that means in my basestation there's only one access point? and the other's came from other base station?

i'm not quite sure.. but if you encounter this message you can just like freely call the customer care hotline and have your connection reset.. just tell them that you don't know how and why it happened. they don't ask for more and just go ahead with the reseting. and your off to go...

Hello guys,

Thanks for explaining the color codes to me and also the method of changing them.

I have another question... how does one select which color code is better than the rest?

Can you help me in understanding this one.

A good example is below, its my current AP Evaluation.

Thanks again... I keep on reading and learning here.

Current entry index: 0


Index: 0 Frequency: 5735.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f2-8c-9e

Jitter: 2 RSSI: 1006 Power Level: -60 Beacon Count: 8 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 1 Range: 4361 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 2 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 795 SectorID: 1 Color Code: 37 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 57

NumULHalfSlots: 17 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 1 Frequency: 5775.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f2-8c-b6

Jitter: 4 RSSI: 580 Power Level: -78 Beacon Count: 7 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 900 SectorID: 2 Color Code: 38 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 49

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 2 Frequency: 5775.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f2-8c-af

Jitter: 4 RSSI: 601 Power Level: -77 Beacon Count: 10 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 1111 SectorID: 5 Color Code: 41 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 36

NumULHalfSlots: 16 NumDLHalfSlots: 52 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 3 Frequency: 5775.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f2-8c-bf

Jitter: 7 RSSI: 286 Power Level: -84 Beacon Count: 3 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 0 Age: 2 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 717 SectorID: 2 Color Code: 32 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 28

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 4 Frequency: 5795.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f7-bd-b2

Jitter: 5 RSSI: 459 Power Level: -81 Beacon Count: 8 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 976 SectorID: 2 Color Code: 134 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 64

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 5 Frequency: 5815.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f2-8c-bb

Jitter: 7 RSSI: 371 Power Level: -83 Beacon Count: 4 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 1989 SectorID: 6 Color Code: 42 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 47

NumULHalfSlots: 16 NumDLHalfSlots: 52 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 6 Frequency: 5815.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f2-8c-9a

Jitter: 11 RSSI: 352 Power Level: -83 Beacon Count: 2 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 0 Age: 2 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 1856 SectorID: 3 Color Code: 39 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 28

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3

The best color code is determined mainly by:

RSSI: 500 or higher is good, the higher the better... you will find that the Power Level usually is also strong when the RSSI is high (example: -60 is stronger and better than -80)

Jitter: The lower, the better, below 5 is good.

Sectorusercount: The lower the better.

In your case, it looks like you are on an excellent color code, even though the usercount is a bit high. But most people don't use the connection intensively so that shouldn't be a problem.

There is another thread topic in the Smartbro forum that deals exclusively with tweaking your subscriber module. This is a MUST READ if you plan on fooling with it. Be VERY careful what you do in there-- you can seriously screw things up and also get into trouble with smartbroke if they find out. Chances are the installer set it up correctly in the first place, as was the case with mine.

Hello guys,

Thanks for explaining the color codes to me and also the method of changing them.

I have another question... how does one select which color code is better than the rest?

Can you help me in understanding this one.

A good example is below, its my current AP Evaluation.

Thanks again... I keep on reading and learning here.

well its better if we start with the basic.. basic in the sense that we will define what Jitter and RSSI means...

Jitter :  Small rapid variations in a waveform resulting from fluctuations in the voltage supply or mechanical vibrations or other sources... its another word for interference which basically means an electrical or acoustic activity that can disturb communication... 

So if you get a small Jitter then you get a lesser interference thus causing a clean flow of data over the air... 

RSSI:  RSSI means Received Signal Strength Indicator.. so having said that i guess you know already what it measures... It measures the signal you received. so having high RSSI means high level of signal being received by your canopy.

User Count:  Indicates the number of subscribers currently connected to that specific AP. Low user count means low Bandwidth consumption of the allocated bandwidth of that particular TOWER/Site. thus increasing boost speed and way higher sustained speed.

these are actually the basic things you need to look at to when trying to check for the right AP..

They didn't attach it to the roof? If they did,it should be 10 ft higher than the roof. Mine is installed on the second floor roof, using a 20 ft pole.

they attach it into my roof but the pole they were used is only 3 feet.. BTW my current index is 0 (range of jitter is 3-7) (range of rssi 470-580).

they attach it into my roof but the pole they were used is only 3 feet.. BTW my current index is 0 (range of jitter is 3-7) (range of rssi 470-580).

so given that statistics, you are aware of what exactly to expect from you connection.

also take into consideration that the advisable rssi is above 800 and a jitter below 5.

@ Sir iesnes and Sir ianonline

Thanks sirs for that quick explanation. Now I can make half-a-sense of the whole AP-Evaluation. =)

I have tried though changing colors, but everytime I do I loose connection and can't browse anyhting.

So I bring it back to its default color code and it connects with no problem.

However I read here that I'll have to connect to smart.bro portal to re-establish connection on a new color code.

I will try that thing tonight.

I also understand there a technical risks involve... now that one scares me lolz.

I really hope I won't mess my connection set-up, no gutz no glory.

Thanks guys! you're really a lot of help... =)

first thing first.. you don't call us SIR!  we are too cool  :cool:  to be called by that name. :2funny:

regarding of you having a hard time connecting to the internet after changing the color code, be informed that not all color codes are applicable to you. There are other company who uses CANOPY wireless networking to connect their businesses,

(that explains why you see some tower-like (cellsite) setup on top of the buildings, since wireless networking is cost effective. many company prefer to have this kind of network than to have a wired networking which is really expensive)

having said that you can expect that during AP Evaluation it is possible for your canopy (Subscriber Module) to actually detect the AP's other than that of SMARTBRO... it's just a matter of trial and error especially if you are located in a highly urbanized places. where almost all buildings uses wireless technology. try scanning AP's in your area and try trying out each of the color codes that is being presented to you. I know sometimes it gives you several results yet if you are lucky you might stumble into something that will actually work.

i quote "no guts no glory".. i'll mark that words.. :knuppel2:

speaking of the technical risk that you are talking about, it's actually not deadly.. if you get locked up (e.g., Our system detected a new setting blah blah) all you have to do is actually call *1888 and tell them your service reference  number or your account number... and tell them that you got this particular error.. normally and most of the time the operator wont ask what happened, they will just go ahead and reset your connection, and off you go.. but in cases that the operator ask what you did, just tell them you bought a new pc, or you just recently installed a new LAN Card but thats really very very rare of them to ask such... i have done this several times already, think of it this way, you are actually giving those call center agents some work. if you wont call they will lose their jobs, so feel good about it when you actually call them...

theres no such thing as "self destruct button" so don't worry if you will mess up your connection. you can always have their competent... not...  technicians come over your house.. first they will try pressing some buttons on your pc to let you see that they actually know how to type. and if your COMPUTER is not impressed by their typing and still it wont connect to the net, the competent... not.... technician will then just replace your canopy (SM) and that usually solves the problem for the meantime.. then you can do the tweaking again...  :2funny:

peace! no sir please... just ianonline.. nyt nyt

Mine is only a foot from the roof's surface. Maybe it's the cause why I'm having a hard time getting connected every startup of my PC. I always spend an hour disabling-enabling, repairing, restarting & replugging the antenna's adaptor.

you can actually transfer it to a higher location or have their technicians transfer the canopy. call them at *1888 and have a request. :)

Don't try moving the canopy on your own. That's breaching the contract, and their not responsible for any accident that might happen. Better call their Technical Support and let them do it. :wink:

Anyway, I thought that 10 ft pole was a standard.

n00b question.

how do I access the AP page again? somehow, I forgot how to  :idiot2:

Remove n00b when you're here, we don't believe in such nonsense.

Access Canopy Page by going to

Under Tools, you'll find the AP Eval tab.

AP List

Current entry index: 1


Index: 0 Frequency: 5735.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f7-4f-ef

Jitter: 3 RSSI: 402 Power Level: -80 Beacon Count: 10 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 687 SectorID: 1 Color Code: 25 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 7

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 1 Frequency: 5735.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f7-53-00

Jitter: 1 RSSI: 1108 Power Level: -56 Beacon Count: 7 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 1911 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 0

Session Count: 1 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 366 SectorID: 4 Color Code: 28 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 11

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 2 Frequency: 5775.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f7-50-f6

Jitter: 4 RSSI: 528 Power Level: -77 Beacon Count: 3 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 1164 SectorID: 2 Color Code: 26 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 11

NumULHalfSlots: 17 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 3 Frequency: 5775.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f7-53-05

Jitter: 2 RSSI: 517 Power Level: -77 Beacon Count: 4 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 1671 SectorID: 5 Color Code: 29 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 4

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 4 Frequency: 5815.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f7-52-ff

Jitter: 2 RSSI: 802 Power Level: -69 Beacon Count: 5 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 0

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 468 SectorID: 3 Color Code: 27 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 7

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


Index: 5 Frequency: 5815.00 MHz ESN: 0a-00-3e-f7-50-f5

Jitter: 11 RSSI: 315 Power Level: -82 Beacon Count: 2 BRcvW: 1 DFSEn: 0 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 197 SectorID: 6 Color Code: 30 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 2

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3


anyway, there's my AP eval...I wonder if it's any good  :buck2:

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