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Hey guys... Im Not New here but try my post at the forums of smart bro.. ^_^ plss read... i hope it helps you.. my canopy settings are:

Up: 100


Up Burst: 1500

Down Burst: 1500

Multicast Data Rate: Enabled

Multicast Uplink Data Rate: 1000

Low Prior Up: 0

Low Prior Down: 0

High Prior Channel: Enabled

High Prior Down: 0

High Prior Up: 0


:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 437 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 53 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/05/06 - 12:08am

Bottom Line:: 8X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 19.32 sec

Tested from a 512 kB file and took 9.6 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 21.05 % faster than the average for host (smartbro.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-E58F1KZRY

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8 MEGAUPLOAD 1.0 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729) [!]

here is my speed running Hamachi and Yahoo Messenger

Thank you for explaining these in layman's terms. I'm not a techi person but somehow I could get a good grasp of what you are saying. Anyhow, i have some questions though. For example, I have come up with a good basestation considering RSSI, Jitters and all that...how would I apply that in my configuration? Do I have to uncheck again the other boxes and leave the ones with better stats? But you have mentioned once that it is not advisable...And when choosing the best basestation, do I also have to consider the color codes? Is there also a way to choose the best color code?

Sorry blackshadow if I ask too much, I'm sure lots of readers also have these kinds of questions floating in there head, and we're looking forward for your answer. Thanks

Oh by the way, when I followed coolbuster's 20 and 10 steps I didn't mix it with his FOURmula tweak. After following those steps, it didn't work out for me so I followed his advice to reset my TCP/IP, release and renew my IP then flush my dns in order for me to proceed to his Fourmula tweak. Along with the procedure, I downloaded TCP/IP resseter and DrTCP.

Part of coolbuster's recommendation is to "reformat hard drive and install a fresh Windows XP operating before applying this procedure" which I didn't followed  :cheesy: sorry coolbuster if i'm being too hardheaded.

Now here is the best part  [nerdly]

this is my speed upon doing coolbuster's 20 steps, 10 steps and canopy tweaking

::::::::::.. testmy.net test results ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 45 Kbps about 0.05 Mbps (tested with 97 kB)

Download Speed is:: 5 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 181 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 22 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/05/04 - 11:52pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-X4TQEAGOB

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-ELC9N1T2O

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10

Now this is my speed being persistent not to give up and trusting all these awesome people who shared a piece of there greatness.

::::::::::.. testmy.net test results ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 368 Kbps about 0.37 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 45 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 94 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 256 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 11 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/05/05 - 7:03pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-GDP1WS4MA

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KE4R8TLFP

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10

My smartbro just fired up to this speed following Coolbuster FOURmula procedure and Blackshadow canopy configuration's advice

Special thanks to Coolbuster for all his straight to the point and easy to understand tutorials

and to Blackshadow who's always there ready to offer help to better understand technical stuffs

***so much I would like to attach coolbuster's site where I got his procedures but I'm afraid it would be mark as spam.

just google it instead, type "cablenut settings for smartbro" and you will see his blog site in the first search result (I bet he is also good in terms of SEO)

Anyways, I hope my smartbro speed will stay that way or could get even better

Thanks guys and more power  :grin:

its fine... an intelligent person asks whenever he/she is confused... no one knows everything... :angel:    <-- naks bait kunwari .. wow tagalog word... :evil:

ok back to the topic...

YOUR QUESTION ---> "Anyhow, i have some questions though. For example, I have come up with a good basestation considering RSSI, Jitters and all that...how would I apply that in my configuration? Do I have to uncheck again the other boxes and leave the ones with better stats? But you have mentioned once that it is not advisable...And when choosing the best basestation, do I also have to consider the color codes? Is there also a way to choose the best color code?"

you can apply that to your configuration by selecting the color code... first go to TOOLS --> AP EVALUATION ... then at the bottom part... you can see buttons RESCAN AP and UPDATE DISPLAY (something like this)... first you should rescan your AP to UPDATE it... then you can see the Jitter, Power Level, Sector UserCount and the MOST IMPORTANT.. the COLORCODE... <---i made the important parameters in BOLD LETTERS so that you can see it at once... i masked my ESN's for my security... btw.., RSSI is not shown here because my canopy is P11 type and i have updated it's canopy version that's why..

here's a sample of my AP LIST...

AP List Current entry index: 1


Index: 0 Frequency: 5755.00 MHz ESN: **-**-**-**-**-** Region: Other

Jitter: 5 Power Level: -75 dB Beacon Count: 32 BRcvW: 1 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 933 SectorID: 1 Color Code: 247 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 31

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3

SM PPPoE: Not Supported


Index: 1 Frequency: 5795.00 MHz ESN: **-**-**-**-**-** Region: Other

Jitter: 4 Power Level: -75 dB Beacon Count: 31 BRcvW: 1 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 3332 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 1 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 817 SectorID: 5 Color Code: 251 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 20

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3

SM PPPoE: Not Supported


Index: 2 Frequency: 5835.00 MHz ESN: **-**-**-**-**-** Region: Other

Jitter: 4 Power Level: -74 dB Beacon Count: 30 BRcvW: 1 FECEn: 0

Type: Multipoint Avail: 1 Age: 0 Lockout: 0 RegFail 0 Range: 0 feet TxBER: 1 EBcast: 1

Session Count: 0 NoLUIDS: 0 OutOfRange: 0 AuthFail: 0 EncryptFail: 0 Rescan Req: 0

FrameNumber: 924 SectorID: 6 Color Code: 252 BeaconVersion: 1 SectorUserCount: 19

NumULHalfSlots: 18 NumDLHalfSlots: 55 NumULContSlots: 3

SM PPPoE: Not Supported

now my AP List Current entry index is 1 <-- found at the top portion... therefore my settings are at the index1 (2nd among the lists i have...)

try to look at YOUR AP List current index... then find your CURRENT INDEX at the AVAILABLE indexes in your list... it is now your CURRENT configuration...

how to change??

after selecting a good Jitter (the lower, the better) ,  a good RSSI ( the higher the better) , SectorUserCount ( the lower the better ) ... you can see the COLOR CODE of every indexes you have...(also in BOLD LETTERS) choose the BEST color code.... then...

go to CONFIGURATION --> RADIO  ( it is also the tab wherein you check and uncheck boxes, but i advise you to check all the boxes EXCEPT the "NONE box"

below this is where you put your color code... again you can see your COLOR CODE in your AP LIST.... but consider first JITTER, RSSI, SectorUserCount...

take note of this...

CHECKING and UNCHEKING the boxes DOESN'T SAVE your configurations... it only SCANS the AVAILABLE frequency for your base station in order for you to have the AP LIST.. got it?? ( different base stations have different frequencies as well as color code...)

the ONLY way to save your configuration is to input your BEST COLOR CODE... click SAVE CONFIGURATIONS then REBOOT... be sure to wait for your canopy to connect and disconnect twice before REFRESHING....

for example: you click REBOOT... it will disconnect... then reconnect... then it will disconnect again... then reconnect... after these... click refresh (click HERE option in your canopy page)

btw..  COOLBUSTER's 20 steps and 10 steps.. are they different?? i actually don't know that "10 steps"...

you should only do the 20 steps ONCE... i did it TWICE and THRICE thinking that it will give me a FASTER CONNECTION but the result was a SLOWER CONNECTION... :cry: i fixed it by putting the DEFAULT values of the CABLENUT... then i followed the 20steps again.. but this time.. i did it ONCE.... yeah my connection is at its best again... :grin:

CANOPY tweaking and COOLBUSTER's 20 steps is enough for me... i did several combinations of tweaking.. but these two are the BEST.. (that's for me)

guys i want to ask you something... im serious.. pls help me how to paste / upload (whatever term) images in this forum.... i really don't know... :cry:

i wanted to paste the image of my canopy page in this forum so that it will be easier to follow instructions... :smile2:

btw, GOOD LUCK with your tweaking, dude... hope these help... :angel:

I lost my internet connection for nearly 4 days. Smartbro technical reps told me that our basestation is under restoration..

Blackshadow, how did you arrived with that kind of speed..If you using cablenut, TCP optimizer or DrTCP, please let us know your settings..I still can't obtain smartbro advertised speed.

by the way if you want to include image to your post's replies, just upload your image to photobucket or tinypic and copy the url and paste it to your post.

I lost my internet connection for nearly 4 days. Smartbro technical reps told me that our basestation is under restoration..

Blackshadow, how did you arrived with that kind of speed..If you using cablenut, TCP optimizer or DrTCP, please let us know your settings..I still can't obtain smartbro advertised speed.

by the way if you want to include image to your post's replies, just upload your image to photobucket or tinypic and copy the url and paste it to your post.

i havent tried photobucket yet... i dont have an account there.., i mean, do i have to register?? whatta.. y wud i ask if i can check it :grin:

the thing i gave u.. that was my settings...

ok here it is... CANOPY TWEAKING

UL speed: 100          ( 0-1000 kbps)

DL speed: 900          ( 0-1000 kbps)

uplink burst: 1500      ( 0-1500 kb)

downlink burst: 1500  ( 0-1500 kb)

2nd tweak... COOLBUSTER'S 20 steps.... using cablenut...

i cannot give you my cablenut settings coz we have DIFFERENT PC SYSTEM settings: PROCESSOR, RAM, etc..

a 384kbps speed wud be faster in CORE series processors than a P3 processor even they have the same advertised speed..

your speed might mess up... go slower than you have right now if you copy my settings...

but if you want, i can give you my settings.. but don't blame me if it messed up.. <--that's why there is what we call a CALCULATOR in coolbuster's 20 steps for it to compute for our PERSONAL settings...

uhm, may i know where you from?? coz i think it is location dependent... as well as the number of users and interference (jitter)

even a small tree between your canopy and the base station transmitter can GREATLY affect your speed (jitter)...

aw... i forgot to tell you...  :wink2:

my canopy is installed near our TV antenna (outdoor)... then i put a home-made reflector.... something like a shape of a satellite dish... you can make your own by having a METAL basin installed on mast (it is where the antenna stands), while it is directly pointed to your canopy for BETTER reception...

i have sent you a personal message containing my yahoo id... you can add me up if u want so we can talk this over every time both of us are online....

please indicate your testmy.net ID .., for me to know it is you... :police:

i am online most of the time, except from 6:00 AM - 5:00 PM philippine time... i'm still at school... [nerdly]

by the way buddy, i forgot.. we also have different CANOPY...

you running a 7mbps aggregate

me @ 1mpbs only...

for you:

UL: 700                  ( 0 - 7000 kbps)

DL: 6300                ( 0 - 7000 kbps)

UL burst : 500000    ( 0 - 500000 )

DL burst : 500000    ( 0 - 500000 )

dude you could upload your photos at "tinypic" for free and you don't even have to register.

I already configured my canopy the way you instructed it to be, but still not getting good speed. I tried cablenut, TCP optimizer and DrTCP but quite confused on how to configure the settings.

You mentioned about "home-made reflector". I was thinking of making an improvised stinger (reflector) for my canopy, but I'm afraid it might got struck by lightning.

Thanks Blackshadow, I'll check my PM

  • 2 weeks later...

Me myself was quite confused about "the scale of 8 and scale of 4 in the TCP/IP Analyzer". So i didn't bother to pursue the steps in cool buster's tutorial..But rather I followed his FOURmula tweak instead and downloaded DrTCP..

So far I'm getting good speed with this tweak..

This is my speed just by following cool buster's FOURmula..sometimes I do get higher speed than this.

But well of course, I also configured my canopy settings following BlackShadow's advice.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 353 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 43 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/05/25 - 9:02pm

Bottom Line:: 6X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 23.81 sec

Tested from a 512 kB file and took 11.895 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Looks Great : 3.52 % faster than the average for host (17.202)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-XWDMJOLFR

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10 [!]


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys.. Im new here.. Just like to ask if I need to tweak my connection, here's the speed:

::::::::::.. testmy.net test results ..::::::::::

Download Connection is:: 195 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 512 kB)

Download Speed is:: 24 kB/s

Upload Connection is:: 214 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 386 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 26 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/06/07 - 5:46pm

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-PH6C3TYQM

U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-8NGLCUQYX

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009032609 Firefox/3.0.8

At 11pm onwards, my DL speed is 380kbp.. Is this OK? Or should I tweak it? Thanks :angel:

Hi Guys,

Just few questions, I have 7 Mbps aggregate  but evrytime my canopy refreshes, my aggregate sometimes change to 1Mbps and also when I check my AP, my base station also changes every time it refresh.

I also tried to update my radio to just one particular frequency so it will stick to the base station where I have 7MBPS aggregate but everytime i go back to canopy to check again, all frequency is check again... and my base station is changing evrytime my canopy refresh. (I always reboot and wait for disconnect and connect everytime I do some changes).

My download connection now is only around 380kbps but a MONTH AGO, it was around 2MBS (Download Speed: around 500 kB/s). Im still using the same antenna.

Any ideas how to get back my HIGH SPEED connections?  :undecided:  Thank in advance guys!

  • 2 weeks later...

hi there. newbie here. ive read your posts here for almost 2 days and follow all the rules and guide here. but it seems there aren't any changes in my very low speed connection. i also called csr and said there aren't any problems in my nearest station. our antenna is located on the rooftop of our 2nd floor and can clearly see the base station. any help would really appreciate. my stats are ranging from 1 kbps - 30 kbps.  :cry:


hello there. I've been reading here awhile now and had finally decided to join because I've been desperate to speed up my smartbro. I was trying to tweak my canopy settings when I intentionally filled up the blanks: new password and confirm password. I thought that doing so will prevent smart from changing/restoring my settings, but after doing so, I've been changed from admin to GUEST and settings wont display anymore. I tried logging in but it would say "unauthorized". Now I regret my actions and I cant change my settings anymore. what do you think I'd do?here is a screenshot. thank you for your time!

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Download Connection is:: 4445 Kbps about 4.4 Mbps (tested with 6144 kB)

Download Speed is:: 543 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main)

Test Time:: 2009/07/19 - 9:34pm

Bottom Line:: 78X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.89 sec

Tested from a 6144 kB file and took 11.323 seconds to complete

Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 1145.1 % faster than the average for host (smartbro.net)

D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-86HL4NDC0

User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11 [!]

is this true? but recently, i downloaded a file and the download speed really was 500+KB/s.... :smiley:

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