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Halo 1 for PC isnt a very graphical intense game, My old PC with a 32mb card could get 150 fps in that game.

2 oced GTX's don't make it heh? LOL k and his pc was over 6000 bucks so meh there u go.... it helps to have an amazing amount of ram good processor ect. later.

I bet hes got a dell...... lmao

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2 oced GTX's don't make it heh? LOL k and his pc was over 6000 bucks so meh there u go.... it helps to have an amazing amount of ram good processor ect. later.

sorry but no, not trying to bash you, just laying down the facts, no way hes getting 520fps in oblivion even with a $6000 monster. As for ur pc I would say no more than $500 for it.

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Alright.. Here is how I look at it.. there are two possibilities for this system.. Either some one will use it.. or it is going to be parted..

So that being said I would say it is worth maybe $300 - $450ish.. More info is needed to get a more accurate est.

Here is how I break that down..

Processor = $50-$60. 

Since you have a 3200+ and didn't not specify whether it was an 939 or a 754.. I am going to guess that at the time you decided to go with the cheaper version, as just about everyone that I know did, when you did the original build.  The 939 is worth more because some of the nforce3 250s support X2 processors that are based on the 939 platform.  So if you have a 939 I you might be able to get closer to $70 for the processor.. as A64s are hard to come by now..  :sad3:

Motherboard = $40 for the 754, $50 - $60 for the 939

See the above.. it basically comes down to can you run the X2 on your motherboard.

Graphics $100 - $130

Decent card being an AIW helps a lot! 

Hard drive = $30

60Gb is nothing these days.. You can pick up an $80 at a retailer for $40 or less when rebates are available..


Since you didn't say how much I am going to guess 512mb..  Again depending on if you have a 754 motherboard with DDR or if you have the 939 which supports dual channel..  Also the speed of the memory is important along with the quantity.


Sound blaster Audigy is too generic.. what version it it?  An Audigy 2..?  The newer the better.. if you are just running an old card it isn't going to add much, if any, value.

Wi-fi: $20

Not much of a $$ influence.. Again there are too many place you can get them for cheap..

Keyboard/mouse: $10

Monitor: $60-70

Depends on the brand name..

That is what I think..

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Im guessing u should try to ask $550 to settle at $475 cause thats about what u gonna get for it

anything else and some1 would rather buy a cheap ass but new system from a retail

than buy a decent system use

im sorry but u dont get much for use pc's

try puting it in a cool case with a few neon lights and u might get $500-525for it but seriesly it looks like u put to much money on it and aint worth putting more in cause u aint gonna get much more for it

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Everyone needs to chill out here. The guy is asking for advice and does not need to be insulted. If he does not agree with your advice fine, but there is no need to make derogotory comments. I know for a fact there are things each of us has no clue about. If you asked me for my opinion on something medical and you werent sure if I was right I would not make fun of you or your knowledge level. Cmon guys. You guys know we are family here and family supports each other, even the new additions to the family. If we cant play nice here and must all try to show that we know more than the next I will lock it.

Everyone in this thread is a well respected member of testmy, now imagine how you are making this guy think of Testmy. A couple of people need to issue an apology in my opinion.

you guys are tearing apart at this guy and hes new here

This really has been the only time i seen some1 do this here in TMN

So plz dont let it happen again

chill guys not every1 here is very technical thats the reason this place exist to share the information we have and try to get awnsers for the things we have no clue about

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well i see that only one of the rude people were BIG  enough to actually apologize...the others continued to snipe...u all know who u r...just know how much respect u've lost being asses to a new member and not being mature enough to say ur sorry...enjoy

0lie...we hope u know that the rude people aren't the ones that really matter in here...they're the bad boys that eventually get sent to time out...because we don't stand for such rudeness in here...like shug said we r a family here...as i read tho...i did see that u got some sound advice and swimmer actually broke it down for u...

learning experience for me...on how much i could buy a really nice system for...used...looks like it's kinda like a car...once u drive it off the showroom floor, it doesn't matter how many extras it's got...it gonna lose alot of it's value...


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Alright.. Here is how I look at it.. there are two possibilities for this system.. Either some one will use it.. or it is going to be parted..

So that being said I would say it is worth maybe $300 - $450ish.. More info is needed to get a more accurate est.

Here is how I break that down..

Processor = $50-$60. 

Since you have a 3200+ and didn't not specify whether it was an 939 or a 754.. I am going to guess that at the time you decided to go with the cheaper version, as just about everyone that I know did, when you did the original build.  The 939 is worth more because some of the nforce3 250s support X2 processors that are based on the 939 platform.  So if you have a 939 I you might be able to get closer to $70 for the processor.. as A64s are hard to come by now..  :sad3:

Motherboard = $40 for the 754, $50 - $60 for the 939

See the above.. it basically comes down to can you run the X2 on your motherboard.

Graphics $100 - $130

Decent card being an AIW helps a lot! 

Hard drive = $30

60Gb is nothing these days.. You can pick up an $80 at a retailer for $40 or less when rebates are available..


Since you didn't say how much I am going to guess 512mb..  Again depending on if you have a 754 motherboard with DDR or if you have the 939 which supports dual channel..  Also the speed of the memory is important along with the quantity.


Sound blaster Audigy is too generic.. what version it it?  An Audigy 2..?  The newer the better.. if you are just running an old card it isn't going to add much, if any, value.

Wi-fi: $20

Not much of a $$ influence.. Again there are too many place you can get them for cheap..

Keyboard/mouse: $10

Monitor: $60-70

Depends on the brand name..

That is what I think..

Thanks Swimmer.  :grin2:

well i see that only one of the rude people were BIG  enough to actually apologize...the others continued to snipe...u all know who u r...just know how much respect u've lost being asses to a new member and not being mature enough to say ur sorry...enjoy

0lie...we hope u know that the rude people aren't the ones that really matter in here...they're the bad boys that eventually get sent to time out...because we don't stand for such rudeness in here...like shug said we r a family here...as i read tho...i did see that u got some sound advice and swimmer actually broke it down for u...

learning experience for me...on how much i could buy a really nice system for...used...looks like it's kinda like a car...once u drive it off the showroom floor, it doesn't matter how many extras it's got...it gonna lose alot of it's value...


I have never thought of that but your right about pc= new car. Nice momma.
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So what are you going to put in the new comp you are buying? Curiosity always gets the best of me lol. :uglystupid2:

Anyway good luck on selling that comp and welcome to the forums!

How long did it take you to think of something to say just so you could use this--->  :uglystupid2:

:haha: I love that guy. Thanks for getting us back on track Siryak.  :grin2::icon_thumleft:

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Thanks Swimmer.  :grin2:

I have never thought of that but your right about pc= new car. Nice momma.

pc <> used car. a car will have a decent resale value after a year. it will lose maybe 20 percent give or take 10 percent in first year depending on make and model. a pc after one year will lose more like 60 percent. even more if it was a cheap model to begin with.

usually it isn;t worth selling a pc, you should just find a use for it or give it to a family member that needs one.

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pc <> used car. a car will have a decent resale value after a year. it will lose maybe 20 percent give or take 10 percent in first year depending on make and model. a pc after one year will lose more like 60 percent. even more if it was a cheap model to begin with.

usually it isn;t worth selling a pc, you should just find a use for it or give it to a family member that needs one.

Folding@Home. :D

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pc <> used car. a car will have a decent resale value after a year. it will lose maybe 20 percent give or take 10 percent in first year depending on make and model. a pc after one year will lose more like 60 percent. even more if it was a cheap model to begin with.

usually it isn;t worth selling a pc, you should just find a use for it or give it to a family member that needs one.

It seems to me like high end must lose value faster in the computer market. There's no telling how much a 8800 GTX will have dropped in a year, whereas a lower end card will still be able to do the job it used to (play movies, general computer use). Still, I have seen 20k$ cars go for 6k$ after 3 or 4 years. If you get an exotic car tho, such as a mustang or something, I don't think that it loses value as fast, for the car market doesn't evolve as fast as the computer market.

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It seems to me like high end must lose value faster in the computer market. There's no telling how much a 8800 GTX will have dropped in a year, whereas a lower end card will still be able to do the job it used to (play movies, general computer use). Still, I have seen 20k$ cars go for 6k$ after 3 or 4 years. If you get an exotic car tho, such as a mustang or something, I don't think that it loses value as fast, for the car market doesn't evolve as fast as the computer market.

exactly what i said. :haha:

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lol roco i bet its because its a name brand instead of just custom

indeed it is starship T,  the way I look at buying is why is he selling , if the computer is that good , why does he want to sell it ?, most 1 generation back computers are just that , and wont sell to nerds , and are too expencive for average folk , who only use e-mail , word and internet for ticket buying etc. ,. the main value to me is the o/s and office disks ,

Laptops are a pain in the ass , 9/10 need a new battery pack , and anyone that realy needs a laptop will buy a new one anyway  ,

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Sometimes the easiest answer is the best.... that being would you rather buy a Dell or a Roco special?  :evil6: :evil6:

:2funny: yeah I have built a few , but not anymore , I send customers of to the local superstore , and then laugh :lol: when they have problems with Norton /toolbars etc. ,  :evil2:

same as me Starship , I got 3 Dell laptops , gathering dust , but as they are freebies I aint complainng , I lend them out to first timers , none of them will run for more than 20 mins on battery ,  :evil2:

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