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Grrrrr, I am SO frustrated! Ready? Great, listen up.

My friend was flying in from Minneapolis last night. (Backstory: She flew from England last week, and she spent a week at a ranch in Montana horseback riding. Her flight to me was supposed to land at 9:20 PM ast night and she is here until Friday.)

There was some delay at the Minneapolis airport for her to land. THat delay (they circled for 3 hours) caused her to miss her connecting flight.

Her luggage got lost and she was stuck at the Minneapolis airport last night. OK, the joys of flying right? We all know that stuff can happen and so does she.

Except by the time she was able to call me, (she called her mother revered the charges, then her mother called me and gave me the payphone that she was at), everyone else at Continental had left the airport. THey just closed their part of the terminal after giving her the 1-800 number to CALL and reschedule her flight. WTF? They could have rebooked her immediately at the gate when she got off, instead they gave her a voucher and told her to call a 1-800 number!

So here she is, 700 miles from where she is supposed to be, in a nearly empty ariport, no-one to help her. She calls the 1-800 number and the lady that answers says it's the wrong number. SHe finally finds someone in baggage claim that is willing to talk to her (everyone else told her to go away, it wasn't their issue). And the baggage claim lady calls someone else and they get a new 1-800 number.

Now, my friend has no access to her bags, where all her credit cards and money is. She has on her: Her small carry on. The clothes she is wearing. Her wallet and that's IT!!

They left her just stranded!

Finally her mum is able to get through to the 1-800 number and get her booked on a new flight to me today. I'll get her at 2:30. BUT WTF? Thhe entire terminal just walks away with a foreigner stranded in their terminal. They don't offer her a hotel room, they don't offer her meal vouchers. They say: Call this number and leave!

I am thoroughly disgusted by that treatment. If that was my daughter I would be suing someone for everything their worth.

/end rant.

Feel free to comment, but frankly: Nothing is going to change my mind about this airline. They know their responsibilities to their customers and they failed in every way!

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that is dumb, i know that when my sister and grandparents went to England to visit family, they had a problem with the plane...but they didnt get some random 800 number, they each got a free one way trip to england so they could go back a second time!!!!. now that is service, because everyone on the plane flight got the same thing. I wish i could remember the airlines....

i will probably never fly again unless something comes up, but i agree you should stop using this airline if they treat customers so bad.

that sux, on the other hand I have a flight with continental on the 5th of august heh......this kinds of reminds me of a movie called 'the terminal' .... don't tell me you haven't seen it ! ...if you havent, go get it ! right now ! ....but no really, this movie has a similar story of a guy who comes to the us from eastern European country and in the mean time apparently his country breaks out in war and all his privileges as a citizen are removed, the united states doesn't wanna recognize his status so he cannot enter the country, his country doesn't want him back and long story short - he finds the airport terminal his new home for a long time ! ............film is directed by Steven Spielberg and the main actor is Tom Hanks....its great ! i love this movie ! 

I saw it, it was an ok movie. This was a completely different matter though. This company has a resposibility to it's customer not to leave them stranded without access to money. It was cruel, and I can't believe how poorly this airline is managed.

I saw it, it was an ok movie. This was a completely different matter though. This company has a resposibility to it's customer not to leave them stranded without access to money. It was cruel, and I can't believe how poorly this airline is managed.

Sue them...

eh yeah...i dont think suing is an answer to everything.....rather make sure you don't fly them any more....its a little battle that doesnt cost anything and that you can win easily, its a thing of principle.....

lol i was kidding. I would just stop flying them and go with another company. easy as that.  :-P  i wouldnt really give advice to sue tehm just because of one problem

I got her here safely, and we're having a ball, but this whole situation has cost her over 250$ US. THat blows, and I am really not happy about it.

Hopefully she can gain some back from her travelers insurance but who knows.

At any rate, she's having a blast and focused on enjoying the rest of her vacation.

Remember NOT to fly Continental, they SUCK!

i would think you have a fairly good chance of getting some money or vouchers out of the airline by calling their callcenter with the story and asking to be bumped up a supervisor or two.


Beat me to it. Don't give up, keep stomping.  :knuppel2: They'll pay, they want you back, and believe me the employess will hear about it. Continental has always been pretty decent.

Do you blame all truck drivers for a few idiots? Nah.  :wink:

well if it were me i'd be calling their corporate offices..and emailing too and threatening to take the story to the media...and tell them if the media isn't interested...u'll sell the story to a rag publication...all u want is to be compensated fairly...and they don't want their name trashed...

in my opinion thats too much fuss and wasted time over something insignificant....if they want to treat a customer that way, fine, if they want to conduct business that way, fine, its their loss

but to get media involved over few vouchers and what not ? .......come on !

i am not taking anyones side, but continental has always treated me fairly, bumped me up on early flights whenever possible, changed my seats in the last minute, and everything....if anything, i like them....but if what they did, they did actually do, it sux......

.....its all personal experience with the company itself, it cannot be perfect....

if something like that happend to me, honestly, i wouldnt even consider it as anything...i dont think they owe me anything, i wouldnt expect them to pay for anything or to give me anything - all i bought is an airline ticket, not a long term friend

i say pickets and a demonstration...a sit-in...invite the press...

the very least they should have done was a refund, a hotel room, meal vouches, and a rebooked flight...at the very least...wouldn't have cost them a penny in the long run

yeah! protest, go organize bra-burnings at all continental checkin counters!

If I do, and you film it, you have to split the profits with me on E-bay  :2funny:

disturbed, I have to say I'm disappointed in your responses, we are talking about someone being halfway around the world from home and no help available. That's kind of rude.

If I do, and you film it, you have to split the profits with me on E-bay  :2funny:

If you did that.....the fire trucks that would show up just to put the fire out would be worth filming....lol....they could use the footage for the next natural disaster movie... :2funny:

im looking at it from my perspective....i dont think im being rude since if it was me, I wouldnt expect any hospitality either - honestly....if i appeared to be rude sorry, just different opinion/mentality and a state of mind

in europe, where i come from, people wouldnt naturally expect this type of customer service if this particular situation happened...thats why i find it quite normal.....i just dont find it to be a big deal, thats all

i say pickets and a demonstration...a sit-in...invite the press...

the very least they should have done was a refund, a hotel room, meal vouches, and a rebooked flight...at the very least...wouldn't have cost them a penny in the long run

You hippie !  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

But yeah, thats a bummer, and there's nothing you can do about it, just chalk it up as a shitty experience, and move forward. Cold? No , these things happen, and usually to the best of us. Certainly , the company did not intend for this to happen, especially to someone visiting this country.  You cannot always count on your employees to do the right thing. Thats the weak link in the chain you'll never fix.

too bad she didn't get names...then she could organize us all and we'd find out where those people live and picket them personally...in front of their friends and neighbors...

i honestly do feel that something radical should be done...so that maybe they have a plan of action next time...because...yes these things will happen...just not right to turn ur back and walk away...even if ur shift is over...

i like the bra burning thing...mine would be gone in a puff of smoke...but hey it's symbolism...right...what the hell is this thing for anyway

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