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if any of you has received an spam from any other member contain pornographic stories...(bad porn stories at that)

we want to apologize...and reassure you that the situation has been dealt with...as you can see by clicking the profile of that person...vaporized...

we don't take this kind of thing lightly here at TMN...it was reported and boom...we were on it...thanks to my fellow mods and admins this was dealt with quickly...

hopefully only the people that we heard from received those...but if anyone else did...again we apologize...this happened before...and shouldn't have happened this time but we thought they had learned their lesson from the last time

:angry: :angry: guess not

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yeah it was areally long story...that didn't make sense, and had plot holes......wait a minute...thats just like normal porn.....

except this thing wasn't very hot lol....

The spam PM I got before that was from "Clintan" wanted he to know if i'd like to discuss the topic of "personal sex".   :shock:

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The spam PM I got before that was from "Clintan" wanted he to know if i'd like to discuss the topic of "personal sex".  :shock:

yep, and one about some girl who's nephew or something came to visit...that was interesting....and then the whole Edward norton thing....oh man....thats what started it all.... :321: to all you porn spammers!!!  :lol:
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I had pmed someone, i forget who, but some how i kept getting emails from edward norton on my AIM account...but it was only like once or twice after he was banned. so I think it was just AOL not sending the messages out on time. its all cleared up now.  :grin2:

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i got some pr0n yesterday from 'mika' ....... it was a rather long sex story......maybe i would have enjoyed it but I was at work LOLLOLOL !

but yeah, that was spam

Imagine what the boss would have said if he was looking at the pc over your shoulder  :shock:
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