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i think my canopy is screwed. says i'm only connected @ 10.0mbps from my connection status which is supposed to be 100.0 mbps right? help me... it just started when i noticed the "reboot required" sign in my canopy when i checked for my rssi and jitter. gourame said click the reboot button and voila! instant screw up! (no i'm not blamming you dude... :D peace tayo!!) and my speed is sooo slow. :( so can someone please give me their Canopy Configuration Settings? or a screen shot of it... i need the ff under configuration:

1. General

2. IP

3. QoS

4. Security



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i think my canopy is screwed. says i'm only connected @ 10.0Mbps from my connection status which is supposed to be 100.0 Mbps right? help me... it just started when i noticed the "reboot required" sign in my canopy when i checked for my rssi and jitter. gourame said click the reboot button and voila! instant screw up! (no i'm not blamming you dude... :D peace tayo!!) and my speed is sooo slow. :( so can someone please give me their Canopy Configuration Settings? or a screen shot of it... i need the ff under configuration:

1. General

2. IP

3. QoS

4. Security



Click Configuration---General tab --- click 100 base t half duplex and base t full duplex

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oh my when did that happened? just yesterday i had the same thing happend to me, i only get 18 kb, remember the strong winds and the rain? they must have reinforced their site for some reason why i got lame speeds and the thing is im am too screwed up. sorry bout that thingy, ive been with that process and my canopy never gave such a slight ill behavior, we'll try to remedy that, it was like days ago when we last got in touch tho. give it a day to observe, we all actually are in suffering, like jun, grifter the other day and now me. use dns server temporarily, open dns would suffice for now.

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its not the connection speed dude... it's the connection status at the task bar... the one with the blinking thingies... it's supposed to detect 100.0mbps instead of 10.0mbps... it's so annoying to change it everytime i open my pc.

true that connection speed sucks... darn it...

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dude it doesn't matter if you have 100mb, 1000mb  bigger status and if you only get 10mb aggregate line as of now then it must be the NIC screwin up, but 10mbps does affect the speed. and its odd we havent taken anything bout changing the NIC value for what i remembered last time we tried to improve the line. ipconfig /release and /renew was to refresh your line and not in any way modify whats the default setting.

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I am not sure what you people are talking about when saying canopy? Anyway no matter what you have say you have a gig nic like mine well if your router or switch whatever only support 10mb or 100mbs like mine witch is 100mbs then windows says it is connected at 100mbs because that it at because the router is slowing it down. I am not sure that is what your talking about let me know if it isn't and please explain more.

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I am not sure what you people are talking about when saying canopy? Anyway no matter what you have say you have a gig nic like mine well if your router or switch whatever only support 10mb or 100mbs like mine witch is 100mbs then windows says it is connected at 100mbs because that it at because the router is slowing it down. I am not sure that is what your talking about let me know if it isn't and please explain more.

this is how we get our internet through this motorola canopy module, we are not on a direct cable line but on a wireless feature from a tower site of our providers thus motorola canopy is what we mean by "canopy".

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