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One of Gordon Brown's new ministers has said the UK and the United States would no longer be "joined at the hip" on foreign policy.

Lord Malloch Brown told the Daily Telegraph it was time for a more "impartial" foreign policy and to build relationships with European leaders.

Some analysts may consider the Foreign Office minister's remarks evidence of Labour distancing itself from the US.

full report -


Hmmm , I could see this coming , Mr. Brown is an etirely different Prime minister from the outgoing Tony Blair    :undecided:

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But nobody thinks that Gordon Brown is going to find a soulmate in George Bush as Tony Blair did. That relationship was forged in the heat of 9/11 and Iraq.


On the most immediate foreign policy issue to hand, Britain will not undertake a precipitous withdrawal from Iraq. However Mr Brown has spoken of a "new stage" and the signs are that he wants out as soon as possible, as long as that is *or can be presented as being compatible with the policy of handing over only when the Iraqis can do the job.

And Britain will stay in Afghanistan in a combat role. Indeed, it wants more Nato members to join the fray, as does the United States.

full story


(* KEY WORDS ,you soon learn to read between the lines in the UK , my quote )

LOL I just heard that Mr brown has been advised the his meeting with Pres Bush , is casual wear , jeans and T would be OK,

His reply "I dont do casual,  I do not represent the Simpsons , be warned guys , this one will be a bars**d

He is playing down the remarks about "not being joined to the hip with America "

it was said , and now being played down , that is normal Brit .political spin ,  just giving  a hint of things to come, IMHO

and thanks on the News anchor , yeah that would be OK , but I will let Ca3le have some time after his server change ,that guy put some hours in on that , I just wish I undrestood the tech  bits  :idiot2:

Interesting read and all...but this wouldn't be appropriate in the news section since you all know that this is a tech site and we are pushing for tech related news...but non the less...good stuff Roco..its interesting to see foreign policies change so rapidly

Interesting read and all...but this wouldn't be appropriate in the news section since you all know that this is a tech site and we are pushing for tech related news...but non the less...good stuff Roco..its interesting to see foreign policies change so rapidly

HAHA, maybe CA3LE needs a new site: www.testmyPatience.net

At leat we have the off topic section when we feel like slugging it out on non tech items.

Interesting read and all...but this wouldn't be appropriate in the news section since you all know that this is a tech site and we are pushing for tech related news...but non the less...good stuff Roco..its interesting to see foreign policies change so rapidly

Thanks DjVaGGo , I cannot start a new topic in news,  :shrug: and normaly I post in off topic , but I felt this was important enough to both our nations to post it into GD, as I do value the special relationship our two nations have held for so many years ,

please feel free to move it ,no probs from me ,

HAHA, maybe CA3LE needs a new site: www.testmyPatience.net

At leat we have the off topic section when we feel like slugging it out on non tech items.

:2funny: yeah , good idea , but we do have great discussions without too much   :angry4:

anyone got a link to a site that can claim that ?

Regards ..Roco.UK

Thanks DjVaGGo , I cannot start a new topic in news,  :shrug: and normaly I post in off topic , but I felt this was important enough to both our nations to post it into GD, as I do value the special relationship our two nations have held for so many years ,

please feel free to move it ,no probs from me ,

Don't worry..Im not moving anything..what I was implying was you'd make a good anchor but that WE should ALL remember that we need to focus on tech news MORE...thats it :wink:

If they have a problem with that...that's what cnn and yahoo and bbc...etc are for, but theres only one testmy.net :smiley:

Don't worry..Im not moving anything..what I was implying was you'd make a good anchor but that WE should ALL remember that we need to focus on tech news MORE...thats it :wink:

If they have a problem with that...that's what cnn and yahoo and bbc...etc are for, but theres only one testmy.net :smiley:

Ok, as I said no problems this end ,  and I fully agree on "but theres only one testmy.net , :icon_thumright:.............

Hmmm, let me see Tech news , Duh ,I guess we dont do tech in the UK , :wink2:

but I will keep looking ,

i have said it before and i will say it again. put up an off topic news section then. i personally think that the news should not only contain tech items. any tech site has that. to me tmn is great because we don't loose sight of the big picture and think outside the box.

:lol: everyvbody loves the BBC   the same guys that hammer down my front door every year,  trying to find my invisiblle TV,  :evil2:,

While the news of the end of the special relationship between America and the UK starts to unravel ,

:lol:I gess it is time I said goodnight before I throw a fit  :lol:

Thanks Reso... off topic news , sounds good to me , yeah, I own a few boxes , but the world is a tad bigger ,but I guess if you feel more comfortable within your box , maybe that is the best place to be , :wink:

i have said it before and i will say it again. put up an off topic news section then. i personally think that the news should not only contain tech items. any tech site has that. to me tmn is great because we don't loose sight of the big picture and think outside the box.

yep that's right resop...that's why we have a diverse selection right now in the news section...it doesn't have to be all tech news...just predominantly techish

Articles don't have to be any specific topic' date=' they can be anywhere from entertainment news to political news.  But we would really like most of the topics to be tech related.[/quote']

found here... http://www.testmy.net/t-15298 (u have to be a 'news anchor' to read that board...sorry)

1 star for sophist member.

2 stars for news anchor.

3 stars for mod.

4 stars for vice admin.

5 stars for CA3LE. (they say he still thinks he owns this place or something)  :wink:

Oh, and that will be your last yellow star when you get the 1800 posts Roco. So from there on, nothing left to target.  :o

:lol:I guess it is time I said goodnight before I throw a fit  :lol:

:2funny: Roco had  a pique ,  :lol: Sorry for that guys , but This topic has got me worried for the worlds future , and is giving all the wrong signals to the oppressors of freedom ,

it ain't easy in the UK, one minute we are looking to America next we are looking to Europe , it's like watching a game of tennis  :undecided:

"He needed to reassure Mr Bush of his commitment to the Atlantic relationship as well as convince British voters that links between the US and the UK would be different to those maintained by former prime minister Tony Blair, our correspondent said."

Hmm, yeah that is now a different view of our "Special relationship " with America held in the UK , unfortunatly ,

and Browns comments

"It is firmly in the British national interest that we have a strong relationship with the US, our single most important bilateral relationship."

is the same thing  he is saying in europe

"It is firmly in the British national interest that we have a strong relationship with Europe ", or words to the same affect ,

LOL that guy is trying to" run with the fox , and hunt with the hounds " inho

The UK is now split on where it's alegence is ,

The older generation (me included , are very pro America , the younger folk are looking more  to Europe ,

My guess is the UK will be out of this war ASAP..

BTW,  :lol: on being Ca3le's dad he is  [geek] me I am  :idiot2: and if I was, he would only have a ZX Spectrum anyway ,  :lol:

LOL that guy is trying to" run with the fox , and hunt with the hounds " inho

In other words Brown is talking out both sides of his mouth or two-faced,That makes him a politician he should fit right in with Bush,

I don't think there will be much of a separation if the Revolution or War of 1812 didn't separate the USA & UK I doubt if a couple of two-faced politicians will.

We do have a couple of WW's as allies as well as in other fights they don't want to call wars.

In other words Brown is talking out both sides of his mouth or two-faced,That makes him a politician he should fit right in with Bush,

I don't think there will be much of a separation if the Revolution or War of 1812 didn't separate the USA & UK I doubt if a couple of two-faced politicians will.

We do have a couple of WW's as allies as well as in other fights they don't want to call wars.

Like the Indian's said: "White man speak with forked tongue! "

The subtle shift in British foreign policy

British policy towards the United States has got off to a confused start under the new government of Gordon Brown

"We need to demonstrate by our word and our actions that we are: internationalist not isolationist; multilateralist not unilateralist; active not passive; and driven by core values consistently applied, not special interests.


:wtf:, no wonder we are confused in the UK  :evil6:

so stand back guys , from now on I am apparently gonna be -




driven by core values

and have no special interests ,

:haha: and I was hoping to have a quiet day today, :sad:  

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