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I'm still sexier. My nipples are more manly. :azn:

You wish.

Errr, thanks for sharing that  Siryak , :shocked: :shocked:,

"Manly nipples"  :shock:, now I will have disturbed dreams  :lol:

He wishes.

:2funny: I knew it we are all doomed , doomed I say ,

but it is funny to think a new  member # 100,000 may dig up this thread and say  :wtf: what were they all on , or maybe  ماذا ال [فوك]   :shrug:

You wish.

:321: :321: :321::kiss:

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Now that I took a look back at that thread  Tdawnaz ended up winning [Nothing fishy going on at TMN  do you think?] :evil6:

hey what was fishy about that...i won fair and square...but i spent it all except 200 tmn bucks...  :cry:

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:2funny: didn't we all Buntz ,that was another insider dealing IMHO,........ :lol:

only kidding ,

Hmmmm , 40K members in Jan 07, now heading for 50K in September 07

I deduce TMN forum must be popular  :lol:,

how about this for how the popularity of tmn has grown??...jan 01, 2005 1055 members


that's 47670 new members in a little over 2 1/2 years...  :shock::shocked: to me that's amazing...

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how about this for how the popularity of tmn has grown??...jan 01, 2005 1055 members


that's 47670 new members in a little over 2 1/2 years...  :shock::shocked: to me that's amazing...

:shocked:............................ :icon_thumright: and why not , TMN forum can be all thing to all people, and that makes it unique IMHO ,  OK, I  am in the UK and we have loads of forums , but they limit themselves to a narrow band of topics mostly abusive unfortunatly or very specilized , and yes I am a member of a few techie ones because our BB is in some ways different to the States , but if I want to kick my shoes off and chill out , you will find me on TMN forum  :smitten:

Only 1204 new members away from 50 K ,so the race is on ,

any newish members who are thinking of picking a date ?  it looks like some time between mid September and mid October  "Trust me" :lol: just dont pick a date already taken ,

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what no more guesses...???

it's actually gonna over shoot my guess...and happen mid day az mtn time on the 30th of sept

here's what we have so far...

11th September    Justinlay

21 st      "              Coknuck am .Roco pm  Smile by mutual agreement

26 th      "              Powerspec

28th        "              Tdawnaz .....(az mtn time) .......? *shrug*

29th        "              Ajb62787

32nd FM      "        Siryak

3rd  October        Tommie G

5th        "                Starship T

10th    "                  Aggr3

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what no more guesses...???

it's actually gonna over shoot my guess...and happen mid day az mtn time on the 30th of sept


just like a woman :smitten:  buying a new pair of shoes , how come us guys always end up being dragged back to the first store ? .......................  :lol:

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just like a woman :smitten:  buying a new pair of shoes , how come us guys always end up being dragged back to the first store ? .......................  :lol:

Why not just wait there?

:shocked: and let the wife out off sight with my credit card  :twisted:

let me tell you Bro ."I ain't as green as I am cabbage looking " another old Brit saying :evil6:

BTW , the date changers sure have been studying form on the Stats page , :wink2:....... :lol:

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I'm going to change mine to the 23rd and give Roco the 21st am & pm. :azn:

:grin2:,  your going to late for your own funeral Bro  :lol:,

Duh, I think we need a moderator to run this thread , it's getting more twists than a monkey puzzel tree. I feel that date changing must have a time limit ?,

otherwise I will change mine after new member 49,999 has joined  :lol:

also  no new guesses after say 49,500 new members ?

BTW,  00.10.  3rd Sept 07  :evil6:,       1095 to go

P.S. have I missed a post or two , are big TMN bucks now involved ?  :2funny:

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well i wasn't changing mine buuuuttt since u guys decided that we can...guess i will...

24th September      Justinlay

21 st      "              Roco

23rd        "              Coknuck

26 th      "              Powerspec

29th        "              Ajb62787

32nd FM      "        Siryak

1st    October      Tdawnaz .....(az mtn time) .......? *shrug*

3rd        "            Tommie G

5th        "            Starship T

10th      "            Aggr3

changes noted...and in line with what roco said...no changes or guesses after the 49,500 mark...

roco...i put up my 200 tmn bucks...can't remember if any more was wagered...

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