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Hate based on the color of skin is sadly enough something we americans know all to well. Killing thoes of diffrent color and hateing others because of what they may call there God. Considering what we did to the indianians, the black man, and lets face it now the hate is directed towards thoes of middle east decent.

Myself included I tend to forget our nations past. I am embarassed about what my for fathers did to others for no reason. Hitler killed over 4 million jews. I would be willing we killed just as many black, indian man woman and child. I don't condone any of it. Guess I just think all this hate is sad. Let the people of the same sex want to get married well thats just wrong.  Just don't think we can stop the hate. I think in the 60s the hippies had it right. Hey lets have some smoke, and make love not war. Oops.......someone push me off my soap box..............

glad someone wants to pull this thing out of the ditch and back on topic.

the sad truth is that when comparing hitler with the settlement of the americas and other unsavory events in our history like the crusades, the march of the russian army on germany during WWII, the conduct of the war by the allies in general (firebombings, nukes, carpet bombing) and the list goes on and on the old adage that victory is written by the victors holds true.

let's face it. if adolf had pulled it off, I, a 6'4" blond and blue eyed specimen of a strapping german lad would have it made.

before you flame me, keep in mind that this is just me playing out the possibilities a bit. i in no way condone anything in the way of what hitler did. well, maybe building the autobahns.  :wink:

...and the Volkswagen.  [geek]

In reality, Hitler was a genius. Just misguided.  :cheesy:

FUCK NO!!...he was not a genius...he was a mother fucking tweaking coward ...knee deep in his own shit...so fucking superior that he had to escape his own superiority and move on to the next life...he had no brains...he contributed nothing to nobody...he was a paranoid speed freak...so wrapped up in what he thought was real he couldn't see reality...there was nothing superior about him...there was nothing genius about him...there was nothing misguided about him...he was a tweaker...AND...he had the WORST comb-over in history!!!

natural selection...hitler's regime is gone...neanderthal man is gone the vikings r  gone...what do we have...THE HUMAN RACE..."in god's garden there are flowers of many colors and sizes"...get over it...it's all about LOVE, FAMILY, UNITY

anyone ever read something called the 88 precepts...that's bullshit too...written by a convicted killer...who's actually been executed...bye bye now...dumbass...

ahhhhh...i'm staying outta this topic...it just pisses me off to no reasoning... sorry :tickedoff:

take a deep breath...that's it...relax...i luv u all...that's all i gotta say... :smitten:

fyi: these r my personal feeling and do not represent anyone but ME...so stick that in ur pipe and smoke it...but u'd better call me over first :-)

first off, don't knock the vikings. i take personal offense at tat.

second. no, hitler wasn't a genius. i doubt the volkswagen and the autobahn were his idea. he just pushed them through. and the way he did it wasn't nice either. (plenty of forced labor)

and we can be glad that hitler was as inept strategically as he was. he micromanaged military units from the top (just like vietnam, and we lost that one too) and overextended his military. with the military power germany had they could have easily won WWII if the military leaders had been allowed to do their thing. keep that in mind. but hitler messed with the conventional troops too much and spent too much time and resources on his pet "special" weapons. those went so far that they actually had an MP (submachinegun) that had a 90 degree bend in the barrel to shoot around corners without exposing the shooter.

  Let the people of the same sex want to get married well thats just wrong.  Just don't think we can stop the hate. I think in the 60s the hippies had it right. Hey lets have some smoke, and make love not war. Oops.......someone push me off my soap box..............

sorry for cutting down your post ninjageek, I agree, with most of your original post # 45 ,

but as a child of the 60's , we got it wrong , life ain't that simple unfortunately ,

and "smoke" is just avoiding the unpleasant IMHO , but stay on your box ,

a bit more brotherly love, is needed all round ,

Hitler ,  :shrug: the worlds greatest orator ,  started out right  in the 1930's and was the leader Germany needed at that time , Germany had a massive immigration problem , (has America not got a similar problem today ? ) his biggest mistake was opening the Eastern front ( Russia ) who he had labeled subhumans ,

this was done against the advice of his militarycomanders ,

secret weapons , well how did we get a man into space without the knowledge that was gained from those times , 

from my times with the elitist German engineers , (and believe me they still exist )

Quote , anon , "we achieved what we set out to achieve, Hitler would have been dismissed , and buried if we had won the war , but just look around you , we finally got there " ,

so as a Brit.  engineer I looked around , and could see their point ,

BTW I am not a Nazi, new or old , a hidden SS officer aged 80 y. a Jew or Christian,

but a simple observer of life , and all it's hidden twists and turns , and have learnt not to judge a book by it's cover ,

but a simple observer of life , and all it's hidden twists and turns , and have learnt not to judge a book by it's cover ,

well i haven't...he was an ugly man with ugly ideas and ideals...and A BAD COMB-OVER  :2funny::haha: and he's dancing on hot coals as we talk about him  :evil6: ur a good man roco

i just don't think any man should do a comb-over...bald men r sexy...hitler would have been a better man if he just shaved his head like his modern neo-nazi followers :)

k...now off to figure out how to work the tv so i can watch the 911 conspiracy thing on the history channel...fricken tv's r just too complicated...whatever happened to the day when u turned it on and went and made a snack took a shower got ready for bed got ur snack and a drink and sat down to wait for the tv to finish warming up...ahhhhh those were the days :)

k...now off to figure out how to work the tv so i can watch the 911 conspiracy thing on the history channel...fricken tv's r just too complicated...whatever happened to the day when u turned it on and went and made a snack took a shower got ready for bed got ur snack and a drink and sat down to wait for the tv to finish warming up...ahhhhh those were the days :)

That show is a joke.

- According to 9/11 researcher James Gourley, the debunkers attempted to wriggle out of Secretary Norman Mineta's bombshell testimony about Cheney's actions in the Emergency Operations Center, by claiming that Mineta was talking about Flight 93 and not the plane that hit the Pentagon. In reality, Mineta makes it clear in his testimony that he is talking about Flight 77, "the airplane coming in to the Pentagon," and this is then confirmed by Commissioner Lee Hamilton.

- The debunkers admitted that temperatures inside the twin towers were not hot enough to melt steel, but claimed that they were hot enough to weaken steel and cause the collapse. The debunkers uniformly failed to address the fact that firefighters and first responders described witnessing molten steel beneath the rubble of the towers and they also ignored Professor Steven Jones' scientific analysis of the iron-rich microspheres found in the rubble. In a website posting last night, Professor Jones stated that he emphatically pushed the dust analysis during his interview with the producers, but the topic was completely overlooked. The New York Times reported that the molten steel was "perhaps the deepest mystery uncovered" but the History Channel, mirroring NIST, failed to address the issue.

- The debunkers mentioned WTC 7 only in passing and completely failed to address why the building, which wasn't hit by a plane, collapsed in 7 seconds into its own footprint after suffering only limited fire damage from falling debris. They also failed to mention why news outlets were reporting the collapse of Building 7 over an hour before it actually fell.

- The wargames that dovetailed 9/11 and deliberately confused NORAD personnel so as to slow response to the real attack were completely excluded.

- The Able Danger program and how the hijackers were discovered before 9/11 was completely excluded.

- The fact that the money man behind the hijackers, Pakistan

yeh it was a carefully controlled...put together very carefully to discredit everything that people have uncovered since 911...like everyone are lunitics and fanatics...alot of double talk...i just wonder if those people were paid to back the government and their coverup...

it'll all come out eventually but it will be awhile...cuz this is too huge...too many high  officials implicated...

then they follow it with the fort knox thing "see how honest we r...we'll even tell u our most closely guarded secrets...and even show u pictures"...

k...now off to figure out how to work the tv so i can watch the 911 conspiracy thing on the history channel...fricken tv's r just too complicated...whatever happened to the day when u turned it on and went and made a snack took a shower got ready for bed got ur snack and a drink and sat down to wait for the tv to finish warming up...ahhhhh those were the days :)

:2funny: you can remeber those days  :shocked:, Tdawnaz surely you must have been a mere child at that time ?. ................... :lol:

:smile2: my computer works just like that ,.............. : :evil6:

personal mesage for Coknuck , "is this post smooth or what ?  :2funny: .......+ brownie points ?  :2funny:

dam, guys why have I fallen in love with Tdawnaz  :smitten: ?

does  this mean I am doomed, no longer to be  a free man, well come on, she takes a shower  (quote )

" made a snack took a shower got ready for bed got ur snack " before things warmed up  :shocked:....................... :oops:.................... :lol:

Brother, I got nothing on you. :cool:

Hell your smoother than Johnny Walker Blue Label

:2funny: aaaah,  Johnny Walker Blue Label ,now we are talkin Bro , :shocked:,

forget the dames ,that is  bizz.  :lol:, you can laugh Coknunc but my fav is 

Southern Comfort, :lol: once on a freebie drank so much,  the barmaid refused to serve me any more  :lol:, I said madam I am perfectly sober , and promtly fell off

barstool and passed out ,  :2funny:

Btw,I could not eat for 2 days after , yeah I was working at the time and it didn't go down well  :flipa:,


:evil2:, Canadian mist on special order in UK  =$34 USD for 1 pint

Southern Comfort in UK (local superstore ) $28 USD per pint

local superstore scotch  $20 USD per pint , but it is really only good ............

for removing paint from old wooden doors  :evil2:

BTW ,for those with vices .........20 cigerets = $11 USD in the UK .

but looking on the bright side a UK gallon of petrol is only a bargain $9 USD  :twisted:

the old Gereman potato salard sounds good to me .

lol Grandpa have you got a special recipe ?


Yes sir, find the best price and make sure the can opener works.  :lol:

Yes sir, find the best price and make sure the can opener works.  :lol:

:2funny: Guys,we are way off topic here ( my fault )  and we are demeaning the horrors of WW2 , and the millions of Innocent dead from those sad times , :cry2:

I just been thinking of all those young folk , who cant be joining in our fun , but made it possible for us to do so , and that is one almighty sobering thought for me ,

nite all from Roco uk + 8 hours

:2funny: you can remeber those days  :shocked:, Tdawnaz surely you must have been a mere child at that time ?

yes of course i was a child...in fact i musta been an infant...then why do i remember making popcorn...the kind u made on the stove in a big pot...and getting ready for bed...maybe there was an infant in the room...we also had one of those early "color tv's...u know the ones...it was another bubble that fit over the bubble of ur tv screen...and was blue on top and green on the bottom and kinda pink in the middle...yeh we never used it...it was just stupid...

Who like German Potato Salad??? :wink:

i love german potato salad...my mom made the best...a recipe from her mom who was pennylvania dutch...also german cole slaw...another recipe from my grandma

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