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What do you think of the churches pasture hollering such hateful things, and Obama saying he never heard him say that, although has been going to this for roughly 20 years, had his children baptized here, and has given hid tithes to the church regularly.

I see his true self comming out.

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What do you think of the churches pasture hollering such hateful things, and Obama saying he never heard him say that, although has been going to this for roughly 20 years, had his children baptized here, and has given hid tithes to the church regularly.

I see his true self comming out.

He must really have a bad attendance record at this church if he has never heard him say any of this.

He must really have a bad attendance record at this church if he has never heard him say any of this.

You got that right! ,

But from what I gather, the left is trying there best to ignore it, just look how they crucified Romney over his religeous practice, and just imagine if it were McCane that went to a church that spewed crap like this only the other way around, it would be huge.

Another thing I need to say, what is with the lie that Obama did'nt vote for the war? Thats a bunch of tripe! He did ! He's up there stating he was one of the few that voted no, and thats a lie!

He's flustered, and losin control; of his lies!

So begins the downward spiral of another would have been.

Oh yeah, Hillary can do something about that rollin pin swingin voice of her's but what about the ears on Obama?  OK , sorry , shouldna said that, I couldn't ressist.  :evil6:

You got that right! ,

But from what I gather, the left is trying there best to ignore it, just look how they crucified Romney over his religeous practice, and just imagine if it were McCane that went to a church that spewed crap like this only the other way around, it would be huge.

Another thing I need to say, what is with the lie that Obama did'nt vote for the war? Thats a bunch of tripe! He did ! He's up there stating he was one of the few that voted no, and thats a lie!

He's flustered, and losin control; of his lies!

So begins the downward spiral of another would have been.

Oh yeah, Hillary can do something about that rollin pin swingin voice of her's but what about the ears on Obama? OK , sorry , shouldna said that, I couldn't ressist.  :evil6:

Because the left is the media and the media will only put on what supports who they want in office and they want a democrat. And its wrong.

What obama's pasture is doing is illegal anyway and he and obama should be thrown in jail.

out of the 3 only one actually makes some since most of the time, and actually tells the truth instead of lying too the american people.

These people are suppose to work for the american people not the other way around.

I don't care what any of y'all said, well that was mean but theres always going to be race war, specially with barak leading this far. It'll never be let down, as for the whole church thing, this country was made from different religions around all praying to the all mighty. In my opinion there will never be any stop to this, so hang on folks, gonna be a bumpy ride,

Obama has said his fair share of nasties on the race issue. How do you think he swayed the black vote in the first place. Not by talking honky tonk.

So any that thinks he is clean on his views is got another thing coming. He is without a doubt a racist muslism. He'll make Jesse and Al very proud. You can count on that one.

Just my thoughts on what I've seen and heard.

this country was made from different religions around all praying to the all mighty.

  What those words are , (what that church stands for) and what that preacher says does not reflect the almighty!

Yea, we all have our own opinions, but your church is what you believe in! You go there because there are like minded people there.

If they say , or do things that you don't approve of , you do two things, try and voice your opinion , and change things , or you leave!

You don't wait until you see that it's effecting you possibility of becoming a public figure, then renounce what you have stood up for , and the people that you have befriended for twenty years !!!!!!!!!!!

I can't get past the fact that the pasture kept saying GODDAMN the USA, over and over! Bullshit,  Thats treasonous!  Don't like it ?, GET the HELL OUT NOW! Fucker!

Two faced bastard, his serpents tounge will choke his voice  to silence!

where did u guys hear this speech...i musta missed it :(

This has been going on for a week or so, it was out when this thread was started, and he is finall making a rebuttal to what he believes in , and denouncing his friends because it will surly effect the outcome of this election.

He just gave his BS speech about all of this, said  quote : I am hoping this all goes away" un quote.

Well it isn't going to!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Brows to any major news channel to see what is going on, there trying to keep this quiet as well, as usual , like dlewis said!

where did u guys hear this speech...i musta missed it :(

Almost no one saw it. All the major news stations have not aired any of it. Fox news is the only one that has touched it. Glenn beck on CNN has touched it for only like 2 minutes because CNN doesn't want to go anywhere near it. And NBC hasn't said one thing about it. 

Its almost impossible to find any of it on the internet because no one will touch it, which is just wrong.

Your expected to vote for someone but you never know who they really are. Which is why the people need too replace the government.

The link in the post above didn't work for me but I think this one it it & will.

"http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/03/18/obama-race-speech-read- t_n_92077.html"

It will not post correctly but if you copy all that's between the posts.Then paste it in your browser address window it will.

I'm certainly not going to vote for Obama.I read a good bit of the speech & He is trying to have his cake & eat it too. He says he doesn't agree with some of what his reverend said but then defends him as being a good man who he hasn't seen show prejudice agains other races.

Personally I have a problem for any citizen who doesn't define themselves as American only.

If they are "African-American" like Obama claims to be then since they put Africa before America let them return to Africa where their loyaltity apparently is.

Same for "Mexican-American" If you put Mexico first then return or become a citizen of Mexico.Where your loyalty must be since you put it first.The same for any people who came  to America or were born here that decide to describe themselves with another country first then America.Either you are an American only or you don't belong here not as a citizen anyway.I doubt temporary visitors with visas using Mexico as the example call themselves "Mexican-Americans".I bet the say they are Mexicans.Illegals shouldn't be here any way & all Illegals should be deported period.

Almost no one saw it. All the major news stations have not aired any of it. Fox news is the only one that has touched it. Glenn beck on CNN has touched it for only like 2 minutes because CNN doesn't want to go anywhere near it. And NBC hasn't said one thing about it. 

Its almost impossible to find any of it on the internet because no one will touch it, which is just wrong.

Your expected to vote for someone but you never know who they really are. Which is why the people need too replace the government.

This should tell all just how controlling the left can be, this is a major event, enough to force hussein to have a live press confrence today, to try and say he didn't believe all this stuff that his church stands for. And " hardly no one heard it?

Insane! Just vote in one of the two dems, and see what you get.  Makes me want to puke.

Obama isn't the only one who associates with a fanatical minister, lest we not forget that one of McCain's biggest supporters in Ohio is Rob Parsley, a man who has called on Christians to wage a holy war against that "false religion of Islam".......

McCain names him as a spiritual advisor....

Now I wonder who Clinton's closest spiritual advisor is.....

This is interesting, makes you think about the reasoning behing the left not taking this main stream, or should I say taking it mainstream yet. lol

On another note, less liberal links? please.  :2funny:

The video is humorous ?Speaking of the true promised land is no laughing matter, unless of course, someone is a non believer.  Laying hands on someone is a deeply spiritual experience, and held by many as sacred, from both sides of the isle.

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