Sequoia Posted March 20, 2008 CID Share Posted March 20, 2008 With all due respect , why would someone say " honky" and not " nigger" ? It is from the country Nigeria, thats all, it's made to sound derogatory because of the PAST, thats it. Were on the same page, I think, but who cares about a name someone might call us? If I cried over every name I was called, I would have shot my face off a long time ago. I don't use either .I think you are incorrect about the Nigeria origin for "nigger".I think it was first from the Spanish word negro for the color black.You have a higher tolerance for being called names than some do.If you don't believe that go into a 'black" bar & holler "nigger" a couple of times.Then post about the experience if you can. For me I usually don't post the word "nigger" but do so here to discuss it.It's just one of the words I've decided to be politically correct about. My preference is for all of us United States citizens to be called Americans.Like the citizens of most other countries call themselves by only their countries name.Take Italy & Italians for example. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted March 20, 2008 CID Share Posted March 20, 2008 (They are Americans now so it still is their land they just have to share it with the rest of us Americans). So Indian is just a name a conquered people accepted. Since Native Americans aren't from India they should not be called Indians. sequoia...thx for the hx lesson...we all know how the term came about...and they know that native american is a term of respect and why they deserve the title...that's what i was saying...i was saying for everyday living...they don't live or require all this political correctness...and they don't necessarily care to be referred to by their tribal names...i only go by what i'm told by my friend... Honky is a derogatory term & shouldn't be tolerated by a "white" person any more than the "N" word should be by a "black" person.Black people usually don't even like Negro & that's not the "N" word I was referring to. Honky comes from honking like a white goose.Meaning you make a lot of noise but don't have anything of importance to say. As for whitey well switch it & see haw a black person responds to "blacky".My bet is it would offend. but i heard it has something to do with white men sitting outside a black persons home in their cars and honking rather than going up to the door Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 20, 2008 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2008 ok, first off lol, I would have to be on a suicide mission to do that sequoia I guess my point was this, it's ridiculous. Hell , this political correctness crap has to stop. You know it's out of hand when you get a prospective presidential candidate getting pissed when you say his middle name, you say it on the news, or a news talk radio show, and most likely , you'll lose your job, thats bullshit right there my friend, just sickening. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted March 20, 2008 CID Share Posted March 20, 2008 If you don't believe that go into a 'black" bar & holler "nigger" a couple of times.Then post about the experience if you can. For me I usually don't post the word "nigger" but do so here to discuss it. No problem, tell you what, make it worth my while and you can even post the pics. It isn't as big a deal as you make it out to be. And it has to be in KCMO also. Not some other town. but i heard it has something to do with white men sitting outside a black persons home in their cars and honking rather than going up to the door That in itself is interesting. Because I've found honking and not going in to be way bigger among youths here in the city, I relate it to poor upbringing. If a boy tried that while trying to date one of my daughters he would have an awful long wait. In fact I hope he packed a breakfast. :haha: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 20, 2008 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2008 but i heard it has something to do with white men sitting outside a black persons home in their cars and honking rather than going up to the door No, your right, I watched a documentary a couple years ago that said something like that, I don't remember the details, but I do remember hearing that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted March 20, 2008 CID Share Posted March 20, 2008 tdawnaz ;That may be the way your Indian friend feels about it.Does your friend speak in his/her native language? Were this persons ancestors sent to one of the boarding schools & taught to be white? That may be the reason for her opinion. Maybe the Native Americans I have been around are more sensitive to this.Most are proud of their tribe.Especially a Cherokee woman I know shes a registered card carrying Cherokee who gets a check from her tribe every month. But some research does show it preferred both ways so I guess it depends the Native American or Indian you are talking to. For honky there seem to be several definitions.It.s considered derogatory anyway. mudmanc4; Believe it or not I would like to be able to not be as politically correct.It just seems to be a necessity in this time.The point I was making was all Americans should be called just that.Americans & nothing else added.A person trying to be elected President should set that example.Obama doesn't/btw I didn't even know there was a problem with his middle name.I don't even know what it is. tommie gorman; Of course a slum lord like you can walk into a black bar in KCMO they all know you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 20, 2008 Author CID Share Posted March 20, 2008 mudmanc4; Believe it or not I would like to be able to not be as politically correct.It just seems to be a necessity in this time.The point I was making was all Americans should be called just that.Americans & nothing else added.A person trying to be elected President should set that example.Obama doesn't/btw I didn't even know there was a problem with his middle name.I don't even know what it is. Hey pal, I'm with ya, what is disturbing is the point that instead of letting a sleeping dog lay, people ( polititians such as Huessein ) would love to see that old race war live on, for a plethora of ideas, just as much as he is pulling at the weaks heart, and mind to vote for him. As for the dark skin colored Americans , he would like to see get out and vote for him because they are oh so held down by society. (That was humor , for those who didn't get it.) Figure it out! stop sulking, and get out there and make something for yourself! I suppose if he becomes pres., then the next thing on the agenda might be to bring back the bill to pay all (dark skin Americans) for what they feel as owed to them. Like they haven't been taken care of for generations already, and those yet to come. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted March 21, 2008 CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 , there are days, when I am glad I ain't political or have religion , and this is one of these days , is this truly how America picks it's new president ,and in full view of the world in general Dis , and based on invented email images , LOL I never thought I would say I am glad to be a Thinking Brit , and proud to be a European , just my thoughts , and as usual feel free to disagre , but remember the rest of the world is looking on , Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 21, 2008 Author CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 This is what is has become, real nice eh? We choose idiots from a pool of idiots to ruin or future and make us look like fools. Enjoy the show. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted March 21, 2008 CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 tommie gorman; Of course a slum lord like you can walk into a black bar in KCMO they all know you. :haha: Thats cute. But I have to correct two points. I only know half of them. And....I am a landlord, not slum lord bro. A slumlord (also spelled slum lord) is a derogatory term for landlords, generally absentee landlords, who attempt to maximize profit by minimizing spending on property maintenance, often in deteriorating neighborhoods. They may need to charge lower than market rent to tenants. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostmaster Posted March 21, 2008 CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 There isn't a problem with his middle name, and I don't recall Obama making a big deal out of it. The media, and far left did. I understand why as well. The far right, people such as this Bill Cunningham, Sean Hannitty, Rush on and so forth, are trying to play to the fears of ignorant people, because they will associate "Hussein", with Muslim, or Sadaam Hussein. Nobody mentions McCain's middle name, or refers to Bill Clinton, as (William) Bill Jefferson Clinton. George Bush wasn't George H. W. Bush until his son was elected. The only reason Hilary Clinton is referred to as Hilary Rodham Clinton, is because Rodham is her maiden name. Many professionals women, including lawyers use their maiden name, especially if they used it publically before marriage. The point is, nobody on either side should be making a big deal out of his name. Unless he has gone by his full name for his entire professional career, then we shouldn't start calling him Hussein now. I certainly don't want to be called my middle name thats for sure. (Hint: Michael J Fox movie in the 80s where he was an up-and-coming business guy, working in the mail room.) And really does anyone actually use the word Honky anymore? Sanford and Son went off the air decades ago lol.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostmaster Posted March 21, 2008 CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 Some of you might find this interesting too.. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted March 21, 2008 CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 LMAO< yes they still do in the KC hood. Like I said, I laughed really. It was so antique. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted March 21, 2008 CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 :haha: Thats cute. But I have to correct two points. I only know half of them. And....I am a landlord, not slum lord bro. I hope you know the slumlord was a joke. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 21, 2008 Author CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 The only reason Hilary Clinton is referred to as Hilary Rodham Clinton, is because Rodham is her maiden name. Many professionals women, including lawyers use their maiden name, especially if they used it publically before marriage. And really does anyone actually use the word Honky anymore? Sanford and Son went off the air decades ago lol.... Point taken, but , info for those who didn't know, Rodham, is not Her middle name. It is her maiden name. This name comes and goes as she feels politically moved to define herself as such. When Hillary Rodham married Bill Clinton in 1975, she kept using her maiden name as he pursued his political career in Arkansas and she built her reputation as a lawyer in Little Rock. But, in the wake of his loss in a re-election race for governor, she began using "Hillary Clinton." He won back the governorship.,2933,269263,00.html She does want to be called by that name. Obama is being picked on not unlike any other candidate. Thats how it goes, just take it! Besides, yes, he has muslim ties, admits it, and thats the point. Big deal. OMG, I used to enjoy that show,(S&S) Every now and again I see an episode while surfing the boob tube. Can;t show it much now, people are hyper sensitive to frickin names, it makes me laugh to hear that people really let something as childish as this effect there lives, as well as punish others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostmaster Posted March 21, 2008 CID Share Posted March 21, 2008 Point taken, but , info for those who didn't know, Rodham, is not Her middle name. It is her maiden name. I think you were reiterating what I just said, but in-case you weren't, that's what I just said lol.... Considering the amount of oil we buy from Muslims, I'd say we all have an equal tie to them.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted March 22, 2008 CID Share Posted March 22, 2008 I hope you know the slumlord was a joke. Yeah, I knew that. But others might get the wrong idea, its been done before. Appreciate it though. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted March 22, 2008 CID Share Posted March 22, 2008 Considering the amount of oil we buy from Muslims, I'd say we all have an equal tie to them.... I don't feel I have an equal tie to them.If it was up to me oil from the Middle East would be being pumped by the USA as our oil.Due to their part in 911 with the guiltiest being a so called Ally Saudi Arabia. But we import the largest amount from Canada.We are fixing to let Cuba farm out oil drilling off "it's" coast which is also off Florida's coast without the USA drilling any .Some stupid treaty we made with Cuba.I think we should honor this treaty like we did so many of the ones made with Native Americans meaning say screw Cuba.Limit their waters to 12 miles & claim the res for the USA.If we tapped this oil field correctly we could stop importing from the Middle East. That still doesn't stop the too much energy we use.Only less population & development of alternate sources like wind will do that. Here are some links & a pie chart. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted March 23, 2008 CID Share Posted March 23, 2008 Thats was truly an interesting chart there Sequoia. It definately answered some unknowns for me. And did also raise some new ones for me also. That really does bring on some new ones for Mexico being poor as they are also. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostmaster Posted March 23, 2008 CID Share Posted March 23, 2008 That really does bring on some new ones for Mexico being poor as they are also. It shouldn't. The problem is, only a select few take in the oil money, or all of the money for that matter. Thats what happens when you have no government social programs. If you expect the wealthy to take care of the poor you're shit out of luck. I don't feel I have an equal tie to them.If it was up to me oil from the Middle East would be being pumped by the USA as our oil.Due to their part in 911 with the guiltiest being a so called Ally Saudi Arabia. Glad it aint up to you then, cause we'd be in the middle of WW3 already. Not that I don't think its coming. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 23, 2008 Author CID Share Posted March 23, 2008 It shouldn't. The problem is, only a select few take in the oil money, or all of the money for that matter. Thats what happens when you have no government social programs. If you expect the wealthy to take care of the poor you're shit out of luck. You a very smart person! I thought there was only a select few here that had the realization of just one example of what socialism can to to a country. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted March 23, 2008 CID Share Posted March 23, 2008 Glad it ain't up to you then, cause we'd be in the middle of WW3 already. I don't expect it to be. I actually don't know if Mexico has any social problems or not. The solution has always been for the poor to rise up against the rich.Whenthat happens it sometimes runs alright for a while.Unfortunately the leaders of these revolutions get a taste for the money & power & soon become like the ones the overthrew.The cycle begins again. Take the USA for example the government which is really controlled by the rich now & maybe always.It's just the rich of the American Revolution had higher ideals.Now they keep enough money flowing to the Average to lower income citizen they are not ready to give it all up & revolt.The same reason for welfare it keeps the poor not ready to attack the money supply.Or did you think it was because the politicians most rich themselves & definitely representing the rich really cared? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted March 23, 2008 CID Share Posted March 23, 2008 In reality, I believe its the middle class that does most of the caring. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted March 23, 2008 CID Share Posted March 23, 2008 no comment from me on your presidential campaign , over here On the political front UK style , the dirt starts getting thrown , in the warm up to our next election , Conservative leader David Cameron has apologised after being photographed ignoring red lights and cycling the wrong way up a one-way street. Pictures in the Daily Mirror newspaper showed the politician breaching traffic rules as he cycled to work. "I know it is important to obey traffic laws - but I have obviously made mistakes on this occasion and I am sorry," Mr Cameron said in a statement. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted March 23, 2008 Author CID Share Posted March 23, 2008 Thats a good analogy sequoia. Tommie, who is anyone to say who cares more..........? I know thats what you personally think, but could it be because you may be middle class? Maybe the poor think they are the most caring, or the rich because they give the most money to those that don't wanna work? Roco, look at how he got all political like, think he would apologised to himself if he wouldna gotten photographed? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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