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If this is wrong definitely please let me know. Or is this where the lies begin to get worse?  [nerdly]

OK, it was an email.

Subject: Don't let the facts interfere with your spiel

Why doesn't the mainstream media pick up on this stuff? Of course we all

know the answer to that one. They've picked this guy as the next president.

Say What, Barrack?

By Paul R. Hollrah

Tuning in to C-Span recently, I found myself listening to a speech by Senator

Barrack Hussein Obama, Jr. He was standing in the pulpit of a black church in

Selma, Alabama, and as I studied the body language of the dozen or so black

ministers standing behind the senator, I couldn't help but be reminded of the

little head-bobbing dolls that people used to place in the rear windows of

their 1957 Chevrolet's. If their reactions are any indication, the new

"Schlickmeister" of the Democrat Party is actually a pretty accomplished

public speaker.

However, as he spoke, I found my b.s. alarm going off, repeatedly. But I

couldn't quite figure out why until I actually read excerpts of his speech

several days later. Here's part of what he said:

"...something happened back here in Selma, Alabama. Something happened in

Birmingham that sent out what Bobby Kennedy called, "ripples of hope all

around the world." Something happened when a bunch of women decided they were

going to walk instead of ride the bus after a long day of doing somebody

else's laundry, looking after somebody else's children.

"When (black) men who had Ph D's decided 'that's enough' and 'we're going to

stand up for our dignity,' that sent a shout across oceans so that my

grandfather began to imagine something different for his son. His son, who

grew up herding goats in a small village in Africa could suddenly set his

sights a little higher and believe that maybe a black man in this world had a


"So the Kennedy's decided we're going to do an airlift. We're going to go to

Africa and start bringing young Africans over to this country and give them

scholarships to study so they can learn what a wonderful country America is.

"This young man named Barack Obama got one of those tickets and came over to

this country. He met this woman whose great great-great-great- grandfather

had owned slaves; but she had a good idea there was some craziness going on

because they looked at each other and they decided that we know that, (in)

the world as it has been, it might not be possible for us to get together and

have a child. There was something stirring across the country because of what

happened in Selma, Alabama, because some folks are willing to march across a

bridge. So they got together and Barack Obama Jr. Was born. So don't tell me

I don't have a claim on Selma, Alabama. Don't tell me I'm not coming home to

Selma, Alabama."

Okay, so what's wrong with that? It all sounds good. But is it?

Obama told his audience that, because some folks had the courage to "march

across a bridge" in Selma, Alabama, his mother, a white woman from Kansas,

and his father, a black Muslim from Africa, took heart. It gave them the

courage to get married and have a child. The problem with that

characterization is that Barrack Obama, Jr., was born on August 4, 1961,

while the first of three marches across that bridge in Selma didn't occur

until March 7, 1965, at least five years after Obama's parents met.

Obama went on to tell his audience that the Kennedy's, Jack and Bobby,

decided to do an airlift. They would bring some young Africans over so that

they could be educated and learn all about America. His grandfather heard

that call and sent his son, Barrack Obama, Sr., to America.

The problem with that scenario is that, having been born in August 1961, the

future senator was not conceived until sometime in November 1960. So if this

African grandfather heard words that ''sent a shout across oceans,''

inspiring him to send his goat-herder son to America, it was not a Democrat

Jack Kennedy he heard, nor his brother Bobby, it was a Republican President,

Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Obama's speech is reminiscent of Al Gore's claim of having invented the

Internet, Hillary Clinton's claim of having been named after the first man to

climb Mt. Everest, even though she was born five years and seven months

before Sir Edmund climbed the mountain, and John Kerry's imaginary trip to


As one of my black friends, Eddie Huff, has said, "We need to ask some very

serious questions of the senator from Illinois. It's not enough to be black,

it's not enough to be articulate, and it's not enough to be eloquent and a

media darling. The only question will be how deaf an ear, or how blind an

eye, will people turn in order to turn a frog into a prince."

If this is wrong definitely please let me know. Or is this where the lies begin to get worse?  [nerdly]

OK, it was an email.

Weather or not these are facts on this particular article or not, you have to hear what the man (B.H.O) is saying as a whole.  (I'm a politician, I lie my ass off like the rest of them, I'll stop at nothing, unless I get caught, and most of all, I am here to see how many of you are truly oblivious to what is really going on,  so wrapped up in the hate of this country and the people that built it, and defend it, because you know you can't do for yourself, and you need much more regulation in your lives, that he who possesses these traits before me , will vote for me because you are a lost follower that needs my assistance due to the fact you have screwed up this country so bad you don't know what reality is,  My people I am the savior that you have been waiting for , vote for me, vote for change, and hope, because your hopeless, and you need change, because if you believe this your more lost that I thought..................blahahaha, blahh,  blahhh......

  Tommie I think were going to hear in the next several months , just what truth there is to be told on some of the lies that have been told recently.

BTW, change my ass!  Tell me no one ever heard the saying " the more things " change" the more they stay the same"  ?

He most certainly will NOT be getting my vote...I am really disappointed with all of the candidates this year though TBH. The thought of any of them running our country does not sound good to me. :mad2:

well I know this, weather or not this is a fictitious story or not,(the included link below) or weather you can say the guy's middle name w/o getting bashed,  It's all a bunch of phooey !

<a href=http://patdollard.com/wp-content/uploads/2286994669_426a7d669e_b.jpg>Have a laugh, or not</a>

Now that's the best idea I have heard since the race began!!!! Wipe the slate clean and let's start over because "the best they have to offer" all suck ass.  :evil6:

I second that!  Can anyone explain how the hell we ended up with this bunch? sheeze

McCain would be OK. but I do not want to stay at the same capacity in Iraq either. I do not feel we can afford it much longer.  :angry:

The others suck.

McCain would suck balls. Anyone besides mcain imho.  :idiot2: What kind of idiot would want be in iraq for over 100 years?

IMHO, if you want 4 more years of GWB then vote for McCain because he is a GWB

clone.  If he wins this country will be in a Depression instead of the Recession we

are headed for now.  GW. keeps saying we are going through a rough time right

now but, the economy is in good shape.  Bull$#*%? !!!!.  All we have left is a service

economy and hardly any Manufacturing jobs.  All the jobs he tells you that have been

created are low paying service jobs.

Tommie:  That deal you posted sounds like some e-mails that some Rep. friends

of mine send me every year at election time and believe me they don't let facts get in

their way when they try to get their candidates elected.  They get red faced when I

refute their fabricated facts.  :tickedoff::idiot2:

Paladin, McCane ?,  he's a true Democrat!

And to the depression comment, were there anyhow, it's only a matter of a small amount of time, VERY short time, and it has absolutely nothing to do w/ Bush, it has to do w/ greed,  how we all want more money, so we form unions to force them to pay more, then they take there work over seas, or to Mexico.

And they still strike for more benefits.  :roll:

It is comming, it is here, we all better realise this, there are serious times comming, this will be bad, real bad, and there's nothing the government can do, nor should they.

It is comming, it is here, we all better realise this, there are serious times comming, this will be bad, real bad, and there's nothing the government can do, nor should they.

Actually things are going to start getting better they somewhat all ready are with the moves the fed is making. There will be less then a year left of this "credit crunch" and "bad housing market".

anyone that thinks we are even close to a depression has to be on crack to think that.

And too anyone who thinks McCane would be bad. Would you rather have a tax raising thief who wants too make all these "great" programs but doesn't tell you how they are going to pay for them?

First off im not on crack, yet! Lol and the full point lowered will only make housing rates rise, due to the bond market. So what do u think this will do, other than allow the banks to lend more, therefore causing more national debt.

Honestly I am betting within two years things will rise. But I also have that figured with a horrible democrat at the helm. Just not sure if it will be a demon or witch running it yet.  :angry:

Compared to the last 8 years, I'd rather have a demon than the devil....

Compared to the last 8 years, I'd rather have a demon than the devil....

Are you ready to wait  who knows how long to see a doctor if your ill? , What about food lines, and times when you can and can't leave the house, (curfues) ,  what about you paying for those who choose not to work, total police states, and most of your human rights taken away, and so on.

These people feel that the bigger the government, the better. Taking taxes to an un precidented level. 

Are you ready to wait  who knows how long to see a doctor if your ill? , What about food lines, and times when you can and can't leave the house, (curfues) ,  what about you paying for those who choose not to work, total police states, and most of your human rights taken away, and so on.

These people feel that the bigger the government, the better. Taking taxes to an un precidented level. 

Im not a liberal, so no need to preach any right wing fear rhetoric to me. 

When I look at our current situation, these questions come to mind:

If your core belief is that government doesn't work, then how can one to be trusted to run government? 

Are we any better off with the free market (aka Big Business) running these same services?

Does lowering taxes and increasing government spending help lower the national debt?

When we give up our rights such as habeas corpus, is that not inviting a police state?

Speaking of paying for those who do no work, why the fuck are we subsidizing oil companies?  Especially when they are posting record profits?

Don't get me wrong, I believe in limited, but effective government, and none of the current candidates will provide that.  It's a sad state of affairs when one has to choose who will do the least amount of damage. 

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