mudmanc4 Posted May 7, 2008 CID Share Posted May 7, 2008 Thats probably w/ the donut tires, and no paint Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 7, 2008 CID Share Posted May 7, 2008 Most likely, and no radio or free charger. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 7, 2008 CID Share Posted May 7, 2008 Most likely, and no radio or free charger. Crap, the radio probably takes all the power, you turn it on and the thing only goes 35 MPH, and only to the 7/11 and back Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted May 7, 2008 CID Share Posted May 7, 2008 Crap, the radio probably takes all the power, you turn it on and the thing only goes 35 MPH, and only to the 7/11 and back :2funny: I can just see it now.... your racing a bad ass vette off the line and getting your ass whipped.. then you remember to turn off the radio. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 7, 2008 CID Share Posted May 7, 2008 :2funny: I can just see it now.... your racing a bad ass vette off the line and getting your ass whipped.. then you remember to turn off the radio. Well with the systems they have now. That would be all too true. And forget the hydraulics. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shug7272 Posted May 7, 2008 CID Share Posted May 7, 2008 Well with the systems they have now. That would be all too true. And forget the hydraulics. NO SHIT! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mikewt24 Posted May 29, 2008 CID Share Posted May 29, 2008 I was thinking to make a public announcement for a type of gas strike and goes like this: first month everybody to buy gas only from ARGO and THRIFTY and to don't buy all other gas companies . next month to buy only from ARGO and Shell , next month SHELL and Mobil, next month Mobil and Valero, next month Valero and Chevron, next month Chevron and Thrifty , and so on is gone repeat and I think this is the only way to make them to lower the prices by boycotting them. the only problem with this is to get everyone to do it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted May 29, 2008 CID Share Posted May 29, 2008 One of the ways to have enough gas in the tank but a partial strike is this: Don't purchase over 5 gallons then use that before purchasing another 5 gallons.This takes away the petroleum industry from using your gastank for storage. I know there are exceptions & people using several gallons a day because of their job can't do this but the average comsummer can.The problem is like mikewt24 posted: only problem with this is to get everyone to do it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted May 29, 2008 CID Share Posted May 29, 2008 I was thinking to make a public announcement for a type of gas strike and goes like this: first month everybody to buy gas only from ARGO and THRIFTY and to don't buy all other gas companies . next month to buy only from ARGO and Shell , next month SHELL and Mobil, next month Mobil and Valero, next month Valero and Chevron, next month Chevron and Thrifty , and so on is gone repeat and I think this is the only way to make them to lower the prices by boycotting them. the only problem with this is to get everyone to do it. That actually wouldn't make they lower gas prices, doing that would probably make the double over night. Boycotting gas will not make it cheaper. Boycotting gas would make it very expensive, lots of people would loose there job because the oil companies wont be able to pay the employees, and the millions of average american's who have stock in the oil companies would go broke over night. If you want lower gas prices tell congress to get off there ass, wake up, stop buying oil from foreign countries, tell these environmentalists to shut the fuck up, get the oil companies to start drilling off the coast of florida, and california, and build a damn refinery. EDIT: and while they are at it, tell them to start turning coal into oil for consumers like the military is doing. Dig up the oil shale that we have trillions of barrels of. And to stop turing our crops into shit ethanol that doesn't work so our food prices stop going up. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted May 29, 2008 CID Share Posted May 29, 2008 Maybe not the average American doing this by themselves but they have some kind of investment firm doing it for them as a group.Futures speculation is part of the problem.Oil company profits are at a record high so high even Congress is making a show of investigating.I don't see Congress really doing anything though. What I suggested would lower the demand because storage tanks would be full forcing a lower price. In the long run electric vehicles are the way to go it's just development has been suppressed so they're still not practical.I know there are hybrids but this is not really the way to go. We have the ability to produce more electricity that we can use.If it is just developed.Everyday more is being done with wind energy.Solar could be a lot better than it now is. We produce a lot of methane that just goes to waste.Not practical as a vehical fuel but to produce electricty it should work well. Main source would be human waste.The ocean also produces mass amounts that just bubbles up into the atmosphere.If that was collected & used for electricity on a floating charging platform then that would be one more source. Now let's see the government do some of that.It shouldn't even offend the environmentalists.Not that I would mind offending them. We should be drilling off the Florida coast & any other place we can.With proper precautions it shouldn't mess with the environment anyway. One other thing going on is in North Alaska Natural Gas is being pumped back into old oil wells because we have no way to get it to the USA.The stupid builders (the US gov) didn't think of running a natural gas pipeline with the oil pipeline at the same time. There is a solution .We would have to make a treaty with Canada to use their Natural gas pipeline the we would only have to build about a 300 mile pipeline from Alaska to Canada's already existing pipeline. If you want to know why this would help.If more people could use Natural gas for home heating then that heating oil could be made into deisel & maybe gasoline. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 29, 2008 CID Share Posted May 29, 2008 EDIT: and while they are at it, tell them to start turning coal into oil for consumers like the military is doing. Dig up the oil shale that we have trillions of barrels of. And to stop turing our crops into shit ethanol that doesn't work so our food prices stop going up. Bingo again ! Anyone looked at the price of a decent steak lately? For that matter any beef. Thats because the farmers can't afford the grain to feed the livestock because these morons are taking it all for this crappy ass ethanol that burns cold and slow, has much less performance, and more than 95% of the cars on the road can't use it. Let alone the fact everyone forgets the fact they pulled it in the 80's because it eats the components in the fuel systems. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 Bingo again ! Anyone looked at the price of a decent steak lately? For that matter any beef. Thats because the farmers can't afford the grain to feed the livestock because these morons are taking it all for this crappy ass ethanol that burns cold and slow, has much less performance, and more than 95% of the cars on the road can't use it. Let alone the fact everyone forgets the fact they pulled it in the 80's because it eats the components in the fuel systems. :haha: Steak... Not in my house anymore ive switched to pork chops (still fucken good, little piggy is doin alright ). Ethanol is really just bad, It takes more energy to make it then you get from it. Keeping everything E10 (10% ethanol) now is good and is where it should stay, making everything E20 is a bad thing. This year around 25% of the crops are going to produce ethanol, next year its going to be 50% if you don't want corn to cost $10 I suggest we all start speaking up now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wknight40 Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 I'd be careful about calling ethanol low/poor performance. I used to think the same thing until I watched an Indy car race. As quickly as those cars got around that track, 220MPH average, that's pretty quick. Granted those engines are designed to run on ethanol and not gas, but that is the thing that needs to be done. Design engines to run on the stuff and get the ethanol in the stations. Also ethanol can be made from grass clippings and other leafy products not just corn and wheat products. Granted even a 10% ethanol (E90) I have notice a drop in performance in an engine but again putting ethanol in an engine designed for gasoline you will lose performance. Myself I'll be one of the last to get on SUV owner's about driving them around. I used to have one but it got to the point that I could not afford to fill it up and had to get rid of it. If it was paid for I'd still have it today. The sad part is it is costing me the same amount of money to fill a 2007 Camry today that it cost to fill a 2000 Durango 2 years ago. I have a family of 5 and the Durango was perfect, we fit in the Camry but it is a bit snug. Gas strikes will not work. As nation we depend on our oil burning vehicle too much. Congess will not do anything since most if not all own stock in something that makes them rich off high oil prices. The best we can do is drive more sensibly, pick our errands better and decide on what luxury to give up each week to fill the tank. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 It doesn't matter what you make ethanol out of its still a joke, it takes more energy to make it then you get back when you put it in your car. Ethanol from grass clippings is even worse. Sugar cane ethanol is just about a wash the amount of energy put it in, is able the same you get out of the fuel. In this country we should not have to be worrying about how much gas will cost, we have more oil under our land, and around our cost then any other place on earth, but we can't get it. We have more coal then any place on earth, but we can't turn it into oil, only congress will let the military do that. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 I'd be careful about calling ethanol low/poor performance. Well like you said, those "indy cars are designed to run it" , and the ethanol they use is absolutely nothing like the crap they pour into the already diluted muck they sell at the corner station. There is no comparison there whatsoever. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 Of course they will say it is low performance, and expensive to produce. But again these are two year old standards everyone is preaching from. Now it is lower in cost to produce ethanol, many have forgotten the rise in fuel prices. And of course the gov't and oil thugs will say it is not econimical to use it. And there is no reason for food to be short, just stop CRP and open up millions of acres to nothing but corn. And save the money spent to the farmers to sit, and spend it to produce cars that run more efficiently on the stuff. these engines are designed to burn fossil shit, but with redesign they can no doubt burn better and "WAY" cleaner then crap burners. And by god if any of our corn is goinhg to the middle east trade the bastages high on prices just like they do us. I woonder what they would think if they had to pay exhorbitant prices for it the way we do their fuel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
philp Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 And by god if any of our corn is goinhg to the middle east trade the bastages high on prices just like they do us. I woonder what they would think if they had to pay exhorbitant prices for it the way we do their fuel. Not sure it would bother them a bit seeing as how they have all our money that we spent on their oil. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 Of course they will say it is low performance, and expensive to produce. But again these are two year old standards everyone is preaching from. Now it is lower in cost to produce ethanol, many have forgotten the rise in fuel prices. And of course the gov't and oil thugs will say it is not econimical to use it. And there is no reason for food to be short, just stop CRP and open up millions of acres to nothing but corn. And save the money spent to the farmers to sit, and spend it to produce cars that run more efficiently on the stuff. these engines are designed to burn fossil shit, but with redesign they can no doubt burn better and "WAY" cleaner then crap burners. And by god if any of our corn is goinhg to the middle east trade the bastages high on prices just like they do us. I woonder what they would think if they had to pay exhorbitant prices for it the way we do their fuel. Ethanol is not much cheaper to produce then regular gas. The problem is not that it gives you low performance, or its worse for the engine, doesn't give as smooth of a ride, the problem is that it takes more energy to produce a gallon of ethanol then you get when you burn that same gallon in your car. It doesn't matter how many acres you open up for corn, the price of corn is going to go through the roof, next your 50% of corn is going to be used for ethanol, next year your going to be paying a hell of alot more for all types of food because of this. Any cow and pig product its going to get hit big by this, and it will not be uncommon to see a medium sized stake at $20 bucks. Ethanol is not the way too go, why deal with all these high food prices, when there is $1.50 a gallon gasoline sitting right off our costs, and in trillions of barrels of oil shale in colorado. oil is still the answer and will be till the auto makers get hydrogen working 100% Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 I don't even think the farmers should be allowed to grow corn in my part of the country.It takes too much water.Now if they can grow it without irrigation I have no problem with the farmers growing corn. The problem with hydrogen is the same as methane.Storage capacity has to be too large for a vehicle.I did read somewhere this was improved for hydrogen but I forget where.Still it's better for stationary energy production.That means electricity.So what the research really needs to be into is a much better battery & efficient electric motors for cars. Also a very high tax on vehicles over a certain size.The more of us that are driving small cars the safer it is for those that are already driving small cars.All the large SUV vehicles should have been outlawed before they were ever produced.The problem was when in the late 1970's & early 1980's small vehicles are what many drove.These began to save too much gas so the gas hogs were reintroduced to make the petroleum industry more money. Leaving out foreign cars remember the Pinto & Vega came out in 1971.& I know in 1968 a Chevy Nova had a 4cyl option. We should have a small 5 passenger vehicle right now that will get 55 MPG highway loaded.We would if the trend had stayed small.Unless the petroleum companies stopped it .Which is what happened. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 You know one big resource no talks about much really is electricity? And there are some really fast cars out there on it. It is totally free from the sun and wind. And totally good for the earth? Ford had one badass one they leased out, then a year or two back they recalled them. Does any of this ring a bell? Two great ides by Ford, and now the prices take the hell off, and Ford is not doin too well. Not really sure if any of this makes sense, but it does raise a lot of questions in my head. : Or how about that 60+ mpg Ford pickup they was going to produce a year or two back? The one that had that bumper to bumper cylinder under it. The one article and it disappeared. Never heard of it again. And I was gearing to buy one really. And this time it was by an automaker. I figured that one could not get bought out. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 You know one big resource no talks about much really is electricity? And there are some really fast cars out there on it. It is totally free from the sun and wind. And totally good for the earth? Ford had one badass one they leased out, then a year or two back they recalled them. Does any of this ring a bell? Two great ides by Ford, and now the prices take the hell off, and Ford is not doin too well. Not really sure if any of this makes sense, but it does raise a lot of questions in my head. : Or how about that 60+ mpg Ford pickup they was going to produce a year or two back? The one that had that bumper to bumper cylinder under it. The one article and it disappeared. Never heard of it again. And I was gearing to buy one really. And this time it was by an automaker. I figured that one could not get bought out. Actually the hydraulic hybrid is still there, and is going to be used. i'm guessing that the reason its not out already is because they are trying to get there whole line ready for the new fuel regulations, this is kind of a slap on all the auto makers. Ford and GM where ready with hydrogen SUV's to, but then the new standards fell in there lap and they have too meet those. Both there hydrogen cars have been pushed back to around 2013 now. Ford has already started with hydrogen, they have busses in las vegas now that are 100% hydrogen. They can have it in 5 years for everyone if there are stations too fill up. EDIT: They are also doing a hydrogen police intercepter that will be ready very soon, but again you need hydrogen fuel stations, that is the big problem. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 Well if they ever get it on the market I'll be sure to buy one if they do not make it necessary to add tons of options to make it too expensive to buy. And we all know how resale will be on old ones. MIght keep mine just for parts. And a stand by truck. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dlewis23 Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 Well if they ever get it on the market I'll be sure to buy one if they do not make it necessary to add tons of options to make it too expensive to buy. And we all know how resale will be on old ones. MIght keep mine just for parts. And a stand by truck. I would buy one too. I would LOVE to have a Hydrogen Edge, but fuel companies need to get off there ass and put in the fuel stations. By 2010 California will only have 170 or so of them, They are going to be putting them up and down the turnpike here in florida starting next year, but its not fast enough. You can "buy" these cars now if you have enough money, but there is no place to fill them up. GM already has over 100 of them around, last time I looked ford was around the same number. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 I meant the hydraulic pickup, sorry. It would still put a damper on the fuel usage here in the states. There are a lot of F150 owners out there. I believe till the last year the biggest seller still. I mean going 3 1/2 times as far on the same amount of the fuel would be fantastic, and that is not considering going from an old gas hog pickup. Some owners would be seeing 6 times as far on the same amount of the fuel. Unless you are considering mudmancs truck, then maybe 100 times as far on the same amount of the fuel. :haha: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bic Posted May 30, 2008 CID Share Posted May 30, 2008 One of the ways to have enough gas in the tank but a partial strike is this: Don't purchase over 5 gallons then use that before purchasing another 5 gallons.This takes away the petroleum industry from using your gastank for storage. I know there are exceptions & people using several gallons a day because of their job can't do this but the average comsummer can.The problem is like mikewt24 posted: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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