coknuck Posted August 3, 2008 CID Share Posted August 3, 2008 I found this interesting from the Canadian Free Press Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 3, 2008 CID Share Posted August 3, 2008 WOW, good read coknuck. Honest, the best of this thread so far in my opinion. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 3, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 3, 2008 So there we have it, and there's no one that can deny what is written in that article. This situation has grown much more dire in the recent years, and will continue to warp and mutate as the powers that feed us, and supply us with the trivial trinkets they seem to have instilled in our minds that we all must have. I don't believe all is lost, or do I believe that we have no chance, we will continue to feed the financial beast that has taken over politics and re written history until what we call out rights, may be reduced to nothing more than when we defecate . We asked for it with such laws as no smoking, no walking on the grass, no smoking grass, and no peeing on the sidewalk. If another attack ensues, against the US , such as a wide scale attack, the " government " may declare marshal law, this would mean curfews, all the way to rations. There will be wide spread panic, and chaos, this is when the real terror begins. Just my vision of the future, it means nothing else . Then we'll know who and what will be the ones that will have our lives in there hands. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted August 3, 2008 CID Share Posted August 3, 2008 For standing with American troops.I may disagree with the USA being in Iraq but I stand with the troops.I would never do to them what was done to the Viet Nam soldeirs when they returned" Edited by request of the original poster Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 3, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 3, 2008 EDIT Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted August 3, 2008 CID Share Posted August 3, 2008 For once I am lost for words , is there so much hate in America ? do you fear an invasion , ? so much so that individuals have to be armed and prepared ?, does all this S**T have to spill out in G/D for the world to see , if so terrorism is winning IMHO, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 3, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 3, 2008 For once I am lost for words , is there so much hate in America ? do you fear an invasion , ? so much so that individuals have to be armed and prepared ?, does all this S**T have to spill out in G/D for the world to see , if so terrorism is winning IMHO, I'll answer theze in the order you asked them. K ? No No Yes , we like to be ready for you when you come knockin No and very doubtful Now there's no need to so jealous , just drink your tea, and calm down . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 So if as you say there is not hate in America , why am I reading so much in TMN forum , Terrorism is the perfect tool , and cannot be beat in a conventional war , it breeds faster than bombs , and LOL, on the Tea, don't get me started again , the USA still owes for the last lot that got dumped . and BTW , the Brits ain't coming knocking , you don't have enough ready oil .... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
coknuck Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 This guy says he is a 'Christian' and not a Muslim, but a Christian would never be this snide about the Bible, would he???? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 4, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 So if as you say there is not hate in America , why am I reading so much in TMN forum , Terrorism is the perfect tool , and cannot be beat in a conventional war , it breeds faster than bombs , and LOL, on the Tea, don't get me started again , the USA still owes for the last lot that got dumped . and BTW , the Brits ain't coming knocking , you don't have enough ready oil .... It's not hate , I know brits see it that way, it's called actually having discussion about opinions, and acting on them by vote. Not apathy. The price some may think "owed " to others has, and is being payed in blood when others dodge. Even the boy wants to fight. Think about it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostmaster Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 Christians can't even agree on the bible. If they did, there wouldn't be over 50 denominations. If the definition of a Christian is someone who believes and accepts Jesus as their personal savior, and that he died for the sins of mankind, then how can we accuse Obama of not being a Christian, just because he interprets the bible his own way. Rod Parsley tried to command the Holy Ghost on TV one time, does that make him less of a Christian? That video was hilarious. Its pretty clear to me, that all he was saying was that you shouldn't take everything in the bible so literally, and that the bible has no place in making policy decisions. Thats why we have seperation. I can just imagine Jesus on a hill top with a minigun blasting an army of terrorists. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 4, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 Although I respect your opinion ghostmaster, I'm not going for it myself. Someone who claims to be a Christian I've never heard talk that way about the bible, no matter the denomination. Sorry Tommie, not gonna happen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 Thats no christian. taking one passage out of each book and making a statement about the whole testament. What a jackass. Its pretty clear to me, that all he was saying was that you shouldn't take everything in the bible so literally, and that the bible has no place in making policy decisions. Then he should read Revelations some time for his words. But I truly doubt he will ever bother reading it himself. I am sure it was all researched for him on that one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 hmmm I would worry where I went wrong "even the boy want's to fight " I would rather mine looked at all the options first , back on topic , well as close as , I won't disrespect the Bible and it's interpretations , each to their own I guess , but what does puzzles me , is why is Jesus shown as being a White , blue eyed , blonde ,But in fact most probably the same colour as Obama , it's little details like that , that stops me beliving , and made me unpopular at the church schools as a kid , Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 4, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 I was referring to the prince. EDIT, I consider that comment " I would wonder where I went wrong " a personal attack, not only to me, but all the fighting troops out there, I have had enough of your antics roco, Keep that in mind please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Roco Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 I was referring to the prince. My apologises , I read price as price , The Prince don't have the option if he wants to keep his job , Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 4, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 My apologises , I read price as price , The Prince don't have the option if he wants to keep his job , Well what's a prince good for then. And what's that tell the rest of the population, he's supposed to be a role model, not a servant of the people. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tdawnaz Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 that picture of Jesus is as has always been accepted...even in most black's only been recent years that proof has shown that that picture is most likely not possible. but i still believe that he was a leader of man...and a healer and a prophet...i'm a Christian...but not by any standards that u all know...i have my own beliefs and i'm steadfast in those beliefs and i'm not gonna change them to further my political career... this guy is alien for sure...that's all i he'll get in office and reveal all his tentacles...the we'll all know and it'll be too mccain the answer? probably not...but there were others that may have been but maybe it wasn't destined Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scdreamin3 Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 [glow=red,2,300]And speaking of Obama being an alien...[/glow] <a href=""><img src="" alt="Free Image Hosting -" /></a><br /><br /> <a href=""><img src="" alt="Free Image Hosting -" /></a><br /><br /> Sources say Obama is an alien overlord from outer space By: Andrew Flick Issue date: 1/30/07 The Fox News Network is a polarizing influence on the American news media. Consider what happens when two people argue and one of them begins to shout. The argument escalates. Sides are chosen. Soon, any middle ground between the two parties is lost. However, one need look no further than the mirror to see who really loses when political zealots of any stripe allow their bias to determine what is and isn't news. On Jan. 16, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) declared his candidacy for president of the United States. Just a few days later, Fox News aired a morning segment accusing Sen. Obama of being a closet Muslim and a potential terrorist sympathizer. Later in the day, Fox News' John Gibson ran with a story that first appeared on the website of Insight Magazine (more on them later) which claimed that the Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-NY) and her staff were responsible for the smear on Obama, a claim denied by the Clinton team which refers to the Fox News coverage as "an obvious right-wing hit job." Citing an unnamed source, described as "sources say" or "the source," the article on is dubious. "The source" is referenced a total of 14 times and every salient fact of the Insight article is credited to "the source," making the story essentially hearsay. But that didn't stop Fox News from making this story the focus of that day's reporting, and consequently the hot political topic of the month. So, I decided to do a little research of my own, starting with Insight magazine. My first clue was finding the phrase "liberal media establishment" in three separate places on the homepage of Insight's website. After very little digging, a history of conservative bias at Insight became clear. Furthermore, Insight supported Paula Jones financially in her lawsuit against former Democratic president Bill "I-Did-Not-Have-Sexual-Relations-With-That-Woman" Clinton, enabling Jones to continue the suit after her personal funds were depleted. Fox News should never have used this article from this magazine as the basis for a news story. At best, it makes everyone at Fox involved with the story appear lazy and unprofessional. At worst, they seem libelous and biased. But, I suppose bias in the media isn't exactly news, especially when the media outlet under discussion is owned by Rupert Murdoch. What concerns me about this story, and what you should also be concerned about, is the apparent contempt and disregard Fox News has shown for the truth. The allegations against Sen. Obama, which were based on his childhood in Indonesia, have since been proven false by an Australian CNN correspondent who actually took the time to go to Jakarta, Indonesia to check the facts. The facts that were already disclosed by Obama in his autobiographies. Sen. Obama is not Muslim, nor was he raised in the Muslim faith. Contrary to the reporting done by Fox News, he never attended a madrassa (defined by Fox as a "Muslim seminary") that espoused extreme anti-American views. And, on a side note, the Arabic word "madrassa" means "school," just school. Fox also didn't check the facts or purposefully ignored them. This is exactly the kind of journalism universities teach aspiring reporters not to practice. This is low journalism. It is unethical and undermines the institution of America's free press. Everyone at Fox News should know better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
scdreamin3 Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 This -----> was posted in the ny times. Now I know they say you can't believe everything you read, but if the facts are true....? I mean, I know Clinton says he didn't inhale.... , and W has had his fling with drunk driving and cocaine.... And now Obama, if elected, I guess America will once again forgive and forget.Hmm, what a crazy world we live in. One more bit of trivia.....George Washington and Thomas Jefferson among others grew marijuana. Hmm, interesting.I just don't know though if I would want to vote for a president that did heavy drugs. Thats just my opinion. <a href=""><img src="" alt="Free Photo Hosting -" /></a><br /><br /> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostmaster Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 I think Im going to leave this thread. It was fun for a while, but not we're just pissing eachother off.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 4, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 I think Im going to leave this thread. It was fun for a while, but not we're just pissing eachother off.... Sorry you got pissed man, try not and take peoples comments personal, I know there has been a few posts that were down right nasty, but you'll always have those who decide not to have a mature conversation, and try to antagonize others. If I have said anything to piss anyone off, allow me to make apologies, I'm sure we can keep going w/o sounding like that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
tommie gorman Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 .....George Washington and Thomas Jefferson among others grew marijuana.It was called hemp. It was very low grade and used to make rope. Hence hemp rope. Here in the midwest it was very popular. But not the same as what is sold on the street today. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mudmanc4 Posted August 4, 2008 Author CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 It was called hemp. It was very low grade and used to make rope. Hence hemp rope. Here in the midwest it was very popular. But not the same as what is sold on the street today. From what I understand, you get higher off a cigarette, than you do hemp. You would have to smoke like a half pound to get buzzed off hemp. By then you'd be dead from the smoke itself Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sequoia Posted August 4, 2008 CID Share Posted August 4, 2008 so much so that individuals have to be armed and prepared ?, G/D For one reason we are armed because law enforcement can't be everywhere at once. I don't think they can be in the UK either.Or is law enforcement on the spot to stop every crime ? So UK citizens have no need to be armed for the above reason. I know law enforcement isn't able to do that here.Armed citizens who are ready & willing to use their arms usually stop the crime being attempted against them.The ones killed with their own arms weren't ready & willing. The next reason is if the government gets enough out of hand we the people are supposed to use our arms if necessary to get the government back in line. I think the Texas state Constitution puts it well .This part is attributed to Sam Houston. When a government has ceased to protect the lives, liberty, and property of the people ... and ... becomes an instrument in the hands of evil rulers for their oppression ... it is a ... sacred obligation to their posterity to abolish such government and create another in its stead. btw what does G/D mean ? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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