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Could Obama be the antichrist ?  

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  1. 1. Could Obama be the antichrist ?

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sequoia...u post alot of "facts" and "figures"...u wanna post ur source?? or were these all guesstimates

it would be nice if u posted where u get ur info...

A lot of what I post is from personal knowledge & some is opinion.I can usually back it up fairly well with links even if I did not find the information on the web.If you would like anything in particular referenced I will do what I can to find a link

Here are some :

Indian boarding schools


At least one case in 1945 Bill Wright, a Pattwin Indian I don't believe he was the only student.


Washington refusing to be made king.


Everson v. Board of Education


Slavery allowed by British empire


Threatened by teacher for carrying Bible in school


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Here are some more links:


just video:


There have been cases where a child has been sent home for carrying a Bible.While another child is allowed to wear a head covering because of her religion.The difference is one is Christian.

While I couldn't find the case where the student was suspended it did happen.Here are some other persecutions of Christain students by public schools



The school was found wrong on this one. Still they got by with it because a sticker added back to available yearbook records is not the same as the student's entry being in the yearbooks.IMO the school should have had to recall the yearbooks & reissue them corrected.


This is the one where the Muslim student was allowed to wear a head covering by court decision.

Showing government support .


More where it has been allowed.



I think that students in public schools should be allowed to practice their religion or culture how they see fit.  Whether that means carrying a bible, or wearing a headdress.

As long as the schools, or teachers aren't forcing or teaching any religion, Im fine with the rest.

I think that students in public schools should be allowed to practice their religion or culture how they see fit.  Whether that means carrying a bible, or wearing a headdress.

As long as the schools, or teachers aren't forcing or teaching any religion, Im fine with the rest.

I'll second that !  Who cares what someone else wants to believe, I mean were telling our kids right off the bat that they have to be controlling what others do, think about it.

There's no argument in the world, nor will I allow any fast talkin BSin crap that will change my mind on that one.

If you want to teach your young about religon, or a certain belief, then send them somewhere that does that, but don't stop all of them from traditional whatever, let them carry a bible, or a koran, wear a cross, or headgear, what the hell is it hurt ? Nothing thats right. Don't like it ? then don't look at it, Can't not look at it ? thyen go somewhere else, period.

It's high time we stop allowing the few to make decisions for the rest of us, where the hell is my vote ?

Like in a town near me, they are going to implement a law that you get a ticket when caught on the cell phone while driving, thats bullshit, if I'm driving through, and need to make, or take a call concerning business, or personal, I'm takin it, and I will take it to court.  There waiting to the kids come back to school, ( college town ) so they can have a town meeting about it. But there will be no vote, what a handful of jokers decide, will go for the masses, thats bullshit.

* walks away murmuring obscenities under breath  *

The reason for all the links is I was asked to link some of facts & figures.

The point of the last post was the inequality of treatment between the Christian & Muslim students .This being done by school personnel.

The Christian students were far more persecuted for things related to their beliefs.

The Muslim girls in two of the links were wearing their hijabs to schools where the school personnel were not stopping them in any way.The had some student harassment but that is not the same.

This in a predominately Christian country which the USA still is.

My point is they should allow religious freedom under the first amendment equally to both.That would be my American political view .

My Christian belief of what God will do to non Christians doesn't involve religious freedom or equality.I'm not a believer in many different religions with their own path to the same God .

The many paths view does seem to be one of Obamas' beliefs.One of my objections to him.Even then I think Obama will say anything to get elected.I guess that makes him like a lot of other politicians.

Back to the topic Obama, the antichrist ?

I won't quote chapter & verse but many think the "dragon, with seven heads and ten horns and upon its heads seven diadems" represents a one government world.The EU may be the start of this but the rest of the countries will need to join them.

Then the woman riding the beast which represents the new one world religion the only one that will be legal & the one government world.

Those will need to be happening as the antichrist appears & comes to full power.

Unless Obama wins the Presidency & a lot happens while he is President I don't think the world is there yet so Obama can't be the antichrist.Maybe one of the antichrists' minions.

Beleif in this prophecy requires beleif in the New Testament.That would mean being a Christian.

Without that the word antichrist has little meaning .

I do not believe Mr Obama is the anti-christ, though I would concede the possability that the Universe was created by an intelligent conscious force. On the other hand from what  religions say about their God  it does not seem to me that Judaism, Christanity or Islam  have had any knowledge or contact with this intelligent conscious force if such a force exists and the Universe is not merly the product of natural processes. Since I  think the possability of such a conscious force existing that would have created the Universe as against the possability of the Universe coming in to existance by natural processes would be something like 20 per cent for the conscious force scenario and 80 per cent for the natural processes scenario and I don't believe any of the three religions I have previously named would have any contact with or knowledge of such a conscious force if it exists, and the anti-christ is very much a Christian concept I  really am very doubtfull  that Mr Obama could be the anti-Christ. No, I do not think Mr Obama is the anti-christ but I do believe that he would make a terrible US President for the reason that I heard  what he had to say in response to attracting criticism over a church which he has attended and more specifically the comments and attitudes displayed by one of its prominent preachers. Mr Obama made excuses for being involved in this garbage by makeing comparisons with one's duty and relationship to one's family, well sorry that is just moronic garbage one can not chose one's mother or father or who one's wife's brother or sister is, but one sure as hell can choose what Church one attends and the preachers whose sermons one chooses to listen to. My problem with Mr Obama is not the Church he attended and preachers whose sermon's he chose to attend, everbody makes mistakes, what I find offensive is the arguments he has used to justify himself in haveing done so, which in my opinion if the man [ ie Mr Obama ] is not a complete idiot as one supposes he is not, comes under modus operandi of "trying to fool all of the people all of the time".

It might seem from this communication that I am singleing out Judaism, Christanity and Islam for special criticism or that I am saying there are no other religions except these or some mixture of those positions, I only have mentioned those 3 religions because I do not have enough knowledge of other religions to properly relate them to the points I have made above.

Best and Warm Regards

Adrian Wainer

How to save the government MILLIONS

A president's pension currently is $191,300

Per year. Assuming the next president lives

To age 80. Sen. McCain would receive ZERO

Pension as he would reach 80 at the end of

Two terms as president. Sen. Obama would

Be retired for 26 years after two terms and

Would receive $4,973,800 in pension.


Therefore, it would certainly make economic sense to

Elect McCain in November.

How's that for non partisan thinking???

How to save the government MILLIONS

A president's pension currently is $191,300

Per year. Assuming the next president lives

To age 80. Sen. McCain would receive ZERO

Pension as he would reach 80 at the end of

Two terms as president. Sen. Obama would

Be retired for 26 years after two terms and

Would receive $4,973,800 in pension.


Therefore, it would certainly make economic sense to

Elect McCain in November.

How's that for non partisan thinking???

Your truly right thinking. I love it !!!!!!

i got that from ewo...thought he would post it but he didn't...so i had to...thought those were pretty fantastic figures if they're true...i admit i didn't check it...but i did get something similar before about soc sec...so it's close i think...

This guy is pasionate about what he feels, can you hear the truths comming out, and what concerns me is his wellbeing in the near future. This  " machine " he speaks of  is very very powerful, they will not tolerate any one, or any amount of growth towards his instructions.

People are blinded about what is happening, and what is about to happen, you can sit there smug, and in denial, but this doesn't change the facts. The people of not only America, but the world are about to experience something of the likes of which they have never seen. Nor would they imagine.

Scary doesn't fit the profile, terrifying is a slight bit closer. Whatever happens in the next twelve months, we all have to stick together, we do have common ground, and it will show itself all to soon.

Wow would I be right in thinking that Mr Manning does not like Barak Obama very much?  Whilst I could agree with much of what Mr Manning is saying l think it might overstating the case somewhat to compare Mr Obama to Adolf Hitler, not because I would think Mr Obama is such a nice person but to get around to doing the things that Hitler did one would have to have very particular skills none of which he has displayed to me so far, from what I have seen of him which I eadily confess is not a lot. In respect of the Oprah Winfrey show anybody who would criticize it would certainly attract a sympathetic hearing from me, in fact somebody proposing a strike with a thermonuclear weapon, provided it was done in a constitutional and legal manner and could guarantee the elimination of the Oprah Winfrey show would attract a sympathetic  hearing from me. One issue on which I would strong disagree with Mr Manning is his use of the term Liberal, frankly many of people who call themselves Liberals are quite simply nothing of the sort, they are crypto-Fascists or crypto-Nazis or crypto-Communists or suchlike such as e.g. Islamist Arab racial supremacists  who assume a posture of supposedly advocating liberal values for the simple reason it is neither politically expedient, rewarding, fashionable nor respectable to be going around openly voicing one's allegiance to Adolph Hitler or Uncle Joe Stalin political ideology or openly saying that all people who are non Muslims and who would not submit to Islam either by conversion to Islam or accepting  Dhimmi status should be exterminated and that all non Arab Muslims are racially inferior to Arab Muslims.

Best and Warm Regards

Adrian Wainer

Nah I would not put him up with Adolf, Hitler did not need his writers as bad as Obama does. And Hitler himself was a very smart man. Obama I give much less intelegent credit to. Hitler really knew what he was doing, and did not need a slew of aids to think for him.  :uglystupid2:


Hot on the heels of his explanation for why he no longerwears a flag pin,presidential candidate Senator Barack Obama was forced to explain why he  doesn't follow protocol when the National Anthem is played.

According to the United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, Sec. 171, During rendition of the national anthem when the flag is displayed, all present except those in uniform are expected to stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart. 

  'As I've said before about the flag pin, I don't want  to be perceived as taking sides,' Obama said.

  'There are a lot of people in  the world to whom the American flag is a symbol of oppression. And the  anthem itself conveys a war-like message. You know, the bombs bursting in air and all. It should be swapped for something less

parochial and less  bellicose. I like the song 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing.' If that were our anthem, then I might salute it.'

This is the first time I have seen this answer. I already thought he was a light weight, but from his own mouth he says, he doesn't want to take sides for theUSA ? How can he be President if he thinks of the American flag as a symbol of oppression and he can't respect our national anthem and what the words represent?  I do not believe that this radical liberal is in touch with the American people if he believes the American people would EVER consider changing the national anthem to his choice of 'I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing'. He apparently wants to salute a song but not the country's flag. What an idiot! This guy

Maybe THIS is part of what he meant about 'change'?


One Nation Under God

I'm not goin with snopes on this one, everyone knows to put there hand on there heart, he was making a statement, period.

It doesn't really matter what was said about what he said , or didn't, there's no way in the world, he didn't know what he was doing, no damn way.

What exactly is this bold statement he is making?  "I hate America, I don't respect it at all.  I'm running for President with the sole purpose of handing it over to terrorists." 

Did ya ever stop and think, maybe this guy is just kinda stupid.  Not that he isn't intelligent, just no common sense.  

This raises another point.  All this post 9/11 pseudo patriotism is getting annoying.  I love this country as much as the next guy, but it's gotten to the point where you cant criticize our country at all without someone questioning your loyalty.  Before 9/11, nobody would give a damn about this photo.

Perfect example would be those damn swift boat veteran's for truth.  How does someone who skipped Vietnam to do blow, have the balls to march those guys in front of him during the convention.....and over half of the country ate that BS up.....

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