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This will definitely result in bad karma my friend. Like reno said, if the items you purchased are very expensive, you will be in deep shit. Even if the stuff is cheap, it depends on the person that owns the card and their decision on how to handle the situation. Once the law gets involved, especially if it's considered felony grand theft, it will be out of the hands of the cardholder.

You will need to get a program titled "East-Tec Eraser 2004" and run it on one of the higher erase prevention wipes to clean you HD. Use one that prevents Hardware & Software data recovery. I use the one titled "Stop Hardware Recovery (DoD)". Be sure to burn your most important information first :).

Good Luck!

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It doesn't matter if he erased his HDD, he had it shipped to his house. That makes is extremely easy for the police. Besides online stores  keep trace of your IP address for that very reason. They will just have your ISP turn over the info to who was using that IP address at that time. If you gave them your e-mail address, they'll do the same there too. BTW they can also get you're pic from your Yahoo! profile to help identify you.

Oh, and one more thin, from what I've read (see below), you've just confessed here. So all of us here are wittinesses too.

i dont know how this is gonna work but i think im screwed guys... ya are gonna say i shouldnt do this stuff but listen up. i stole ssome credit card numbers and used them online and bought some stuff for them to ship to my house. will they catch me is my question???????

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i dont know how this is gonna work but i think im screwed guys... ya are gonna say i shouldnt do this stuff but listen up. i stole ssome credit card numbers and used them online and bought some stuff for them to ship to my house. will they catch me is my question???????

wow...if ur gonna steal a credit card, at least be safe with it

another reason y cash is so much better :-D (ok...maybe not...but im only 16 and dont have a credit card :( )

but yea, why would u have it ship to your house, actually, why would u use it online lol

uh...u seem new, so welcome to the forum

but i guess we have to say goodbye cause it wont be long b4 they get u, so eh.... have fun in jail?

who knows...maybe you'll get lucky and the guys credit card u used was uber rich and deosnt give a damn about where his money goes  :-P

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It doesn't matter your age if so your parents will get in trouble and with your IP if it got really bad they can just fins out who had that IP. Good luck with this man anyway your in a load of shit and I don't really think there is much that you can do about it. Send back all the stuff and get on your knees and beg to the person that you got the number from.

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i dont know how this is gonna work but i think I'm screwed guys... ya are gonna say i shouldnt do this stuff but listen up. i stole ssome credit card numbers and used them online and bought some stuff for them to ship to my house. will they catch me is my question???????

:haha: I hope this is a joke....if its true the first mistake you made is to steal them , the second is to tell your friends, and now the third one and a REAL BIG ONE is posting it on a open site for the whole world to see.... If this is true the best thing for you to do IMHO is to snitch on you self .....say your sorry you know its wrong and it bothers you (remorse) they will catch you no doubt about it, the issue is when this will happen...it can take some time but you will be caught.....I'll bet money on that.....for the future if you ever think about stealing you first might want to consider is going to jail for this amount worth it??? Now if I could steal a million bucks and thought I had a good plan and could get away with it I would consider it.....but not for a couple of thousand bucks I wont....... good luck you will need it.......and if you cant do the time dont do the crime........never, never snitch , rat , squeal on anyone except yourself.

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If they can trace him back to this site and he get proven guilty. The owner of this site could be held resposable for accomplice right?

NO we are not police and ppl say all kinds of things, and he is not talking about a crime in the future(conspiracy) he's talking about one that already happened and we dont even know if its true and no one is in any way helping him to  conceal this alledged crime.....but I aint no bottom feeding lawyer but I believe this to be true.....


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Ok i was just conserned. I'm not that good at the law, im only good at figuring out computer problems lol. Joey i wish you luck and lots of it. The long arm of the law is very well capible of catching anyone thats commits or supposedly comitted crimes on the net. If they can trace hackers back through multiple ip address's, Im sure they can find your direct ip address easily. Depending on the amount that you spent and who you got it from is how fast they will catch you.

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I believe you broke federal law ,  Being only 16 will help depending on your prior criminal record and the amount of money stolen will weigh in on your sentence.  There are alot of bootcamp programs around the country if your lucky you will get into one of these....if you get caught.    But  I would wait and when they come knocking, invoke your right to remain silent (when you talk you lose all your bargining power)  get a lawyer(or public defender if your parents are poor) .  They will probably make you pay restitution , probation, and hours and hours of community service.........good luck

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