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I just recently upgraded to 4 gigs of ram. and now my system seems unstable, applications are locking up randomly and shutting down. I never had this problem with only 2 gigs. Plus i haven't really seen any kind of improvement on my computers performance.

I just got this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231098

My original 2 gigs are these http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145034

Yes, I know there not the same brand. Is there anything else that could be causing this to happen

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I just recently upgraded to 4 gigs of ram. and now my system seems unstable, applications are locking up randomly and shutting down. I never had this problem with only 2 gigs. Plus i haven't really seen any kind of improvement on my computers performance.

I just got this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231098

My original 2 gigs are these http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145034

Yes, I know there not the same brand. Is there anything else that could be causing this to happen

Are you running Windows 7?

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Sometimes the difference is not noticed, as you do not always need extra RAM. Its kind of like a low horsepower large V8, you only feel the power when you do not loose power when its working. But when its not working is seems sort of useless. Like when converting a movie mine utilizes a lot of the RAM, but my surfing and such is not any faster otherwise. I hope that made sense. :police:

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I am running windows 7 64-bit.

I'm not worried about the speed of my computer as much as everything working. I've never had a problem with things locking up and shutting down with windows 7 until I got the extra ram. It doesn't happen very often I might be worrying to much over this but I like having things work properly.

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Would the timing of the RAM affect crash ability? Just looking at the specs of the two types of RAM..

I suppose if you put one 2gig set in by itself and test and then put the other 2 gig set in by itself and test, is their stability?

The voltage is also not matching in the two sets.

another thing to try is to make sure that each RAM stick pair is paired on the motherboard slots. So the two different sticks are not fighting as they share the data between them. Something like one set in slot 1 and 3 and the other set in slot 2 and 4.

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Ok I figured out how to change the numbers in the bios. I changed the latency from Auto to 4. And then my computer stopped working. I pulled the g-skill memory out and everything worked again.

Can you tell me what numbers i should change and what i should change them to?

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Ok I figured out how to change the numbers in the bios. I changed the latency from Auto to 4. And then my computer stopped working. I pulled the g-skill memory out and everything worked again.

Can you tell me what numbers i should change and what i should change them to?

When you lower numbers your are basically overclocking your ram so you may have to increase the voltage on your ram to get it to work. Or you could loosen up the timings on the corsair to 5. Here is a article on OCing ram..hope it helps.

Overclocking Ram Article

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testing uploads under group MEMBERS


That's really weird that it's not working for you, this is an account I use to test permissions... it's set under the same group as you are and I'm able to upload just fine.

Anyone else seeing problems with uploading images or files to the forum?

Sorry, I know this doesn't pertain to the the topic but I'm working on this new forum and I'd like to fix any problems we may have with the new system... but it seems to work fine on my end. Try the flash uploader...

click "Help with attaching files

Try our advanced uploader which supports multiple file uploading (modern browser required)"

that will take you to your profile, check the box for the flash uploader, save the profile.. then return to this post and try again. After it's uploaded remember that you need to click "Add to Post" to the right of the thumbnail of the uploaded image.

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You should as stated already always make sure the memory is matched, but it is not imperative, the system should automatically lower the speed to the lowest handled memory installed. I dont believe your going to be able to tweak anything to get it right otherwise. This might be a good time to return the memory, and get a full matched set.

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