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Happy B-Day bro smiley6600.gif

Yo 'mudmanc4',

While you're wishing Happy B—Day to your bro, your damn roach is sliming my iMac's 21.5-incher. Maybe I'll send my little friend to visit you...I should have recorded the audio; the carapace crunching was audible within 4 feet or so.

Enjoy!post-65152-039709700 1282727825_thumb.jp post-65152-050967000 1282727826_thumb.jpAnd I do hope you had a happy one, 'EBrown'. Could my little friend and his kids please have some of the cake 'Conuck' baked you? It should go well with live roach... :laugh:

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i stole your pic...hope you don't mind

You keep winking like that and you can have my wallet, too! But when they pound on your door at 4 in the AM, you'll remember when you made that unauthorized copy, you made a date with the IP Police...you wouldn't have any night-shots of yourself lighted with just a handheld UV LED array in trade maybe?

I still think it's funny that only the fathers carry the baby scorpions around on their backs; we must have outgrown that about the time we grew a spine. You've just got to admire an ugly bug, basically unchanged through ~a quarter-billion years of evolution, that takes his kids along for the ride when he goes out on the town—and I wasn't kidding about how loud that God-awful crunching was, either.

But seriously, Miz TD, if you were willing to take those sorry lo-res copies, I'd much rather give you the 2Mp originals—you can zoom into some truly disgusting detail in the little guys.

Regards and Good Luck

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threegsus...no comment on the uv light shots of me...and i'll be happy to take those bigger versions of those...which i don't care how close you zoom, they definitely aren't disgusting...they're awesome...i used it gross folks out somewhere else hehehe...so did you let papa scorp live...or do i not wanna know??

elliott...congrats on the new room and the privacy...that's awesome...whatcha gonna do with all that extra space and privacy...you be inviting your brothers in soon enough for pow wows i'm sure

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@ Threegsus , I used to have a couple black scorpions when i was a bit younger , all they ate was crickets , I can imagine the shell crunching coming from that thing hahah

Elliot , wow , you'll not know what to do with all the space , the family made a big sacrifice for you , I know you'll treat them well.

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