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Hi everybody.. :smiley:

I live in the UK. During the past week I have had a lot of problems with my ISP (British Telecom). They suddenly decided (without any reason) to throttle back my bandwidth (by restricting my upload speed to 6kbps... :angry: ) The problem has now been resolved and I am back to my normal bandwidth. Your great site was recommended by one of your existing members (hewee), whom I "know" from another forum.

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Good seeing you here Basil2744.

Yes I came here long long ago from a far away land. Well the other side of town really.

I like the new changes you made. Was not here for some time because running speed test was full of errors but you took care of that.

Do not see any of the mirror test sites either but you got more options on the speed test.

Keep up the great work CA3LE.

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I like the new changes you made. Was not here for some time because running speed test was full of errors but you took care of that.

Do not see any of the mirror test sites either but you got more options on the speed test.

Keep up the great work CA3LE.

Thanks, I've been workin' hard. I really had to take a step back and rethink the design of the programming. It's not a simple task to run a site on this kind of scale. But the new stuff is coming together nicely and I'm making sure this time around to leave myself some breathing room in the programming for expansion and upgrades.

... I did away with the mirrors a long time ago, I wasn't comfortable with the system in place. I'm obsessed about accuracy and there was no way for me to guarantee the QoS with the old system... so I abruptly nixed it, I've actually rewritten about 98% of the old code over the past 9 months.

Keep visiting, I have a few tricks up my sleeve and much more to come. [nerdly]

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You're welcome :)

It is very nice the way you have it now so look forward to see what's ahead.

I know you had some trouble with so really odd speed test that I know were not right from some mirrors.

Then later it got to be a pain to use them because I use Firefox with NoScript so I do the test but then get a error. I have to give rights to that other site to get the test to work so it was a pain dealing with it.

Think your doing better now. Guess it's like they say you learn from your mistakes so know what not to do and what always works.

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I'm making sure this time around to leave myself some breathing room in the programming for expansion and upgrades.

... I did away with the mirrors a long time ago, I wasn't comfortable with the system in place. I'm obsessed about accuracy and there was no way for me to guarantee the QoS with the old system... so I abruptly nixed it, I've actually rewritten about 98% of the old code over the past 9 months.

and adequate backups just in case

basil2744...welcome to TMN :welcome:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Basil2744 and everyone. Anyone knows why my posts STILL need approval from a moderator before they are shown?. I've registered two days ago, and I am still waiting my posts to appear...

Sorry about that, sometimes it takes a little longer then they should for various reasons. If you have any other issues, please PM one of the staff .

Welcome to testmy.net :)

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