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i had a speed drop around mid july - upload only fell from 1.5m to 650k - its an att T1 line and has been rock steady for 9 months

been thru way too many service tickets and testing from carrier who says its all good -

i came accros the old test my net and it says 1.5 or so but new says 650 -

i flooded the connection today with 3 computers and bit torrents / saw 1.5 up/down thru the bandwidt monitor in the Buffalo router.

any idea ?

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What are the sizes of the tests being performed?

Try using the current version, testing with 5.8MB or greater and see what your result is. https://testmy.net/upload

http://old.testmy.net is still relevant but I suggest using the latest version. With over 5 years of additional development that corrected numerious bugs... as well as many additions that make it smarter in many ways over the old version. I put that online because people were saying they liked the old version better... I was like, "oh reeeeeally..." I then recovered an old version and put it online. I've had that up for a couple years now and to date if you add up everyone that's used it... it's maybe 2-3 days worth of traffic that the up-to-date version sees. So obviously once people put them side by side and noticed how much has changed they decided that they actually like the current version better. https://testmy.net/ipb/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/icon_razz.gif ... mission accomplished. ...side note, I think pretty soon I'll be adding to old TMN and will put v10 (2010) up. Part of the reason I'm doing that is because I personally like to look back on my development and I want to have a functioning archive so I thought I'd put up old versions every couple of years. I haven't seen any other website that does that and I thought it would be kinda fun. https://testmy.net/ipb/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/grin.gif it's about time to do it again.

... actually you know what. There was a bug with the current version. It was a fairly recent change to the character set. It was set as UTF-8 instead of ISO 8859-1 --- which makes a big difference.

I've corrected the issue. Thank you for pointing this out. :grin:

Edited by CA3LE
To error is human.

I sent an E-mail regarding this DAYS ago and never got a reply. Glad it was fixed though.

Where did you send it? I didn't get anything through my contact form, email or TMN inbox... oh well, it's fixed and that's what matters :-D

https://testmy.net/contact is what I used. Sent detailed info regarding the upload speed issue I was seeing.

Yes, that's what matters.

hummm, well that's preferred method to get ahold of me. Nothing came through... and I just tested the form to make sure there isn't a problem and I received my test message. Maybe you left a field blank and it returned an error and you just didn't notice. It will look like this when it's successfully logged...


I made a little change so that errors for that form show up in red. It's now more obvious when it hasn't been sent... in case that was the issue.


... there isn't any complexity to how I've written that... it either fails or succeeds. When it's sent successfully the message gets written directly to a database and when I visit the site I get a notice that pops up in my face and fades away every time I load a page.


I wanted to make sure that there was 0% chance of me missing any messages sent through that form. So I made sure when I built it that it can't say that it was sent successfully without being first written to the database... and if it's written to the database there is no way that I won't get it. In fact it's written also to a backup database and there was no record of your message in there either. I'd bet that you left your name or email address blank and didn't notice the error :wink:

Thanks for trying to let me know :-D -- just glad it was caught quickly. It really was a simple fix but had a profound impact on results.

I never noticed the link to the old TMN test site until the upload issue postings. Good that it's there as a reference.

I put it up for fun... some people said they preferred it so I threw it up. But it only gets about 1/30th of the traffic of the main site so I guess people realized that more had changed since than they thought... and they now continue to use the new site.

... very cool that it helped catch a bug though.

Greetings CA3LE. Any thoughts on why the "Custom" download function is defaulting to "Smartest" even when I select Custom and then a number of mb (12)? It's NBD, just curious....I've noticed this for the last week or so on each daily test I run. Thanks for the BEST speed testing website on the net & for all your fine work. :azn:

Greetings CA3LE. Any thoughts on why the "Custom" download function is defaulting to "Smartest" even when I select Custom and then a number of mb (12)? It's NBD, just curious....I've noticed this for the last week or so on each daily test I run. Thanks for the BEST speed testing website on the net & for all your fine work. :azn:

No problem! Thank YOU for all your fine visiting. :evil6:

It's because it seems that your speed has recently increased.


See the sharp climb at the end... you're definitely performing better than you were.

It will force you to use SmarTest if your connection is too fast, even if you select a size manually. This is to help weed out bursted speeds that happen with certain providers. What must be happening is you're bursting that 12MB test to the point that the test thinks it's best to up the size... it's not what you originally selected... but it's more accurate that way. :wink:

Sometimes it will do that... sometimes it won't. Depends on a lot of variables actually. There's an assessment that's made when you hit the results page... if it thinks that a larger size is beneficial to the accuracy it will calculate what it thinks you need and forward you past the results and right back into the test. Usually it will get it right the first time when you start with a large file like that... but if not it will try a maximum of 4 times before figuring, "that's the best I can do." :icon_thumleft:

Hi CA3LE, thanks very much for your prompt response that clears up what was a mystery to me (should've figured it out for myself, duh!)...and for all you & your fine website does for us! I'll try to keep this brief. The reason that our (ViaSat/WildBlue/Exede) speeds have increased is that the kids are heading back to school; thus resulting in less traffic on our domain(s) and across the Internet in general. This is the explanation that's been provided us by our ISP during previous summers...that when the kids are out of school playing online games, streaming videos/music, our performance is degraded. Even though our performance was increased dramatically in May when we were cut over to Exede from the old WildBlue, we knew that once school was out we'd see a drop in performance..though not as significant as in past years. But now they're heading back to school, performance is back up. OK, I'm just rattling on here, enough of that! Thanks again for your courtesy, patience, technical knowledge and professionalism. Proud to be a member of this forum and yours is the ONLY "Performance Testing" website that I'll use or recommend to others! Have a great day, very best regards to you & all the fine folks there at TestMY! jerry in TX. :)

Hey Jerry, you live in an awesome state !

Same thing around ohio , although this past summer, the ISP has opened up quite a bit ( probably able to afford more bandwidth ) , even offering 110 Mb service.

None the less, since mid summer we don't see nearly the slow down at peak usage, in fact things have gotten smooth , much too smooth , time for issues, :lol:

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