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Ad free option  

9 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think is a fair price or what would you be willing to pay for a completely ad free version of TestMy.net

    • $1.99 /month
    • $3.99 /month
    • $5.99 /month
    • $7.99 /month
  2. 2. How would you like to pay?

    • Monthly
    • Quarterly (discounted)
    • Yearly (deeply discounted)

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I would gladly pay for Ad free pages. What would it cost to offset your Click renenue?

I've had a lot of people ask for that over the years. I added a poll to your topic with some sample prices. If people want it... I'll add it. At a reasonable rate. I already planned on doing this free for people who've donated test servers.

.... Maybe I'll just offer that as my pricing. Let people decide how much they want to pay. Call it a donation. ;-)

I'll work something up and update this soon.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I might just make this an option for registered users.  Most people aren't registered... if someone really wants to turn the ads off, they can anyway.  I actually think it would be cool and totally unique if I just made it an option for my registered members.


... what do you guys think about that?  Screw donations... I don't want your money.  I'd rather be supported through my advertisers.


I don't think offering that would hurt my revenue.  Any small loss in revenue would be out weighted by making my users happy.  Happy users tell people... most of those people that subsequently visit will see the ads and possibly see something they like.


See how I just sold myself on the idea.


I would gladly pay for Ad free pages. What would it cost to offset your Click renenue?


Make sure you signup for the new beta program.  This option will first be made available and announced to beta testers.


I don't mind the ads, I tune them out most of the time. But the site does look much cleaner with them off.  I'll make it an option to turn them off, as long as your logged in.  Just do me a favor, if you like what I'm doing... spread the word.  I have very expensive servers and TMN requires A LOT of bandwidth, support of my ads is what pays those bills.  If your going to disable that, at least tell people about the site.  If you're using the site enough to want to disable the ads... then you must like it.


... I also think that people that want to disable the ads probably wouldn't click them anyway. So let's just save everyone the bandwidth and make it an option. lol.


Look for that soon  ;)

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  • 2 years later...

Personally the ads here don't bother me.  The most irritating ads are the door-way type and those with audio.  Generally if I land on a door-way ad, I click back and try the next link, which votes as a "bounce hit" to Google for the site that served the ad.  The audio ones tend to catch me out at work when I forget to mute the speakers.  I don't use an ad-blocker.


I try to spread the word when I can.  Pity I didn't run into this site years ago, as I've completely abandoned Ookla's site since.  I also think this site is more closely watched by many ISPs than Ookla's site.  Whenever my main ISP seems to run into bandwidth issues, a 24-hour Auto Test tends to resolve it, probably because they see the low test result scores don't look pretty in the recent test log.  Even after I posted a Thread on the 3 Mobile network here throttling certain traffic, that throttling seems to have disappeared a few days later and I'm fairly sure it was going on for months. Of course this is probably all coincidental... :wink2:

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I might just make this an option for registered users. Most people aren't registered... if someone really wants to turn the ads off, they can anyway.

Ya buddy most ppl have blockers and dont see ads anyway.... (They figure why see the ads if they arent going to click them anyway (It just bogs stuff down for nothing))

I dunno..........

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