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Hello all


I'm looking at ways that i can conduct a speedtest via a windows command prompt (shell)


I have clients that complain of slow internet speed and would like a way of testing from there computer (or several) via a script or on a remote command shell


I've started to use Centrastage (google it if interested) which does a host of things! i have used WGET to get a file but out put is not really as desired :(


I'd like the results like testmy.net Mbps rather than KB/s


Any ideas? is there a way with testmy?

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Hello all


I'm looking at ways that i can conduct a speedtest via a windows command prompt (shell)




I'd like the results like testmy.net Mbps rather than KB/s


Any ideas? is there a way with testmy?


First, welcome.


You know what, a lot of people have asked for that over the years... I'm going to put something together for you.  I don't know how long it will take me, I'll update this thread once I've played around a bit. But before I can do anything I need to get my Windows virtual machine back up.  Been meaning to do that for months anyways.


I'll check out Centrastage... looks complex.  Doesn't seem like something that could quickly and easily be used by your clients.  Why not just send them to TestMy.net?  Why do you necessarily need a command line program?  I'll be happy to put one together for you... actually one of my first tests was a simple command line program, I think it would be fun to put that together.  

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Thank you for reading :)


Yes i can and do get clients to run a speedtest


..But sometimes if i have a client with two or more sites connected via VPN and someone on the remote site complains there end of slowness - i have a few possible causes, along with CPU/memory usage which i can use Centrastage for realtime graphs etc but if thats ok then i need to look at internet speed


and this is were if can get annoying for the users who are busy and then theres me wanting to do a speedtest,so to be able to do one in the background (without them knowing) is ideal and like i said i can use WGET but doesn't really give me the results as i want to see then (unlike a flash component)


With Centrastage i can create components, using scripts and i've used standard Batch files (DOS) as that's all i know but if you are serious about creating something here's what it supports;

   - VBScript

   - JavaScript

   - PowerShell

   - Python

   - Ruby

   - Groovy


Also with CS i can run these components either ondemand or schedule them if required


Thanks for looking at this :)

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What's a command line? Haha. I haven't used used it since running a VT100 terminal emulator on a Mac IICi in the early 90s, to access a MicroVax and an IBM 370 at GE. I take that back, I used the Terminal app on my iMac a while back to try something I saw posted in another discussion forum.

The first programming I ever did was on an HP9825, with a single line display. HP's HPL language. OMG.... p(p1,p3,p4(p2,p5)). We used them at GE to control some of the first IEE-488 automated instruments that tested our electronic controls for jet engines. Software QA was not too good in the early days. You just took a Sharpie, and wrote on the tape cartridge or big floppy disk "this is the latest version" ...HAHAHAHA

Here's an HP9825: http://hpmuseum.net/display_item.php?hw=171

Edited by Pgoodwin1
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You could always write a small application that does this for you, like in some form of C or Java (Wouldn't work too well if the computer doesn't have it installed) that just measures the download speed.


very true and really not to hard to do... but I think it could be done without additional software.  I've written many simple bash scripts that do that... part of my roots with speed testing was command line.  I just never shared it with anyone. 

Actually, it's kinda funny, this site was also originally only intended for my own use. People found it, I started to see lots of people using it and I realized that other people needed something like this too... I haven't stopped developing since. ... I had a few years where I had to reteach myself how to program because of a motorcycle accident, slowed my development for a while. But I never stopped and I don't intend on stopping until my idea is on paper. This site isn't even close yet.


CA3LE is very much one of those guys who wants it to work regardless of what's installed so I doubt he'll use C or java


Yeah, I would try to make it in a way that could be run from any command line... regardless of operating system or software installed.  You know me... that's always my aim.  Because I personally wouldn't want to have to fart around with installing things to make a simple test work... you really shouldn't have to.


and this is were if can get annoying for the users who are busy and then theres me wanting to do a speedtest,so to be able to do one in the background (without them knowing) is ideal ...


   - VBScript

   - JavaScript

   - PowerShell

   - Python

   - Ruby

   - Groovy


Testing without their knowledge isn't going to happen.  If you could do that... you could use it to attack people.


I don't know how I'm going to make it yet or when I can start but I will make it a project of mine to come up with a command line option.  I have a few interesting ideas for how I could do it... We'll just have to see what I come up with.  I have a lot of work on the table right now.  If one of you could just give me a million bucks so I get build a team of developers to build some of the pieces of my puzzle, that would be cool.


... it's getting to the point where it's taking me 5-10 hours a day sometimes just to keep up with emails that are coming in.  I'm going to start posting some of them to 

https://testmy.net/ipb/forum/186-ask-testmynet-faq/ today... I'm like 6 months behind on putting those queries into topics.  One of those time consuming things that I want and feel like I need to do and takes my time away from programming... but I feel like if I share all the previous questions I've received... maybe I won't get so many questions in the future so it's not all for not.  Maybe, eventually I'll call upon some of my members to help and have them use that forum of previous questions as a guide... forward me on the really important stuff.  I don't know.   ... I need more fingers is what it really boils down to.

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  • 8 months later...
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  • 10 months later...

I would be interested in a command line option as well. I just stumbled upon your site recently, and really like it more than speedtest.net.


Thank you and sorry for the delayed response, thought I responded already.


You are able to wget the download tests (e.g. wget https://testmy.net/dl-1MB) in linux.  This can be repeated for any of the servers. (e.g. west.testmy.net, east.testmy.net, uk.testmy.net, etc.) ...it works.


root@sjc [/tmp]# wget https://testmy.net/dl-100MB

--2015-04-10 06:01:32--  https://testmy.net/dl-100MB

Resolving testmy.net...

Connecting to testmy.net||:80... connected.

HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

Length: unspecified [text/html]

Saving to: “dl-100MB”


    [                                                                 ] 104,936,663 57.6M/s   in 1.7s    


2015-04-10 06:01:34 (57.6 MB/s) - “dl-100MB” saved [104936663]

Just don't over do it or your IP may be banned.

Readings you get from wget are very similar to the test results on the same machine using the actual test.

London to Dallas - 4500+ miles away / 100MB & 200MB



San Jose to Dallas - 1450+ miles / 100MB & 200MB




If you have a huge variance from low to high you get that warning...


In this case that's what really happened. It just initiated slow and had to ramp up to get there so the final speed was much slower. However, the build up was so quick it caused the TiP system to throw that error... so that's kind of a good sign, lol.

So you can already test from the command line with TMN. :wink: -- not the perfect solution but it helps me all the time.

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Thank you and sorry for the delayed response, thought I responded already.


You are able to wget the download tests (e.g. wget https://testmy.net/dl-1MB)in linux.  This can be repeated for any of the servers. (e.g. west.testmy.net, east.testmy.net, uk.testmy.net, etc.) ...it works.


Just don't over do it or your IP may be banned.

Readings you get from wget are very similar to the test results on the same machine using the actual test.

London to Dallas - 4500+ miles away / 100MB & 200MB

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.28.11 AM.png

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.25.47 AM.png

San Jose to Dallas - 1450+ miles / 100MB & 200MB

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.31.46 AM.png

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.41.19 AM.png


If you have a huge variance from low to high you get that warning...

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.43.28 AM.png

In this case that's what really happened. It just initiated slow and had to ramp up to get there so the final speed was much slower. However, the build up was so quick it caused the TiP system to throw that error... so that's kind of a good sign, lol.

So you can already test from the command line with TMN. :wink: -- not the perfect solution but it helps me all the time.


That is one of my favourite features - if I ever need to do a speedtest from a device that has no GUI (https://testmy.net/ipb/topic/32137-something-is-seriously-broken-in-the-apple-desktop-developer-world/?p=346473) I can use that option, which is super handy.



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Thanks for the reply, and this works great. Is there any way to get it to tie into our accounts, maybe add a "?acct=sometokenhere."
This way I could use a script to ping TMN once or twice a day, and be able to compare it to the rest of my data from the website.

Thank you and sorry for the delayed response, thought I responded already.


You are able to wget the download tests (e.g. wget https://testmy.net/dl-1MB)in linux.  This can be repeated for any of the servers. (e.g. west.testmy.net, east.testmy.net, uk.testmy.net, etc.) ...it works.


Just don't over do it or your IP may be banned.

Readings you get from wget are very similar to the test results on the same machine using the actual test.

London to Dallas - 4500+ miles away / 100MB & 200MB

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.28.11 AM.png

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.25.47 AM.png

San Jose to Dallas - 1450+ miles / 100MB & 200MB

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.31.46 AM.png

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.41.19 AM.png


If you have a huge variance from low to high you get that warning...

attachicon.gifScreen Shot 2015-04-10 at 5.43.28 AM.png
In this case that's what really happened. It just initiated slow and had to ramp up to get there so the final speed was much slower. However, the build up was so quick it caused the TiP system to throw that error... so that's kind of a good sign, lol.

So you can already test from the command line with TMN. :wink: -- not the perfect solution but it helps me all the time.

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  • 1 month later...

You could do the calculation yourself by using something like 


measure-command {invoke-webrequest https://testmy.net/dl-100MB}


Unfortunately, powershell incurs so much overhead that in my brief attempts, I found that powershell was taking almost 10 times as long to complete the download test as wget:


PS C:\Users\Jon> measure-command {invoke-webrequest https://testmy.net/dl-100MB}
Days              : 0
Hours             : 0
Minutes           : 1
Seconds           : 26
Milliseconds      : 368
Ticks             : 863686547
TotalDays         : 0.000999637207175926
TotalHours        : 0.0239912929722222
TotalMinutes      : 1.43947757833333
TotalSeconds      : 86.3686547
TotalMilliseconds : 86368.6547
C:\Users\Jon\Downloads\wget-1.11.4-1-bin\bin>wget https://testmy.net/dl-100MB
SYSTEM_WGETRC = c:/progra~1/wget/etc/wgetrc
syswgetrc = C:\Users\Jon\Downloads\wget-1.11.4-1-bin/etc/wgetrc
--2015-06-05 06:18:47--  https://testmy.net/dl-100MB
Resolving testmy.net...
Connecting to testmy.net||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]
Saving to: `dl-100MB'
    [                         <=>           ] 104,936,653 10.5M/s   in 9.5s
2015-06-05 06:18:59 (10.5 MB/s) - `dl-100MB' saved [104936653]
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