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Bandwidth has never been an issue with TMN. You likely got that ID because of the way they are generated. (I don't know the specifics, but it appears that they are generated as an ASCII encoding, probably a Base64, of something. They appear to be random, but I'm sure they have a pattern to them.)



It's just that I can take a hint, no matter how subtle...




Upload test BUMHO9E <=> Up your Bum Hole.... 


I can cut back testing if I'm hogging your bandwidth?


HAHAHHAHAHAHA --  if it were done on purpose it would have just been "BUMHOLE"   :razz:  ... I've seen a few funny ones myself.  It's completely random.

$tid = "";
$possible = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; 
$i = 0; 
while ($i < 7) { 
  $char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible)-1), 1);
  if (!strstr($tid, $char)) { 
    $tid .= $char;

Let's make this thread the official funny TID thread!!

Okay, they're rare.  Just went through pages of recent test results and can't find anything funny like this one.  


When I find one I'll know where to post it.  Just have to happen upon them naturally.

I foresaw this problem with a project for work, as I was using Base64 encoding on them.

So, I wrote my own Base32 implementation pattern:

    Public Shared Function ToBase32String(ByVal Bytes As Byte()) As String
        Dim Arr As String = "0123456789bcdfhjkmnpqrtvxyDFGHJLMNPQRTVXY"

        Dim Result As String = ""
        Dim BT As Byte() = New Byte(Bytes.Length + (5 - (Bytes.Length Mod 5) - 1)) {}

        For I As Integer = 0 To Bytes.Length - 1
            BT(I) = Bytes(I)

        For Group As Integer = 0 To BT.Length / 5 - 1
            Result += Arr((BT((Group * 5)) And &HF4) >> 3)
            Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5)) And &H3) << 2) Or ((BT((Group * 5) + 1) And &HC0) >> 6))
            Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 1) And &H3E) >> 1))
            Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 1) And &H1) << 4) Or ((BT((Group * 5) + 2) And &HF0) >> 4))
            Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 2) And &HF) << 1) Or ((BT((Group * 5) + 3) And &H80) >> 7))
            Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 3) And &H7C) >> 2))
            Result += Arr(((BT((Group * 5) + 3) And &H3) << 3) Or ((BT((Group * 5) + 4) And &HE0) >> 5))
            Result += Arr((BT((Group * 5) + 4) And &H1F) >> 0)

        Return Result.Substring(0, (Bytes.Length * 8 / 5))
    End Function
(Note: the only usable portion of the Arr is "0123456789bcdfhjkmnpqrtvxyDFGHJL", the rest is there for completeness.)

I designed this pattern to avoid the chance for certain, offensive or obscene terms, and avoid characters that are visually similar, as I was generating Base64 from a direct Byte-Array. Now I generate it as a custom Base32 set so that I don't have those issues.



Oh thats to funny, I have never paid much attention to the test Id myself, not to mention I do not take subtle hints well anyway, someone coudl put "Do Not Test So Much" as my Test ID and I probably would not of noticed at all LMAO. 

I admit I'm running quite a lot of tests also using the automated tool, testing a recent fixed wireless ISP I subscribed to.  Its an ISP that requires multiple tests as its speeds are completely all over the place.  My existing DSL connection is consistent, but slow (actual link is 5Mb down / 0.3Mb up) and the new one claims to offer 50Mb down / 10Mb up, but intermittently struggles to offer 1/10th that.


While checking over the results, I came across the following one which I actually tested over the Three mobile network while I was at my workplace:




On the test results and share result page, the capital letter 'i' appears as a the lower case 'l':




Although I regularly use VPN connections either to connect to work (from home) or get around geographic restrictions, I was not using a VPN to cloak my connection at the time. :wink:

I admit I'm running quite a lot of tests also using the automated tool, testing a recent fixed wireless ISP I subscribed to. Its an ISP that requires multiple tests as its speeds are completely all over the place. My existing DSL connection is consistent, but slow (actual link is 5Mb down / 0.3Mb up) and the new one claims to offer 50Mb down / 10Mb up, but intermittently struggles to offer 1/10th that.

While checking over the results, I came across the following one which I actually tested over the Three mobile network while I was at my workplace:


On the test results and share result page, the capital letter 'i' appears as a the lower case 'l':

attachicon.gifshare url cloaked.png :wink:

That's pretty 1337.

Imagine the L next to the K is an extension of the K... another K cloaked behind.

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