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Today once again when connected to TestMy.Net in the here and now, my secondary Computer also running tests is being shut down and said to not have am internet connection from TestMy.Net. This while running the Barr questioning from Congress is streaming and well connected on that very same Computer. This not the 1st time of such being cut of when attempting to run a finer line test in examination. Plus the point of the primary Computer still running the Bandwidth Test and still connected and running the test. How is it possible this can be occurring? There in the only problem is a report of no internet connection when it is a total false flag coming from TestMy.Net. This not to be confused to the starting problem I found with Google, they've been eliminated from being able to address my system in any regard.

So finally after 2-3 months I found out what was happening. Turns out there was mtu value mismatch between router and the isp. Isp had 1500 mtu(minimum transmission unit) and in my router's setting it was 1450. As soon as I changed to 1500 it worked just fine.

Noting it, as in published apparently stops these points of cut off. So it is most obvious my transitions in use are being highly monitored. I recorded and observed this practice in many places of Spectrum = Time Warner Cable / Charter Communications Techs. In a side not of this. I have observed and recorded Their use of Bandwidth spikes to over come the Bandwidth Stealing, The most they've used to change the averages. The highest of these spokes is just under 1 gigabyte. 

This the BS that came in this morning. Answer to all questions asked is no. But prove the criminal activity of Spectrum - TWC / Charter Communication I not only can do, this will be the second time I've done it. First time I put Michael Hogan ( Head TWC engineer 2003. ) and his 14 follower TWC engineers in the Federal Pen 10 yrs each with my Networking Forensics I gave FedCirc....






21 hours ago, Amanmd said:

So finally after 2-3 months I found out what was happening. Turns out there was mtu value mismatch between router and the isp. Isp had 1500 mtu(minimum transmission unit) and in my router's setting it was 1450. As soon as I changed to 1500 it worked just fine.

Run Command Prompt as Administrator.


 This will let you check your MTU for ipv4:

 netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces


If it isn't 1500MTU for your computer you can set it like this:

 netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Local Area Connection" mtu=1500 store=persistent


Then check it again with the show command.

If you have a wireless connection also you need to set the MTU for it also.


@ Kiwegapawa

I don't know what to do for your problem.

I hope someone that does will post.



It's good to hear you figured it out. Myself, I don't use Command prompt for that as much. Once in a blue moon when a secondary point of observation is needed. As primary, I go straight to HTML use of the Router and Modem. Pays to read the directions manual that came with it to know all accesses. This along with moment to moment observation of the indicator lights and knowing which are indicator to do what.

And now TestMy.Net is deleting my comments. As I've collected more. Yet I see the last I produced has been removed.. I would guess some one has heart strings for the criminal at the expense of the Subscriber being victimized by stealing the Subscription paid for, let alone malicious coding cutting off points of use so evidence in News Items to be brought forward in such debates. Go ahead push for your leftist supremacy I'm a hard ass Conservative and designed this Digital Communications.  I ain't going away and I sure the H3ll ain't shutting up. push for your war, go ahead escalate U SOB. I'm just the tip of the iceberg you won't move. And still streaming on the very same computer at the same time, Mostly uninterrupted. except when they set Adobe Flash Player to buffer out. Oh yea, you didn't notice? Now your ISP's set the buffer size. Been that way couple years. Course Adobe has taken a deaf ear about switching the settings away from the user. Remember me talking about these new Techs being backseat drivers.. How much more closely would you like me to describe it? Really, Indeed!!!!






The  netsh command for MTU show is the computer setting,

Not the router or modem settings.

Those are usually checked & set by going to .From a browser,

I can set the MTU in my router.

My modem is mostly controlled by my ISP.


Just a heads up in surprised what I caught I hadn't before.

Window scaling heuristics are not supported in this version of Windows.
Changing window scaling heuristics settings will have no effect.


But WiFi MTU is 1500 and Ethernet is; 21548900039, in and 624249420, out.

And I know well that of the Network Operators connections with my modem. There in why I buy my own and avoid those pushed by the ISP service. I got two decades of stories on the point. Got to buy that modem ment for the user, not the service. Especially going for the one that integrate the Modem to the Router in the point. Upholds to more tools and functions. Liken to the extreme points of setting up a Repeater if and when needed.

Well, solves this problem. Due to the new 308 function codes where Spectrum TWC . Charter Communication cross the legal line into Malicious Coding. They are indeed knocking out Https, being the S in any other use of web addressing inoperable. This like the point where they previous knocked out the point of any screen shots of their streaming service 4 months before Covid-19 came to roost. Or the point where they intentionally cut of use to Fox News to force the point of the Spectrum Liptard Fake News. Like we do not know CNN total crap ain't a well known TWC Programming. They are so deep in multiple criminal enterprises they are into that threads of a forum can barely cover all. These known all the way back when cable first came of no more commercials in cable promise of the 60's where their open bold face lies began. It would be great if they actually had competition. But Blue State Governors allow then for their Propaganda that evades truth in facts. Hence Ex AG Schneiderman's, Cuomo's lieutenant running the fake court case against TWC and Modems. Course  AG Schneiderman fell on his sword for a lesser charge than all the crimes him and Cuomo where up to and most still going on in Cuomo's pay for play schemes. Some dating back and still being used since Andrew Cuomo was Governor. Cuomo's family law firm still handling all matters and money of NYS DOT.  GE Clean Up, you name it. Look in the dictionary under the word Corruption, You'll find Mario & Chris Cuomo's photo's there.

Hey! @cholla thanks for the info now I have configured the router and pc on same mtu and all tests are running fine.


@Kiwegapawa I am really not understanding what's happening with you. Is your isp stealing your bandwidth? Are you not getting the speed which the isp promised all the time? Or is your isp keeping eye on your data?


All I can say is use vpn if you think that they are doing some malicious activities. Also if speed is varying you should contact your isp regarding that and ask them for stable connection.

You should see how much their Tech squawk when you use a VPN. They bring all their criminal activity to bear on you. Serious, I have a VPN I do not use. And it is a bully routine they attempt to run. Maybe you don't see the big political picture that been going on decades. That has come to the place of in your face openly admitting to their crimes today. Depending on Rather you are speaking to a Third Level IT or a 1st level IT. 1st speaks the corporate script, 3rd level gets in your face and tells you, go ahead, do something about it. I record all calls. Course they started out lying on the 3rd, but when confronted with the facts these last two years their sick ego is the heights of Everest. And you've understood, it's not one or the other, it's all and more.  Seriously, every time I speak up about their criminal activity another exploit is soon to follow. If you remember clicks in high school, you know the pattern of their reactions to someone in the know of their BS song and dance..

13 hours ago, Kiwegapawa said:

Just a heads up in surprised what I caught I hadn't before.

Window scaling heuristics are not supported in this version of Windows.
Changing window scaling heuristics settings will have no effect.

What version of Windows are you using?

The recommended setting is Disabled.

If you want to test it.

Th enable:

netsh int tcp set heuristics enabled 

To disable

netsh int tcp set heuristics disabled


Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level is different.


13 hours ago, Kiwegapawa said:

But WiFi MTU is 1500 and Ethernet is; 21548900039, in and 624249420, out.

 How or where  did you get those Ethernet settings ?

I only have Ethernet on my desktop & it shows MTU=1500. 

I could check my laptop but didn't.


13 hours ago, Kiwegapawa said:

There in why I buy my own and avoid those pushed by the ISP service. I got two decades of stories on the point. Got to buy that modem ment for the user, not the service. 

I did buy my own modem. It had to be on the ISPs modem list.

It is a Motorola Arris Surfboard.


These are my settings:

C:\>netsh interface tcp show global
TCP Global Parameters
Receive-Side Scaling State          : enabled
Chimney Offload State               : automatic
NetDMA State                        : enabled
Direct Cache Acess (DCA)            : disabled
Receive Window Auto-Tuning Level    : normal
Add-On Congestion Control Provider  : ctcp
ECN Capability                      : disabled
RFC 1323 Timestamps                 : disabled

C:\>netsh interface tcp show heuristics
TCP Window Scaling heuristics Parameters
Window Scaling heuristics         : disabled
Qualifying Destination Threshold  : 3
Profile type unknown              : normal
Profile type public               : normal
Profile type private              : normal
Profile type domain               : normal



My brain is literally melting trying to comprehend any of the novels this dude types out.. God only knows the amount of factors that may be going on.. Could be a virus? malware? mis-config? ancient equip? To have so may different results, so may different problems.. i highly doubt ANY ISP would waste time harassing or even giving a shit about  1 single person or their activities. Back when Verizon was my ISP before the terrible Frontier bought them, i was given "fatal warnings" that i would be black listed for the amount of data & the data being shared if i didn't stop. I play nice for a while and go back to it. Off the radar. Its pretty far fetched that the ISP would be trying to make that kind of misery.  @Kiwegapawa



Edited by xs1



Beta Tester Kiss my ass, bottom feeder. I was a Beta tester for more systems than you've had years of life, Was part of the first emails overseas under the 1st President Bush, still have clearance access to the Archives of the Pentagon and ran Networking Forensics for Federal Law Enforcement tracking criminals.  I'm the one whom brought TCP from the Archives in 1985 in a promotion for a virtual commerce. Permission from the Joint Chiefs. I am the Writer of the Thesis EarthSat that brought around a Upgrade to Alexander Grande Bell's Telephone relay system in a conference call. AT&T Schenectady, NY AT&T picked up my thesis (Jovian's Empire BBS on Fidonet) and brought in Aboba from UCLA as we needed a program to hand out the telephone numbers, aka IP. Yea, the DNS and DHCP. Or maybe you'd like to talk about the computer systems you designed. Ever get recognition through Intel? You'll find me there, 2nd week of March 2003. The 1st hardware multimedia system on the DM850 EMVR. Yea that one that gave Microsoft one more production of XP Multimedia...


And right now your dysfunction is on show creep. Big starting indicator you are most likely running Malicious Code when you feel you can get away with I &, easy flimsy in holding to your own honor. This as you guess work of me and what I have lived in my life show you in box thinking where your cannot think beyond your own doings. And   like the rest of the snow flakes blaming others for your own practices. Your foil hat fits you Chitbird You wanna put some facts behind you BS, mouth piece? I produce facts not fiction. You  talk BS attempts to Bully away  someone.. Bring it on chit bird, I'm more than easy to find. And I don't back down. Pull your head put your ass and realize Troll, If you do not respect on the walk in, your are likely to get knocked out. Crawl back under you bridge Troll.. Prolly one the TWC 3rd level screw ups running Beta testing in the Subscriptions of streaming.  Of so,, I've recorded your BS and my networking forensics has 100% success in finding conviction in a court of law.. Are you ready for a ten year stretch in the federal pen? Screw up..

How do you block this troll? I find no such access. 1st time I have had to here and I been here a few years and never did I experience such a presumptuous idiot.


 Never mind I found it.. (((Poof)) gone..


I'll be back after awhile to answer you cholla.. I need to chill out

@ Kiwegapawa  

I agree with you that xs1 was insulting to you..

I have to be on good behavior on this forum but I prefer not to explain why.

So that's about all I can say about the insult.

I have no reason to doubt what you have posted about your battle with  certain ISPs.

Or the problems you have had with them.


I looked at your profile & you are just a couple of years younger than me.

I don't have anywhere near your experience with the Internet or coding.

I'm a above an average user but not an expert.


My broadband is low speed but when I test I'm getting slightly over what I'm paying for.

At least most of the time.


22 hours ago, Kiwegapawa said:



Beta Tester Kiss my ass, bottom feeder. I was a Beta tester for more systems than you've had years of life, Was part of the first emails overseas under the 1st President Bush, [ZZzZZZZZZZ]


  • Literally everything after that is mindless dribble. 


I'll be honest here, buttercup...  I've been watching your posts, enduring your delusional sewage & honestly i think your a fruitcake. Every time you repost these exposés that you call your life experiences, all i can think is what could have possibly happened in your real life to make you think anyone gives 2 shits about what you believe you are, or did? Almost word for word it gets reposted and reposted for the simple fact that you hope people will buy it. If your such an artifact and/or staple in the networking history, why are you on here crying about residential cable problems? Hell, if i had half the "experience" you claim to have i would imagine i would know some people that would and could resolve these "pitty me issues" . What i can factually tell you, that you ARE is a red flag here. I , on the other hand, have been here since the dawn of fucking time. When this place was booming, the real OG mfks like me moderated/administrated this place. Cholla , has been around just as long.  So next time you want to call names, or feel like your big boy britches need to say something, how about sparing us all the wasted time &  shutting the fuck up, chump. I'm sorry, i mean champ.?  If you feel insulted, its probably true. IF you infact feel like your being bullied, than here's what i suggest. Get the fuck over it.  have a nice day!


Nick :)


Hi  xs1,

On looking at your earlier post You weren't that insulting.

Called Kiwegapawa  a novelist although I believe it implies fiction.

Then questioned whether an ISP would bother to do this to one person.

Probably the tin foil hat picture is what got the response.


I was also a moderator here at one time.

Remember the old site all gray with an alien or monster as the logo.

This site did really get busy a while after that.


The movie quote topic &  name the song  were so busy it was like playing a game.


Too bad it has slowed down so much.

Well, the info I'd been giving in detail is about to go non-transparent. Fact, if you've got a skunk in the wood pile. You definitely ain't gonna want to get wood for the fireplace. believe me,  this isn't happening to one person. This is state and nation wide. Course as most ignorant cyber criminals they will do all they can to keep from being taken down by the DOJ.


These Idiots depend on everyone being computer illiterate and putting out false propaganda. They attempt to use miss uses of technical terms to maintain their illusion in smoke and mirror tricks. These that are my current  ISP Bi-Corporations are not the only up to no good.


Verizon sold a False stated Fios Modem. Black marked in red letter Fios Verizon. Fact is here from Albany to Glens Falls was the very 1st Fiber Optic system. Verizon's modem was actual DSL. It plugged two copper wires into the telephone lines, That Fiber Optic system created by then NYS Engineer was and is, Government Access Only. He who designed this 1st Fiber Optic system in the world a personal home town friend of mine. Verizon have no Fiber Optics here in the North Country. I can go on with the duplicity of the Left and their devious underhanded exploits.


How about these points of calling some device 2G, 3G, 4G or 5G and say this is their improved speed in ISP connection. That is a buffaloed division of the facts, As those are processing speeds of the device you buy. It is not the bandwidth you subscribed to. As in the points of cell technology. that Bandwidth between Device and Cell tower. It has been 68 megabytes per second. It's still is. that is the CPU/Bus speed in processing. You process what you are able to receive from that 68 megs per sec in the connection to the cell tower.


Believe me there is much more to their BS than I mention here. enough said for now and those deep in corruption. Yes, and it is a part of the Left (Democrats) handed idiots that believe they'll take down the Republic Gov of the United States. Are you reading this Senator Schumer? You and Soros are going to hang for your planned course in Treason, I will indeed see to it you hang. There is a tribunal coming for you and Goose Stepper George Soros. As you've been the biggest criminals I'd ever tracked. Over my Dead Body Schumer. You're Toast. 


It is a real conspiracy and no theory about it, we have collected and recorded, and now that evidence in being processed at the top, start to your finished, No rant, no rave, Just the facts.


7 hours ago, cholla said:

I was also a moderator here at one time.

Remember the old site all gray with an alien or monster as the logo.

This site did really get busy a while after that.


The movie quote topic &  name the song  were so busy it was like playing a game.


Too bad it has slowed down so much.

I couldn't agree more. Everything was booming than though. Even the different ISP forums were pretty good. The "show your desktops" threads were good. "post your pic" was good. "where you from".  we had ALOt of good topics. I miss the days of activity lol.

  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe someone would like to tell me why your New York Server is sending buffer request to my WireShark Programming this evening? This in a point of Malicious Coding. Oh yes, I always record and investigate such occurrences.  But this is not coming during the upload nor download times timed activation.. It is something totally new and never occurred before during the dual use.








And now since I mentioned this above, it has started coming during after the 4th time. As 1st  3 times I recorded it hadn't. Like I said before, this had never occurred before when running Both the Bandwidth test and Wireshark at the same time. I'll be digging deeper into Wireshark's new protocols. But off the top my head, there isn't anything close to this in the news that came with WireShark's updates. 

13 hours ago, Kiwegapawa said:

Maybe someone would like to tell me why your New York Server is sending buffer request to my WireShark Programming this evening? This in a point of Malicious Coding. Oh yes, I always record and investigate such occurrences.  But this is not coming during the upload nor download times timed activation.. It is something totally new and never occurred before during the dual use.


The automatic speed test communicates with the server you have selected outside of its normal test sequence... it's testing your latency in the background.


When you're using this test, you shouldn't be surprised when my servers talk to you... it's how the test works.


If you think I'm doing anything malicious... don't use my program.  You always have control over turning it on and off.


Fact is, all my code does is try to help you improve your connection.  Dig apart the client-side code as much as you want... as with any good program it only does things you ask it to do.


I've been doing this for over 20 years, I respect my users and value their visiting and sharing my resources.  I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my users or the trust and reputation I've built.  I wouldn't anyway, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."


.... it may not have done that for you in the past because you weren't a member.  You have to be signed in for that feature.  If you think your wireshark is going nuts now you should see what I'm building.

11 hours ago, CA3LE said:

If you think I'm doing anything malicious... don't use my program.  You always have control over turning it on and off.

I've been doing this for over 20 years, I respect my users and value their visiting and sharing my resources.  I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my users or the trust and reputation I've built.  I wouldn't anyway, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."



I''m tellin you bro...  Fruit. Cake. 



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