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Okay guys here's the deal... I have a paypal account, and I just received an ebay payment from an item that I never sold, The buyer sent the money to me instead of the seller I guess... I'm no thief or anything, but this is a LARGE amount of money... and I was wondering if I could get in trouble for taking the money, or am I in the clear???


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um i think its illegal...b.c what if the buyer.....has to pay it again to th seller... thats like buying it twice....but how much money we talkng?

See, I don't think that it is illegal because the fact that it was sent to me by the buyer... His mistake? Don't get me wrong, I'm going to refund, but I am going to contact the buyer and seller of this auction on the phone before I do, but just wanted to know what someone in my position COULD do, which I do think that they could keep the money.

umm.. we're talking about $1417.00


WOW.. but if it was me... lol id keep it... idk...

lol, definitely not the honest thing to do. I'm refunding the payment to the buyer, but I need to speak to both the buyer and the seller so the seller doesn't ship the item to him or anything and get ripped out of all the money lol.

But then again... it would be nice to have this free money... could I get in trouble, or no?


there is a law called theft by finding but im not sure it applies to the net, btw you will never get caught if you change your address and other info after taking the money out. paypal dont keep records of old addresses or change of address and withdraw a bit less than what you found so they dont look for an exact amount wthrawed. add me to msn if you need more help [email protected]

I was sent a check one time for 3k I didn't deserve, I was 18 and returned. To me in this world if a man doesn't have his word and isn't honest hes nothing. Thats my opinion, Id return it. I mean think of the guy who is looking at loosing that money due to  a mistake, if it were me Id hope you were honest. :D

Ok heres the deal... Each transaction made in paypal had an id associated with it. When they discover the money was sent to the wrong person all they have to do is look at the transaction. They will know immedietely where it went and to whom. There is no keeping that money. As far as legalities are concerned in keeping it, they will come up with something I can assure you.

THe moral issues are the most intense here and you seem to have risen to the test and will pass with flying colors. I must say that I am very impressed with SHUG7272 and his very profound statement regarding manhood. Kudos to you. THat is how we all should think. It use to be that without honor you were not a man. It is still that way to some of us. It should be to all of us.

With that I think you will be able to look in the mirror and be proud of who you see. When everything else has left you that is afterall all you have. We all need to remember that one day we will look and I hope we are able to stomach who and what we see.

Ok heres the deal... Each transaction made in paypal had an id associated with it. When they discover the money was sent to the wrong person all they have to do is look at the transaction. They will know immedietely where it went and to whom. There is no keeping that money. As far as legalities are concerned in keeping it, they will come up with something I can assure you.

THe moral issues are the most intense here and you seem to have risen to the test and will pass with flying colors. I must say that I am very impressed with SHUG7272 and his very profound statement regarding manhood. Kudos to you. THat is how we all should think. It use to be that without honor you were not a man. It is still that way to some of us. It should be to all of us.

With that I think you will be able to look in the mirror and be proud of who you see. When everything else has left you that is afterall all you have. We all need to remember that one day we will look and I hope we are able to stomach who and what we see.

well said!

I've already refunded the money ;)  I already had planned on that, I refunded it first thing this morning, I was just kind of wondering what would happen if the person in my position was not so honest like me. I know I'd be pretty pissed if I was out 1400 bucks


It dose cause Federal problem its called Mail Theft. believe it or not the U.S. Post Office have jurisdiction over this kind of stuff. Beside that returning the money is the right thing to do.

The USPS does not have jurisdiction over any E-mail, just mail sent through them.

I've already refunded the money ;) I already had planned on that, I refunded it first thing this morning, I was just kind of wondering what would happen if the person in my position was not so honest like me. I know I'd be pretty pissed if I was out 1400 bucks



They can always track shit no matter how pimp you think you are...  Usually the paypal payment will give a description about what the money is for. did that say anything? I am guess some expensive starwars prop toys or something ridiculuos like that...

It may take 30 days or so, but Paypal simply don't loose...the buyer who sent the money would report to Paypal along with the account expecting the money. Paypal would then start freezing accounts,withdrawing funds, and adding associated fees for charge backs etc... the guy owes you a Redlobster dinner for two to say the least!

I had a chargeback once for a considerable amount of money, the buyer reported as not getting the item,,,,Paypal immediately charged the amount to my account, done an investigation which took 37days total, I won......guess what I still was charged around $70 in fees for the investigation after winning the case!

Guilty until prov en innocent?

Hey REH :Since you already returned it its too late for advice.I would have treated it like they never put it in my account.Let them spend their time tracking it down which I'm sure they would have done.Then as long as it was still there it wouldn't have wasted any of your time.I surepaypal or ebay didn't pay you for the time you spent returning it.As for keeping it I bet the E-contract with paypal or ebay already covers something like this in the fine print.you can be sure they have their ass covered.Definatly a temptation though obviously the moral thing to do was return it.My way would have done this just at no waste of your time. Cholla

Hey REH :Since you already returned it its too late for advice.I would have treated it like they never put it in my account.Let them spend their time tracking it down which I'm sure they would have done.Then as long as it was still there it wouldn't have wasted any of your time.I surepaypal or ebay didn't pay you for the time you spent returning it.As for keeping it I bet the E-contract with paypal or ebay already covers something like this in the fine print.you can be sure they have their ass covered.Definatly a temptation though obviously the moral thing to do was return it.My way would have done this just at no waste of your time. Cholla

:roll: How much time does it take to send paypal and email saying "hey morons, you screwed up on transaction number 69640305k"  :roll:

It had the link to the ebay auction, it was for a very expensive 13.7 megapixel camera.


TBH, mabey im just a cold hearted bastard... but i once found some lady's tax return check on the floor. Mabey not tax return, but some gov. check to her for something in the high 4 digits . like 7 something.  She gave me 20 bucks for finding it.... . . .

- anyway in reply to the quote, if they had that kind of money for a damn camera, im sure they werent too worried about it :lol:

I would have treated it like they never put it in my account.Let them spend their time tracking it down which I'm sure they would have done.Then as long as it was still there it wouldn't have wasted any of your time.I surepaypal or ebay didn't pay you for the time you spent returning it.My way would have done this just at no waste of your time. Cholla

Wow, that's sounds a little f'd up imo. You would actually sit on it and "pretend" you never saw it? Glad you're not my neighbor.

"Yah Stank, I saw smoke billowing from your windows, but cmon, you expected me to get off my lawn chair and call 911? I figured someone else would do it".

Stank_Ho: I would definatly call in a fire at my neighbor's house.I didn't say like I never saw it.Just to let paypal use the employees they already pay to do the work do it.This is certainly different than an emergency Just a business mistake.


I got a guy, works for me, sounds a bit like you. I bitch at him that his daily mantra in life is "Why do today, what you could put off till tomorrow".

My mantra is like Nike, "Just do it". ( you see now why I'm always bitching at him.)

You help people out when you can, you'll get the same back in return some way or another. Some people turn their heads and pretend not to see. I can't do that.

I also believe in karma. What comes around goes around, ya know? You take care of me, I got your back. You screw me, fine, but you'll only screw me once. :evil6:

Stank_Ho : No my mantra is more like "get it done ".But let the other people do their job since I don't have time to do mine & theirs & still "get it done". Helping an individual as a good Samaritan is another matter I just don't feel this way about big corporations like paypal&ebay which is what the topic is about.

I don't try to "screw "anyone at least like you mean. I'm sure I have "screwed" people in my life most of us have but I try not to.

I'm not a beleiver in karma this is Hindu philosophy if I 'm correct( not my religion). As for what comes around goes around

I have known good helpful people who were always getting craped on by the people they were trying to help & bad people who seem to have everything go their way. I don't really fall into either category.  Cholla

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