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:D I am very excited. Also in the new EGM as well as some other magazines "high profile developers" probably EA that has worked with both dev kits  have commented that the PS3 "Is insanely powerful, much more so than the XBOX 2" awesome. I will buy all of the new consoles and am very excited.
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Here is a link to upcoming game releases: Xbox 360, also here: GameSpot

If you click on Madden NFL 06, the Xbox 360 page for it comes up showing screenshots (Click them to advance to screenshot page). On the right, you can click on the regular Xbox link and then view the Madden06 screenshots for it. The difference in quality is amazing. Those cinematics shots look almost as good as ones you see on the PC.

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Now that it has been officially revealed the new xbox looks to be staying in homes for awhile, high-def games wireless controllers, progressive scan DVDs straight out the box.I'm buying it what about the rest of yall

you mite want to by the new xbox if i where you i would buy the new PS3  it has a new prosser that is called a cell each cell has 8 prossers in it and theres going to be 4 cells in the PS3 beat that o and the cells operate at 4 gigs each the xbox 360 prosser only has 1 prosser and it operats at 3.2 gigs
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you mite want to by the new xbox if i where you i would buy the new PS3 it has a new prosser that is called a cell each cell has 8 prossers in it and theres going to be 4 cells in the PS3 beat that o and the cells operate at 4 gigs each the xbox 360 prosser only has 1 prosser and it operats at 3.2 gigs

Xbox 360 will have "Three symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each", which is more than enough power to push any game.

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I've read a few things about it. I saw the complete specs on Cnet. Is sounds pretty cool.

I still can't figure out if it supports wired controllers or not. I'd hate to be in the middle of a game, then bam, the batteries go dead.

I didnt check out any of the links posted so i dont know if you know the answer to this already, but it supports up to 2 wired controllers and 4 wireless

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Xbox 360 will have "Three symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each", which is more than enough power to push any game.


how will the implement that?

heard about dual core, actually met one of the guys in intel who developed the dual core processors

but triple core? never heard of it, or are they going to run 3 seperate processors any one clear me on this one please

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I've read a few things about it. I saw the complete specs on Cnet. Is sounds pretty cool.

I still can't figure out if it supports wired controllers or not. I'd hate to be in the middle of a game, then bam, the batteries go dead.

i think i heard the developers say that on the mtv preview but not 100%

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Allard told GameSpot. "With the rechargeable battery option, it will actually come with a cable. So if your battery low light comes up, you can plug the cable back in and continue gaming while you're trickle charging." Said cable would be USB, according to Allard, who did not say if the rechargeable battery option would cost extra. The standard controller will take two AA batteries

here u go netmasta

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I think the best developement at hand with the new XBOX 360 is the fact that it will be running an OS similar to XP Media Center, said to be an extended version, probably a version of Longhorn. You'll be able to access all your media files... music, videos...etc. with the remote capability of the XBOX from anywhere on your home network. This thing has got an ATI graphics card on board with HD...that's 16:9 wide screen capability native. Features a 20 GB hard drive which is removeable and upgradeable.

Looks like Bill Gates has done what he had set out to do....bring Windows into the living room. This thing is not only attractive to gamers,  but to folks who have been buying and building HTPCs.

Has anyone heard or read what the new box will cost?



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Actually I think they already make a Media Center Extender for the Xbox.

I've heard nothing about cost either. I'd say mabey between $190-$250? But then again, what do I know.

Yea, they do make an extender, and from what I understand from the XBOX freaks at work, is that this capability will be offered with the new box too. The extender gives you a remote, just like the one that comes with XP MC to control/play all your media files that are stored on a remote PC attached to the network. With the XBOX 360 you Can do without the HTPC in the living room (game room/rec room...whatever) The XBOX 360, which is quiet, is all you need right there with your TV or big screen whatever.

Our biggest problem with HTPCs has been keeping them cool and keeping them quiet. This solution takes care of that. Load all the movies and music on an old clunky noisy full of fans CHEAP pc in another room...control it with the quiet XBOX 360...PLUS have game play capability...all on one system, controlled with one remote.  And...I've got to mention this again...HD 16:9 wide screen video output..."720p or 1080i resolutions and multichannel surround sound. "  This thing is going to be sweet. Definitely on my 'got to have' list!

Oh..and I've heard rumours of 300 to 400 a copy.... mostly speculation by the techs at work. That's based on the fact it is coming with a near complete OS and will be so much more than just a game box. If this thing does what they say its going to do, I'd give $500-$600 for it. But given the fact that MS is looking to grab market share with this release, I'm the sure the price is going to be easy to take.



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I've read a few things about it. I saw the complete specs on Cnet. Is sounds pretty cool.

I still can't figure out if it supports wired controllers or not. I'd hate to be in the middle of a game, then bam, the batteries go dead.

true i never liked wireless controllers. they should just come out of the box wired and if you wwant wireless, just buy it

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