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Okay, some people have been fighting over the past... 36 hours or so.

1st things first, I have discussed with the mods that topics aren't to be moved to the 'posts not counted' section unless there are over 150 replies AND it is something like those word games.  The reason for this is because some people who want their post count raised will participate in these and have their count raised with simple one word comments, this doesn't accurately show someones participation in the forum.  But I don't think that too many threads belong in that section either.  Also, anyone that is seen Trying to raise their post count will have all their posts under... say... 10 words, erased.  Simply mySQL query I run and it's done automatically.

2nd, if your going to argue with someone... don't make it a personal argument.  If your going to argue, argue to prove a point... if it becomes personal and ends up in name calling and such...... you need to take a hike.  Don't even talk crap in my PM system, we don't need trash here.

The point is that, this is a forum where HOPEFULLY someone can find the answers they need to fix the problem they have.  And HOPEFULLY we can issue some good advice.  And hey, the word games.. GREAT, participate in them!  They're fun... we need to have more than just computer discussion here, I encourage off topic conversation... hell, we're not robots.

As for the closing of some threads, mods were doing what they are supposed to.  If a thread starts to get out of hand they are supposed to close the thread, and those were getting out of hand.  Don't blame them for doing what they are here for.

So STOP FIGHTING and start discussing!

I want to also welcome all the new people I see lately that are joining our discussions, good to see.

Please don't create ANYmore threads about this... DROP IT, but feel free to (without fighting) talk about it in this thread...

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Welp i came to post a few as i usualy do and saw my thread in the new forum being hijacked needlessly by a New member flaming and pointing fingers. And you tell ME not to fight on the forums? Typical.

Well whatever its over. Have fun, as usual I am the villian here for doing my job.

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Guest helloimtim

I myself could never really understand the whole flame thing or whatever. Its just words on a screen. To try to put any emotion behind them is silly. Some one calls me a whatever how do I know if there kidding or not? Second why would I care. I really enjoy posting with you all but really what effect does it have on my life. None. Is my the woman I see gonna leave me cause someone called me a butthead? Will my dog bite me. My kids hate me. Will my truck get taken. Will the earth blow up. NO. If simple words on a screen get you so excited I suggest turning off your computer and do something else for awhile. As far as all the rest of the complaints I suggest this. Tell cale let him deal with it. End of problem. Relax people. Its just the net. Not the end of the world. I do have to ask why would someone want to up there post count. After so many post do we get cales sister phone number. Whohoo...... :D

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I myself could never really understand the whole flame thing or whatever. Its just words on a screen. To try to put any emotion behind them is silly. Some one calls me a whatever how do I know if there kidding or not? Second why would I care. I really enjoy posting with you all but really what effect does it have on my life. None. Is my the woman I see gonna leave me cause someone called me a butthead? Will my dog bite me. My kids hate me. Will my truck get taken. Will the earth blow up. NO. If simple words on a screen get you so excited I suggest turning off your computer and do something else for awhile. As far as all the rest of the complaints I suggest this. Tell cale let him deal with it. End of problem. Relax people. Its just the net. Not the end of the world. I do have to ask why would someone want to up there post count. After so many post do we get cales sister phone number. Whohoo...... :D

haha, amen!

it's CA3LE by the way... hahahahaha

Yeah, you seriously never know how someone's expression is on the other end.  The most common ways that people get mad (that I've seen) is where one person misunderstands what someone meant to say.  :evil6:  --- like what I said above this paragraph, some people may have taken that the wrong way...

Anyway - - - - Nobody get's my sisters phone number ------ lol  :haha:

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I myself could never really understand the whole flame thing or whatever. Its just words on a screen. To try to put any emotion behind them is silly. Some one calls me a whatever how do I know if there kidding or not? Second why would I care. I really enjoy posting with you all but really what effect does it have on my life. None. Is my the woman I see gonna leave me cause someone called me a butthead? Will my dog bite me. My kids hate me. Will my truck get taken. Will the earth blow up. NO. If simple words on a screen get you so excited I suggest turning off your computer and do something else for awhile. As far as all the rest of the complaints I suggest this. Tell cale let him deal with it. End of problem. Relax people. Its just the net. Not the end of the world. I do have to ask why would someone want to up there post count. After so many post do we get cales sister phone number. Whohoo...... :D

Who's getting worked up? o_O;  I just continue hitting that pretty  " Close/ Remove Topic " button and my day goes on. :shrug:  It gets irritating yes... But not to the point where id like beat my head on the monitor or something.. Mabey leave for a few hours.. but.. lol "emotions?"  :whaa:

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I myself could never really understand the whole flame thing or whatever. Its just words on a screen. To try to put any emotion behind them is silly. Some one calls me a whatever how do I know if there kidding or not? Second why would I care. I really enjoy posting with you all but really what effect does it have on my life. None. Is my the woman I see gonna leave me cause someone called me a butthead? Will my dog bite me. My kids hate me. Will my truck get taken. Will the earth blow up. NO. If simple words on a screen get you so excited I suggest turning off your computer and do something else for awhile. As far as all the rest of the complaints I suggest this. Tell cale let him deal with it. End of problem. Relax people. Its just the net. Not the end of the world. I do have to ask why would someone want to up there post count. After so many post do we get cales sister phone number. Whohoo...... :D

Helloimtims got it right.  The diversity of the members here is what makes it a site someone would want to be involved with.  Discussions, both tech and non-tech, are what create the community here, in my opinion.  As with any community, there will be times that people will disagree and misunderstandings  are bound to happen.  That's part of human nature.  It's how we respond to disagreements that show our mettle.  Like helloimtim said, 'it's just the net'  :)

BTW, Could someone explain why post counts seem to be such a hot topic?  This being the first forum I've become involved with, I guess I just don't understand it..       

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this is kind of off subject (only because i forgot what i was going to type) :angry3: but hey you are farther along than me because i barely ever use capitals or punctuation


srry for being off subject lol

it's my opinion that i would be really great if this whold thread would remain off subject...everyone is right nobody is wrong...everyone  is wrong nobody is right...who cares...problem solved :) ...now let's talk about how beautiful i am today :P

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Where do you get those wonderful smileys?

when u reply to a post u get a basic set of smileys (right above where u type ur msg...not above the quick reply box)...written in blue letters to the bottom right u'll see [more] most of them r too violent for my taste...we need more sweet ones and more nasty ones :P

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when u reply to a post u get a basic set of smileys (right above where u type ur msg...not above the quick reply box)...written in blue letters to the bottom right u'll see [more] most of them r too violent for my taste...we need more sweet ones and more nasty ones :P

If ca3le wants to upload them iv got like 2 mb worth ( about 320 smilies)

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If ca3le wants to upload them iv got like 2 mb worth ( about 320 smilies)

might add more emotion to all this...put sum smiles on some faces...kumbya my lord kumbya... :::D but maybe u could break them into smaller groups to present to him gimme sum smileys...or is it...smilies?

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