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Microsoft Takes On BitTorrent

Iain Thomson, VNUnet.com

Microsoft has published a research paper outlining new file-sharing technology similar to that used by BitTorrent.

Code-named Avalanche, the software uses a new technique called "network coding," which breaks data into small, easily transferable packets to accelerate downloading, but includes details on all the other data in the file.

This allows the file to be reconstructed from all available packets in any order, not just sequentially as with current systems.

Full story here: Microsoft Takes On BitTorrent

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LOL microsoft needs to stop copying ppl and come up with some of their own stuff...or just stick to making windows better.

windows is about the only thing good from microsoft, everything else is ripped off from somethin else :-P

plus...no one uses bittorrent to LEGALLY get stuff...if microsoft makes this, no ones gonna use it b/c everything you dl using it would be some legal crap


Although I'm guilty of illegal file sharing (Napster, then Kazaa, then Bittorrent), I've never really agreed with the whole downloading music for free/illegal/piracy thing.  I guess that makes me a complete hypocrite, but I always figured that everyone else does it, and it's really convenient.  But it takes away from record sales and hurts the artists a lot.  One might argue that they make enough as it is, but it's really not fair to them.  I still buy CD's when I can, if I really like the artist, instead of burning them.  That's why I like what Apple is doing with iTunes.  I figure that Microsoft is going after that more than anything else, so boo-urns to them for unoriginality (they'll probably end up dominating it like everything else, for odd, unknown reasons).  But for $.99/song, is it really that big of a deal?  It's still convenient, plus you're not cheating the artists out of their deserving dollars.

I agree wtih FallowEarth, but AFAIK most money that is spent on a CD/DVD/etc does not go to the artist. Only a tiny fraction does. This is why I don't buy, because I'd rather donate directly to them, instead of helping the music industry sue people with that money.

BT is used for legal stuff. It was originally made to make the distribution of linux distros easier.

I hope Micro$oft doesn't market it as Avalanche but actually I do and I hope the maker of Avalanche by H-Master  which is an old "mail bomber" gets wind of it and sues them for using the name.  :evil6::haha: Okay I doubt this would ever happen  ;) but it would be hilarious and he would never win since they have an army of lawyers on retainer.  :lol:  But in all seriousness I might try it if it were free but I doubt illegal file sharing/warez/ect. would last long if MS were running the show or maybe they would make an agreement with ppl like members of the RIAA to get pay outs for the more ppl the rounded up to send to jail which might work for a while and that kind of symbiosis would work in MS favor at least for a while  (like reverse phishing by the "good" guys (MS and RIAA).  But maybe not.  :lol:  I any case I don't feel torrent has anything to offer me that I don't already find from the original providing groups when something new or not yet released comes out.  Dead links suck enough dead torrent links well why bother if it is a big file and the person goes offline you play the waiting game waiting for that exact file name and size for person or another perrson? with luck.  :-P  I think if you want to find more try an xdcc send from mIRC or your choice of IRC script and if you know where to look you'll find more and not worry about big brother or Digital Millenium Copyright Law or RIAA coming to bite you in the ass.  Just my opinon if any of these issues concern you.  And good old http links work great for me to find almost anything but once in a while for some things I will fall back and try P2P clients for laughs.  ;)  Well I guess the more sources the better inevitably... :evil6:  When it's out lets see how good it is and someone ppl try to keep us posted.  Btw at 99 cents a song or even a program I would have to sell my house by now!!!  :haha::cry::whaa::shock:

"plus...no one uses bittorrent to LEGALLY get stuff...if microsoft makes this, no ones gonna use it b/c everything you dl using it would be some legal crap." -  wingzero2309 

Great point i wish I would have read whole thread 1st this time but I am tired. :icon_pale: G'nite all.  :coffee:




It looks like I used some periods here and there at the end of sentences. Sorry if I am to long winded for you to comprehend.  :haha::roll::lol:  Maybe try RIF program after all "Reading Is Fundamental."  I will try to use less big words and dumb it down for you next time.  ;):haha: :haha:  I was a bit overtired when I posted but I think it is still pretty comprehendable.  I will try to speak more slowly for you if you want.  :roll::lol::-P  Still though, all punctuation aside what don't you understand about what I said? It's not that complicated really or at least not for most of us I hope. The bottom line simply was I wouldn't trust Microsoft to make a safe environment for P2P file sharing.  That part of what I said seems easy to understand. Well whatever I'm going out to drink and your not invited.  :idea:  :-P:evil6:;)  :whaa::roll:  :evil3:

It looks like I used some periods here and there at the end of sentences. Sorry if I am to long winded for you to comprehend.  :haha::roll::lol:  Maybe try RIF program after all "Reading Is Fundamental."  I will try to use less big words and dumb it down for you next time.  ;):haha: :haha:  I was a bit overtired when I posted but I think it is still pretty comprehendable.  I will try to speak more slowly for you if you want.  :roll::lol::-P  Still though, all punctuation aside what don't you understand about what I said? It's not that complicated really or at least not for most of us I hope. The bottom line simply was I wouldn't trust Microsoft to make a safe environment for P2P file sharing.  That part of what I said seems easy to understand. Well whatever I'm going out to drink and your not invited.  :idea:  :-P:evil6:;)  :whaa::roll:  :evil3:

Calm down man... its cool... everyones cool... No fighting now. :D Put the gun down.

@FallowEarth: i usually buy cd's rather than burning, (not that it really matters anymore since almost a year ago that drive broke and havent bought a new one yet), but 99 cents a song is a lot if youre buying the whole cd. thats why they charge 99 cents: just shy of a dollar and for most cds, you'll be paying just a little extra. i'd rather just buy a used cd.

oh well, Microsoft is just going to regulate all the downloads or whatever because people are bound to start sending movies and games and shit like that through it. it's inevitable. besides, I wouldn't mind snagging a copy of Donnie Darko for my computer. I usually delete the movies i download when I download them anyways, (like Episode III and The Warriors, for example), because they take up way too much space on my POS computer, but I could make room for that movie. it's so freakin' deep that it makes The Sixth Sense look like a kid's movie (intellectually, at least).

@FallowEarth: i usually buy cd's rather than burning, (not that it really matters anymore since almost a year ago that drive broke and havent bought a new one yet), but 99 cents a song is a lot if youre buying the whole cd. thats why they charge 99 cents: just shy of a dollar and for most cds, you'll be paying just a little extra. i'd rather just buy a used cd.

Cobra, I do believe that there is like a 'reduced' price if you choose to download an entire album.

i usually buy my cds used if i can find them in good enough condition anyways. i guess itd be kinda nice to download them and burn them and such, but i also like getting the album cover and the cd label. such as linkin park's meteora cd. i got a bonus dvd that came with it for buying it when it first came out, which i thoroughly enjoyed watching, and the like 40-page album cover/booklet thing with all the lyrics and pics of the band and lots of grafitti was excellent.

i suppose it all depends on what album you're buying.

i usually buy my cds used if i can find them in good enough condition anyways. i guess itd be kinda nice to download them and burn them and such, but i also like getting the album cover and the cd label. such as linkin park's meteora cd. i got a bonus dvd that came with it for buying it when it first came out, which i thoroughly enjoyed watching, and the like 40-page album cover/booklet thing with all the lyrics and pics of the band and lots of grafitti was excellent.

i suppose it all depends on what album you're buying.


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