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Which of the next generation systems will you be playing?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of the next generation systems will you be playing?

    • xbox 360
    • playstation 3
    • nintendo revolution
    • pc with next gen graphics

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The race to having pc quality graphics on home consoles is near. Make your pick. :tongue:

Graphics don't make the game.

Some games are more confusing than they used to be.  There are so many controls for one game, it's easy to get confused. 

IMO, game makers these days care more about the looks rather than gameplay.

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I hate the proprietory part king SONY it practically forces you to embrace everything SONY.the only sony products I own are a mini Dv camcorder and a HDTV as I got killer deals on both.

Not that microsoft is any better, but, Microsoft 360 has Xbox LIVE and that just rocks besides Capcom is gonna release R.E. 5 and Namco will be releasing more titles for Xbox too.

My PC is a self built P4 2.26, 512Mb of 1066mHz Rambus, Asus Mobo, 120 gb westerndig HDD, FX 5600 128mb, TV tuner card, 16x dual layer NEC DVD burner. The Point I built it a couple of summers ago and I can hardly play any of the new great games at medium quality. The life of a console is far greater than that of a PC and the cost difference well that is just obvious. My pc will accept an upgraded O/S (mediacenter with no compatability issues making it even more useful. PC gaming will soon fizzle out.

after all who wants to buy a 2-4K on a PC just so they can play Battlefield 2 which is gonna be on the 360 as well and I bet the choppers are easier to fly too. :-P

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you should be able to plug a keyboard and mouse into the 360 via usb 2.0 whether the software manufacturers will support it is another thing. as far as keyboards making a good controller or not. I think that they are superior to controllers for games like Counterstrike, (aiming and strafing is just so much easier via keyboard and mouse) and with games like Morrowind so you can quickly access a variety of a dozen or so different spells or items. I could not imagine playing Morrowind on a controller. Although I have become somewhat accustomed to playing Halo via controller I sure hope they make most of the shooters playable with the keyboard. With the exception of games like Resident Evil because 1st of all your in 3rd person and secondly you can lock on to enemies also the controller just makes it more personable.

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One gripe about Xbox 360 is why do you have to have mediacenter O/S to downstream to it? Will they come out with an update for all the people with XP Home or Pro so they can dowstream data from their PC to the 360?

Xbox LIVE rules    I reserved my Xbox 360 like a month and a half ago

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easy answer. whatever console is hot and of course the good old pc.

for the "simple" games the console will always have the advantage of being cheap.

for those games that go a little deeper like flightsims, rts and the like, that just need a bunch of keyboard controls, high res screens and mice to be playeble, not to mention all the nice analog sticks and force feedback wheels for flightsim/driving games, the pc will always have the upper hand, the cost of all that flexibility and raw power being of course the higher price. but then, word doesn't run too well on the playstation. so there is added value to the pc.

and yeah, i know, a 300 buck pc will run office just fine. so?

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easy answer. whatever console is hot and of course the good old pc.

for the "simple" games the console will always have the advantage of being cheap.

for those games that go a little deeper like flightsims, rts and the like, that just need a bunch of keyboard controls, high res screens and mice to be playeble, not to mention all the nice analog sticks and force feedback wheels for flightsim/driving games, the pc will always have the upper hand, the cost of all that flexibility and raw power being of course the higher price. but then, word doesn't run too well on the playstation. so there is added value to the pc.

and yeah, i know, a 300 buck pc will run office just fine. so?

I've played NFS on my pc and on my XBOX, it's just not the same on a computer. Maybe it's because I only have 256Mb of RAM, or maybe it's because the wheel I have (Sidewinder) isn't forced feed back. But I like racing games much better on a console.

Some games are better on a PC though. Trivia/game show games for example.

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