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yeah the WTC would be standing

but something else wouldn't

historically isolationism has ALWAYS had bad effects on the isolated

the effects might differ each time but they were ALWAYS bad

face it we live in the world and you cant ignore what happens in it

the world gets more screwed up everytime the US and UN decide to ignore something

its time we go and something to help others in all the places where its needed :brave: :brave: :icon_salut:

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[quote author=cholla If the US government is never going to use the nuclear weapons then why build them?

.When we interfere with this we become their enemy & get attacked.Muslims kill other Muslims that they consider brothers so they have no problem at all with killing us that they consider infidels trespassing on Allah's earth.But if left to themselves they don't bother with us infidels.So my solution is leave them alone or kill them all.Any other way we will have problems with them.

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It is still my opinion that the Muslims would fight among themselves instead of going elsewhere.

I haven't heard of them doing terrorist acts in Australia.Greenland,Canada,Japan or a lot of others.

I still say if you build nukes you have to use them at least once in a while so there is fear of the USA doing this.Thats the point.No country fears the USA will nuke them.So the build them so we won't have to use them doesn't hold water.So I say don't build them with no intent to use them.They perceive this as cowardly because the Muslim terrorists would use nukes if they had them.

Yes pull all of our troops home.They are closing bases in America.When we have an emergency like Katrina we don't have enough troops here to take care of the emergency.Most of our National Guard are also in foreign countries too.How about having them here at the service of American taxpayers since we are paying for them.It costs us to have them in foreign countries who only want the bases because they boost their economy.If we wanted them to pay all the cost of the bases & give us some profit too like Businesses here do Americans.The foreign countries would tell the USA to get the bases out of their countries.

The UN should be moved out of the USA so we are not tied together so close.Move to Switzerland so the USA could just be one member country if we wanted to Or pull completely out if we wanted to.

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It is still my opinion that the Muslims would fight among themselves instead of going elsewhere.

I haven't heard of them doing terrorist acts in Australia.Greenland,Canada,Japan or a lot of others.

Honest, I don't mean to sound sarcastic but I think you and many others have been shielded from a lot of necessary information by the dominant media in this "free" country. To date since 9/11 there has been about 2873 Islamic attacks in the world. For example 2 yesterday in Thailand and India killing six.

Take a look at this link:


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there might not have been any in those countries u mentioned but there have been plenty

in southern asia, england, france, germany, spain, phillipines, and more

pertaining to the nukes, its called MAD : mutually assured destruction,

no one, except those who are trully crazy, will usse any WMD on us because the second they do

their whole country becomes a very large crater

i agree w/ u to some extent that we should keep more of our soldiers, not all, in america

and fuck the UN they're more corrupt than ..... ok i cant think of anything thats ever been that corupt

they make enron and the catholic church look clean

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I will agree that whereever Muslims are they will try to take over.Many of the nations that have had terrorist attacks have a fairly large Muslim population.These probably trace their religious leadership back to the middle east.The terrorist attacks started when the middle east started to be westernized.I don't know for sure if backing off & letting the Muslims run the Middle East like they did would work.It might be like shutting the barn door after the horse is out.But it wouldn't work any worse for the rest of the world.The only other solution would be to eliminate all the Muslims & nobody likes that solution.

I understand the concept of MAD I just don't believe the leaders we have in the USA now do.Let me know about it again after some terrorists blow up a nuclear reactor in the USA.If they manage to blow up the Pantex plant I probably won't be here to let know of course their might not be any survivors anywhere if they do that.

I going to leave it at this my opinions on what I think needs to be done have already been posted.

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the problem is that with a lack of education that is present in some of the communities there the imams and other religious fanatics can pretty much control the facts. see this for an example:


that link is the saddest and the scariest thing i've ever seen...i don't think Stephen King could do it scarier...man!!..."whatta cute li'l boy/girl"...KABOOOOOOOM!!!!

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I taped the movie I plan to watch it tonight.

In rasoplarabotnick's link I heard one of the children say America twice at least I think I did but the subtitles didn't show it.


This is not going to be a popular view but any American soldier that makes the mistake of not viewing these children soldiers as the enemy & just as dangerous is going to get killed by the child soldier.A mistake that has already cost Our troops their lives & probably will continue because we fail to train our soldiers to kill the enemy regardless of their age.An armed child soldier is the enemy.

We made this mistake in Viet Nam too.Then when the soldiers took the situation into their own hands they prosecuted them. The My Lai massacre for example.Or the My Lai killing the enemy pretending to be friendly

civilians.Depends on your point of view.

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  • 8 months later...

everyone: i keep hearing that america should just leave

the world alone or become isolationist

if anyone here remembers their history then they would know

that isolationism ALWAYS HURTS the country

example: japan was left behind in power and tech, it took them a world war, imperialism, their ass getting handed to them, and about 150 years to catch up

example: during the beginning of WW2 america would not join the fight, results were that germany took over most  of mainland europe, and it took us more LIVES and time to beat germany back not to mention the other thousands of lives lost in other countries while we refused to help them


Some very good points indeed!

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The isolationist approach doesn't work. As the world's only super power, we will have to respond to disasters and conflicts, regardless if the recipients are deserving or not. Th UN is a den for corruption and should be disbanded.

The government did have advanced notice of Pearl Harbor, and tried to hide it by condemning Admiral Kimmel for the attack. He was smart enough to send Halsey out to search for the invasion force, and avoid a complete disaster with having 2 carriers in port.

Rummy and his minions have decided that the way to carry our message is thru a rapid response force, that is why things like BRAC come up in the headlines. Less fixed bases, the ability to wage war on multiple fronts.

Interesting posts from all!

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