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what do you mean, old friend of a friend story. just because his friends don't have any reliable friends doesn't mean noone's friends are reliable. did you hear that from a friend of one of your buddies? i for one choose only quality aquaintances that prove to me with a quick background check that all their so-called friends are reasonably accurate in their statements. if in doubt, i simply subpoena the friends friends friend to get the lowdon on the story. if he confirms it i can be reasonably sure that truth is served. just because you have unreliable friends doesn't mean you should go around calling everyone sloppy in the choice of their buddies.

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Becuase Upload costs Comcrap!

With a 1/10 connection you'd only beable to download at roughly 130kB/s. witch is not very good.

Who cares about download speed? If you need a large file, let your comp run overnight.. With upload you can send folks files much faster, host game servers , have video meetings, etc . Downloading at speeds in excess of 1mb/s is just rediculous when your upload is only 97 kbs.

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I'd care more about download. What if the file you are downloading is like 4GB? On a 1mbit line it would take forever. It seems like for most intetnet companies can acheive download speeds almost effortlessly. Upload is the issue. If anything, why not compromise such as a 6/6 line or even a 4/4 I'd rather keep at least my download speed there then be able to upload as well. Not many people out there have 10mbit down connections so I'd find it rather pointless. One way or another the times will catch us and I'm sure we'll be able to see some sort of 10/10 line or even Van Burrens 100/100. Yes it may be years but by that time there will be no need to complain  :haha:


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likeme and others have stated before, traffic costs the ispmoney. that is why the slow uploads. isps have decided to keep the upload slower to force people that want to host stuff, implying they are making money wih it themselves, to use a business class connection which means that they either pay a igher monthly fee and/or get charged for traffic volume generated.

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That is a good point but the way I see it is that ISP's are pissed off at people who share their music, games, and movies. By limiting them with their speed they have been able to influence people to share less and saves them on bandwith. Reguardless, we get the shaft in the end.


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likeme and others have stated before, traffic costs the ispmoney. that is why the slow uploads. isps have decided to keep the upload slower to force people that want to host stuff, implying they are making money wih it themselves, to use a business class connection which means that they either pay a igher monthly fee and/or get charged for traffic volume generated.

Comcast buisness class isn't any better for uploading. BTW, this is for zip code 02368, so speeds may vary by area.

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That is a good point but the way I see it is that ISP's are pissed off at people who share their music, games, and movies. By limiting them with their speed they have been able to influence people to share less and saves them on bandwidth. Reguardless, we get the shaft in the end.


Very true. But then their are people like me who just run their computer for weeks on end and leave their connection open to hundreds of GB of upload. :-D

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I live out in the bay area, California. Last week I was having trouble with my modem recieving the proper config file. Well while on the phone with a tech, He said the speed upgrade for northern cali or at least where I am is set between sept 20 (today) till the end of the month. He also mentioned that he was reading a Memo he had there that they would be rolling out 12Mb/1Mb next year. I don't know if he's just b/s or if they will, but that would be cool.

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