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Good news for FF users.  :)

...whether you use IE or not - for example, Windows Media Player has a Firefox plugin. I also recently got a chance to play with a new Firefox plugin that simplifies and improves the Windows validation process on that browser...

Read here: Microsoft Windows Genuine Advantage plugin now available for Firefox

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[glow=red,2,300]why should microsoft have to change anything? the microsoft update works just fine with ie, everyone that needs the microsoft updates has received a copy of ie.

if they want to claim that firefox is so great, why don't they stop bitching about websites being designed for ie and not other browsers and instead go make their browser compatible with the industry standard. just because i like british sports cars and buy a classic with right hand drive doesn't mean that everyone else in the world suddenly has to change the way they build roads so that i don't have a disadvantage from my exotic choice in cars.[/glow]

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The thing with Microsoft sites (zone.com, Windows Update, etc.) has nothing to do with industry standards. M$ sets it's own standards. Those sites don't work in other browsers because they use propertary technology like ActiveX. If another browser wanted to use ActiveX, they would probably have to pay some kind of fees. M$ doesn't like to share their technologr with others.

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and why should they. to my knowledge microsoft never claimed that their website, or other websites that decide to design for the leading browser to cover most bases, is completely compatible with other browsers. if someone decides to bring out a different browser, they need to ensure that their product works on everything, not vice versa. i would like to run my car on rails, but the roads here use the proprietary asphalt technology, so i have to keep my car on tires as it is. i can of course mount rail wheels and set up rails in my back yard and drive it there using that in my eye superior technology all i want, but i can't comlain that it doesn't work anywhere else.

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I use FF 95% of the time.

But, I know it is not 100% compatible with all sites.

What I like about it is that someone wrote an IE extension for FF, and when I have these issues, I just click the Open in IE button, and walla, it opens in IE.

Problem solved. :D

I don't like or dislike either browser, but I DO like FF's tabbed browsing features.(more so than IE7 beta, so far)

A couple FF cons for me:

1. Resource hog

2. Anything running Java ext (ie: weather radar) takes like 3 minutes to run. :angry5: - annoying.

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^^^ thats your computer.  My old computer did the same problem and now i bought a brand new one and it opens instantly

I kind of figured that, I haven't really tried to improve it yet.

PC is a 2.53GHz P4 with 1GB Ram. So must be something going on with software.

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the time will come when those sites that use  ms propertary technology will have to change or die

kina like what is happening to ms

html was not invented by gates -he just refuses to abide by any standard

the company is on its deathbed and does not know it yet

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I think there has been a WMP plug-in for FF for a while. Anyway, now only if M$ could make Windows Update available for FF.

Yep, the WMP plugin has been around for a little while, but the Genuine Advantage plugin is a step in the right direction for users of the browser.

I don't use FF though. :)

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[glow=red,2,300]why should microsoft have to change anything? the microsoft update works just fine with ie, everyone that needs the microsoft updates has received a copy of ie.

if they want to claim that firefox is so great, why don't they stop bitching about websites being designed for ie and not other browsers and instead go make their browser compatible with the industry standard. just because i like british sports cars and buy a classic with right hand drive doesn't mean that everyone else in the world suddenly has to change the way they build roads so that i don't have a disadvantage from my exotic choice in cars.[/glow]

and why should they. to my knowledge microsoft never claimed that their website, or other websites that decide to design for the leading browser to cover most bases, is completely compatible with other browsers. if someone decides to bring out a different browser, they need to ensure that their product works on everything, not vice versa. i would like to run my car on rails, but the roads here use the proprietary asphalt technology, so i have to keep my car on tires as it is. i can of course mount rail wheels and set up rails in my back yard and drive it there using that in my eye superior technology all i want, but i can't comlain that it doesn't work anywhere else.

:whip2: :whip2: Down boy.. Down!!!!
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As far as I've gathered, FF has some trouble with embedded objects and scripts.


OK teacher, how about voila! :haha: :haha:

I guess it doesn't make much sense when I think about it.

Have you heard of any fixes for the FF scripts, or am I just SOL?

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OK teacher, how about voila! :haha: :haha:

I guess it doesn't make much sense when I think about it.

Have you heard of any fixes for the FF scripts, or am I just SOL?

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

No, I haven't heard much of anything on the subject.  There are some extensions I've seen, but I can't be bothered with them.  Most of them don't do what they say they do, and many completely suck.  That's the trouble with open source, you don't know when you got dummies writing for you.  I like tweaking and configuring and personalizing my shit as much as the next geek, but there comes a point where I just throw my hands up and say fuck it.  Some pages load great with FF, some load with problems, some don't load at all.  I find myself just using IE instead of sorting through pages to find the right extension for the job.

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:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

No, I haven't heard much of anything on the subject.  There are some extensions I've seen, but I can't be bothered with them.  Most of them don't do what they say they do, and many completely suck.  That's the trouble with open source, you don't know when you got dummies writing for you.  I like tweaking and configuring and personalizing my shit as much as the next geek, but there comes a point where I just throw my hands up and say fuck it.  Some pages load great with FF, some load with problems, some don't load at all.  I find myself just using IE instead of sorting through pages to find the right extension for the job.

I only rarely have an issue with Firefox, that's when I hit the 'open in IE' button.

BTW, my work PC has the same slow loading issue with java scripts, and it is 100% Microsoft.

But, I'm not trying to fuel the FF vs IE fire, it doesn't really matter either way to me.

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