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Yes as i have mine enabled to monitor my hub, switches and computers and how much they use.  1 more thing is your most likely capped on there end not yours so have fun trying to un-cap it and if you do have fun paying the fine when you get caught and your internet takin away. 

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holy hell dude, 15/2? I gotta say, that's the stupidest f''ing thing i've ever heard of..I literally laughed out loud when I read that. If you go up that high, don't. I don't wanna see anyone ever get their broadband taken away, and I'm sure neither do you..

so, are you gonna post scores when you do it?  :D

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First of all, I would not attempt to uncap your modem because your ISP will 100% notice and your ass will be theirs in a legal suit for the next few years.

Second, North American ISPs block SNMP because it is vulnerable to DoS attacks.  Good luck with that....it makes me laugh harder than the other.

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well, though, it still may have just sent your modem a new config file, and then it got that when you restarted the modem. The thing about uncapping  is that you can change where that config file is coming from, thus, you control everything  :twisted:

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well i was just wondering if i can uncap a modem and get decent upload speeds to host once an a while.  im not trying to put Comcast out of business or put me in jail. 

Once you uncap that modem comcast will know that you have uncaped your modem and the will reboot for you the first couple of times once you uncap it, then they will just shut you off for about 24hrs they if it happens again they will shut you off for 30day's and final you will get shut off for ever.

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it is illegal to uncap modems, and the providers do whatch for it, because they of course don't want yo getting more than you pay for.

however, most people that try to uncap try to get faster downloads, and that is what they mostly watch for. if you require faster uploads some of the time, no more than a couple of hours a day you should be good to go. remember, the download is what will raise a flag first, so raise just the upload to maybe 3 megs and zoom away. just don't keep that up for too long. the upstream traffic is usually less than downstream so you should be able to fly under their radar for quite some time.

if they do shut your modem down, simply call their tech support and complain about an outage. they will tryy to say we caught you doing such and such and you just tell them you know nothing about it, you're sorry, etc. and they will open the line again.

good luck, and post some upload scores.

:haha: :haha: good way to get away with it, i know when i got cougt on adelphia with 100's of uploading connections a second opening when i had a mail server running on the connection, [when i should have not done that] they shut me off for a few hrs till i called and complaned, and i did the same excate thing as what you said complain about a outage.  :haha: :haha:

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