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Everything posted by cholla

  1. 51 Texan( 3rd generation) American( First ancester that wasn't Native American arrived 1720) Part Native American(ancesters here a lot longer) Amarillo,Texas I feel my roots to anywhere but America have been pretty well bred out. I could give a whole list of European nationality ancesters . A quote from John Wayne " There are to many hyphenated Americans" Meaning be an American if you live here,be proud of it & drop anything else. If you live in another country then be proud of that country(if that country is too bad to be proud of then leave or make it better.)
  2. Hi Van Buren :You are correct the value is a string value.I made the corrections to my post . The Belarc Advisor lists all MS patches in the system.So you know they are installed.It even indicates if they are correctly installed. Thanks Cholla
  3. Hi all: A lot of the reason war goes on is because it is big business.Unfortunatly money rules its not supposed to be that way but it is.This is the reason our government wants to be the world police force,If business was loosing money on war we wouldn't be the world peace force.There's no money in nuking them all because then who are you going to war with?That's why the USA spends trillions on nukes we never intend to use but pay to have manufactured.The problem is the small countries no longer fear that we will nuke them after all we have only used them twice in war on the 2 Jap cities. This is something that wasn't made to much of in the news France our so called ally gave classified information to Sadam before the war started.These were minutes of meetings between USA & France.France did this for favorable oil deals with Iraq.Remember that the next time you go to buy something French.I personally consider this treason by France & that makes France a greater enemy than Iraq. Cholla
  4. Hi all: I put in a new avatar it is supposed to be animated.Its animation works on my PC but when I loaded it in my forum profile it is just a still shot.I would like some advice on getting the animation to work.It has to be possible because JustinOhioRR's avatar is animated.I have trouble loading images I'm still a newbie in this area of computing. So help me if you can .I also tried image shack to do this I still couldn't get it to work. Thanks Cholla
  5. Hi Van Buren & speedy final:I checked my Belarc Advisor it says I have this patch installed.I thought I did but checked.The main thing to get this to work is the TCP1323opts setting If it is set at 0(zero) then 65535 is the max rwin. 1,2,or 3 will let it work at larger setting.Which ever of these your system needs I use 1. http://www.belarc.com/products.html Cholla
  6. Hi speedy final: If you are tweaking win98 here are some tweaks I posted.I use 98se. https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=1633.0 https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=1772.0 The second one is for dial-up modem you probably don't need it. There are two settings in cablenut that cause problems for me they might not on a faster connection.they are: MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server .Set this at 4 instead of 20. Delete the following setting from registry:MaxConnectionsPerServer. these can be found here: H key current user/Software/microsoft/windows/current version/Internet settings I would use the rwin you use in the comp you usually use inthe DefaultRcvWindow & GlobalMaxTCPWindoSize. IF you need a freeware unzipper for win98 you can get one here.Its the one I use. www.zipitfast.com/ I hope this is some help to you. Cholla
  7. Hi Van Buren: You might add spyware blaster to your list .I think spybot s&d suggests it but I've had spybot installed for so long I don't remember.Here a site to download it. http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/
  8. Hi Van Buren: This is a lot better trace to your site nothing about St.Petersburg: Domain Dossier Investigate domains and IP addresses
  9. Hi Van Buren: This is a link to the screen shot of the Neo Trace to your test site.I tried to put in the screen shot here but I couldnt get it to work. Cholla
  10. HI Odysseus_____ &Van Buren: I used a new program called Neo Trace Express it traced the site to ST Petersburg the whois Showed Van's ISP in Sweden.My other trace route tool timed out
  11. Hi Swimer:The world does already have enough nukes so many they dismantle & store them Practicaly in my back yard.The USA has spent trillions to develope them >Only to never use them.My point is use them or stop building them.We may be the world police force but no one really beleives we will do that much because we fight with one hand tied behind our back.And what "SUCKS" is our "NO WIN" policy that means we fight to a stand still at the cost of our troops lives then when the enemy asks for peace we just stop,leave, & take no spoils of war.This was not always our policy it started after WW1.The USA became the USA by taking the spoils of war .We took the first 13 colonies from the British who took them from the native Americans,France& Spain took plenty of land from the native Americans too.The USA then took it from them either through war or forced sale.We used our best weapons against the native Americans to finish taking the USA to make the country the way it is now NO MERCY given.The USA purposly infected the Native Americans with small pox & measles,we killed them with repeating rifles.the gattling gun,cannons& any other new weapon developed.Then took the spoils of war.The point of all this is our enemies no longer fear that we will do this.Or whendid you ever hear abuot giving the land & customs back to the Native American Nations that is the most correct term I know to use.Setting them up as a democracy & letting them have control.If this is what the government of the USA beleives is the correct procedure after defeating an enemy.This is our plan for Iraq but not the Native American Nations.Personally I beleive like my ancesters did take the spoils of war from your enemy.And I am part native American like most USA citizens. Cholla
  12. Hi Swimer:This is my opinion & it is the same for Iraq except for I would remove our troops first.Nuke N. Korea & Iraq too .The USA has been building nuclear bombs since WW2 & have spent Trillions of dollars doing this But we have only used them on the two cities in Japan .All other atomic bombs exploded were tests including tests exposing our troops to see the results.Now we have so many we dismantle them.I should know I only live 20 miles from Pantex where they dismantle nuclear weapons & store the waste.So I think nuking N. Korea & Iraq would be a way to dismantle some of these bombs.My attitude is probably more radical because I have lived 20 miles from where 1 accident that sets off one of these bombs will radiate a large area in the USA.The government probably doesn't even know how large the area would be.Maybe the whole planet in the worst senerio. Cholla
  13. Hi orange: you might try this site http://www.mdgx.com/web.htm#98SE I used their unofficial windows 98 se 2 & it fixed a problem I was having after I installed IE6.This probably wouldn't work for windows XP I don't know but this site also has a lot of info about XP too.You might have to look around the site for awhile to find what you need. Cholla
  14. Hi JustinOhioRR: I wasn't getting on your case I posted because the topic was 56K.Since there aren't many 56K's that are members.The pictures did load pretty fast.I stiil have a problem posting pictures I have to go to a web site to have them coded.If you could tell me how you do yours I would appreciate it. Cholla
  15. Hi Swimmer: I just put the site in for a temporary solution.Incase he wanted to do a trace before he got his os working like he wants it to. Cholla
  16. hi cmptrguy99:You can use this site to do a trace until you figure out your problem http://www.network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=trace&Netnic=whois.arin.net&host= Try this & see if you get packet fragmenting: ping testmy.net -f-l 1460 The l is a small L. Post the results if you want to. Cholla
  17. Hi all :this is the ndt test from the slow connection
  18. Hi disturbed: To start a new poll you have to do it when you start a new topic .it is at the top of the main forum areas like general discussion.If you need this in the future.I don't know how to do a poll on a topic thats already started maybe a moderator could. I have IE it can have problems sometimes.I also have Kevin Solway's "Solway's Free Internet Search " v2.2 http://theabsolute.net/sware/ It makes a pretty good backup for free. Cholla
  19. Hi JustinOhioRR: I don't know what the beware 56K was about so I thought I would add a little "beware 56K" to the topic. Cholla :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 111 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 KB) Download Speed is:: 14 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Test Time:: Wed Feb 9 02:44:56 CST 2005 Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB download in 73.14 sec Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-LNW49HRCF
  20. Hi Speedy Final:This is probably not going to help much .If your ISP is like mine they block ping & say this is for security.I don't know if cable would be the same but check if your ISP blocks ping. Cholla
  21. Hi all: thanks for the comments on dial-up.I'm gladto know wmmc has dial-up to.I changed the poll questions I couldn't remember the origional ones & they had been changed by someone other than me. Hi Swimmer: Dial-up is band width just low everything on the internet is band width.Dial-up users & there are a lot of us test their speed too. I would have replied sooner but I am having some browser problems. Cholla
  22. Hi JustinOhioRR: I hope to get to cedar point to ride these coasters.They look like a couple of the new record holders. Probably about the top speed the government will allow them to get . I didn't see the g force on these I bet its high. Cholla
  23. Hi junkeXL: I had heard of the Cyclone I never got to ride it.I remember seeing it advertised in comic books when I was a kid. The only wooden coasters I have ridden are the Judge Roy Scream at Six Flags Over Texas & one at frontier amusement park in Oklahoma City I don't remember the name of this coaster.I like the wooden coasters they have a different feel & sound.The steel coasters are faster & can have loops & spirals. Both have their good points. Hi Microwave: I didn't see the comment myself but thanks for putting out the flame. Cholla
  24. Am I the only one who likes roller coasters? Someone must have ridden one they liked. Oh well I guess I'm a little crazy I'm replying to myself. Cholla
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