that wont do anything, but make them raise prices
a shortage is same as not going to get gas
its like old boycott french products yet most the products where made in america, we hert our selfs
besides other countries imports help pay our taxes
tornados are made of warm and cold are mixing and falling
hurricanes are made the same way over water by more powerful winds helped by waves and current
that was one sad situation for the people that get hit by katrina the hurricane
i wish them luck
edit: spelling
Whats better ? dsl 3-5 megs 856up for $34 cable 4megs 384 up for $45- 54 cable 4meg down and 384 up for $45
Im trying to make the ccfa well known and to support a future without crohns and colitis.
You can make donations and get information about crohns and colitis at
If you got guts, then help find a cure
Edit: Combined posts.
everyone knows amd and intel are always slighter faster than latest powerpc chips, that are way out dated back to the pentium, kind of like a pentium 4 that runs half the clock