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Everything posted by dn0

  1. I'm not sure what to think of that result. Only 7 hops? Try the pathping test one more time to this IP: It is a Cox DNS server, the route should not change during the test on that IP.
  2. Well most isp's will say 2% loss is acceptible, but I don't agree. Try the pathping test from command prompt: pathping google.com If you've never done this test, it takes a while, it will say "computing stats for xxx seconds". This may show where the packet loss is coming from.
  3. dn0

    broadband problems...

    Thanks, MYRIAGON, I am not very good at talking one through tweaking their connection. I just point them in the general direction .
  4. dn0

    broadband problems...

    Looking at your test from BBR, it looks like you do have some custom tweaks installed. Have you tried VanBuren's custom tweaks from this thread: http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013 ? If not, give them a try.
  5. dn0

    broadband problems...

    A couple ping went long toward the beginning, I see. Do you have cablenut tweaks installed right now? Or are they set to the defaults. And last; what are your advertised speeds, and who is your provider?
  6. dn0

    broadband problems...

    Welcome to the forum alexx92860 First, one of your ping requests timed-out. Type this into your command prompt: ping testmy.net -n 100 After the 100 ping requests are completed, post the results back here. ( you can change that # to a larger one of you want) This will give us a better idea if you have an intermittent packet loss problem. Then we can go from there.
  7. I have a Tripp-Lite - Internet Office 525VA UPS. It's actually getting pretty old, but held for 20 minutes during an outage the other day.
  8. I see, that answers my question. If you travel alot, it would be an advantage to be able to dial in for free being an AOL member.
  9. Curious; you are assigned an IP from AOL's IP address pool. Are you connecting through an AOL proxy? If so, why not cut out the middle man?
  10. I would not complain about any of that, except for maybe the upload, but 939 kbps is still alot better than average. I would be happy with your speeds. (mine are about half of your's on both DL and UL) btw, AOL has a wirless service? I am not very familiar with AOL's broadband services.
  11. Welcome to the forum, wirelesstexan Yes, that is a pretty good connection. What is your advertised speed? How about posting an upload test.
  12. dn0


    Comparing NOAA sattelite photos to Google Earth photos. http://ngs.woc.noaa.gov/katrina/
  13. Was just wondering that. Must have had the fiber installed today. Same host, new pipe. Nice....
  14. I am laptop shopping myself, and probably going to go HP. Looks like a good deal to me. Have you checked Newegg or Tigerdirect? Not sure about shipping to P.R.; end cost may be higher.
  15. dn0


    Found some pre-post Huricane sattelite pics of New Orleans. Sad, Sad, Sad.... http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/facility/new-orleans-imagery.htm
  16. Sorry, I guess I assumed that everyone was aware of that Kidding, And we all know that when you assume, you make an ass out of u and me.
  17. Too bad you didn't hang on to the Impala.. Yah, you may be right about the 55 thing, maybe I'll look around for some stats on mileage vs mph.
  18. I know you've been around awhile, cholla, but 55?? That helped back in the 70's when everyone was driving LTD's, Torinos, etc.. I believe todays vehicles get just as good of mileage at 65mph. I like the 75mph limit here, but it is pushing it for the gas milage. BTW, gas actually dropped back to around $2.99/gal here in NE. (big frickin' whoopee, but better than $3.39)
  19. I saw one station at $3.41 today, but of course it was empty since it was the highest one around. I paid $75 today to fill the truck,
  20. Prices today range from $3.19 - $3.39.
  21. My max mtu is 1472, I never tested it that way before, thanks, cholla. Results: C:Documents and Settings>ping testmy.net -f -l 1473 Pinging testmy.net [] with 1473 bytes of data: Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Packet needs to be fragmented but DF set. Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 0, Lost = 4 (100% loss), C:Documents and Settings>ping testmy.net -f -l 1472 Pinging testmy.net [] with 1472 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=1472 time=57ms TTL=50 Reply from bytes=1472 time=56ms TTL=50 Reply from bytes=1472 time=56ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=1472 time=55ms TTL=50 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 55ms, Maximum = 57ms, Average = 56ms
  22. Alright, gas has jumped 60
  23. Sounds like a good combo to me. And, as far as I know, Cox will only provide the network equipment if you choose their wireless home networking service (9.95/month, I think). Otherwise, you need to get your own. I would call them and verify, though. They may sell them now. They do sell new modems for $59 where I live. That is for a Motorola 5120, and thats cheaper than the stores. Added link: http://www.cox.com/omaha/highspeedinternet/home_networkingFAQ.asp
  24. Thanks, raptors892004, you woke up my conscience, he had been napping so peacefully.
  25. If it's legit, then I'm guessing Microsoft can help.
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