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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. congratulations and best of luck on your future career. and thanks for putting in the commitment.
  2. just add 'em all. you da man. you can do it. and spaticus, find some general smilies to add too. the more the merrier!
  3. dumb question of the day: is your screen alright otherwise?
  4. there is definitely THE best web browser out there. it will have all the features you want and exactly the look and feel that you like. what's the catch? it's never the same one. everyone has their little quirks so everyone will find the perfect solution for themselves. this solution will likely be uncompatible with everyone elses perfect solution however. so stop arguing which flavor of gum is better already.
  5. shug is a mod. he can decide wether or not it is appropriate. i ain't posting it here.
  6. i guess i should take that as a compliment. anyhow. in response i will pm shug with a link that i find too sick or entertaining to post publicly.
  7. bah. humbug!
  8. ask them. they might pick up the shipping since it is still under warranty.
  9. check with hp support if you can just plug that cpu in. otherwise, more ram never hurt anyone either. (less hd access)
  10. it does teach you things you might later need. if you are in a position to quote prices and want to play with different discounts to reach a certain price then you will need to know the basics to get excel to do it right. excel is powerful as a math tool, but only if you know some of the stuff yourself. but enough geezing....
  11. if the social conscience doesn't know how are us knuckledraggers supposed to figure it out?
  12. they could have just started flooding. he woulda moved...
  13. um. why just respect for female members?
  14. nope. not everyone. i started signing up but the first page read "we will scan all your mail for any information we can use to advertise to you". no thanks, i'll read my own mail. and who knows what other info google is skimming off the top.
  15. because you yourself mentionened them in one of your rants against her majesties government. i want a retroencabulator for christmas!
  16. it'sactually a play on lmao (laughing my ass off) lmfao will usually turn out to be laughing my fat ass off my persoanl fav derivative is rotflmbfhao.
  17. waiting for some feedback from tim...
  18. google is an evil empire. in the not so distant future all of you that are receiving things for free from google will be presented the bill.... and on that topic: repent sinners!
  19. next new box will come with vista, so why other buying it at release.
  20. every time i have trouble with my connection i think of all the poor birdwatchers out there...
  21. get your brit cars straight before roco has a conniption over there. it's aston martin
  22. they are using their cable management as you can see in the picture. but it's full. looks like trunks go in the cable management from left to right and distribute vertically. the diagonal connections are just for obfuscation. somebody has his job security riding on this one. you can't fire me, i'm the only one that knows the wiring scheme.
  23. now all you need to do is show her this thread and she will leave myspace alone.
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