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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. silver, are you talking about the states or europe? you/ve got me confused with the use of EU in otherwise english text... so they actually managed to pull their head out of their fourth point of contact with dmax? good for them. but the connection is improving for me with onelink (maybe because people are leaving?) and as long as it at least stays up if not fast it's ok. and the speed issues have gotten better too. (less p2p traffic?)
  2. first: that thing is from the call center. notice how you get the could you listen to this call for me? as he calls his supervisor over? and it seems they put it in a powerpoint presentation for training. cholla, the do not call list doesn't stop all calls because any company that you have had contact with in the last six months can call you. so if you bought from company x they can have one of their subsidiaries run a telemarketing by you wityhout the do not call list bothering them. if i do get a sales call i listen to the recording and stay on the line until it rings the call center. then i ask for a supervisor. once i have him/her i ask them to please remove my number from my list. if they do not do so it is against the law. also, the call going from the comp generated to the call center means that the call center charges the company they are selling for more for the call than if you simply hang up on the comp.
  3. is the 40 mm on a card or cpu heatsink and/or can you swap it for a larger one? that should help a lot. also if possible consolidating the 80s and the 90 into one or two less 120s should help.
  4. is the reduced functionality in relation to other linux firmware versions or in relation to the original firmware?
  5. http://www.break.com/index/angrybt.html
  6. so you have a not insignificant risk of creating an expensive paperweight and you get reduced functionality? or what?
  7. hm. so instead of having just explorer.exe running on xp or any other windows machine you get a preloader to have a bunch of firefox stuff also scooting around the system. only to load a browser faster that is an alternative to the free one that already comes with the system. and what about security? since google has boosted its support for firefox i'm sure there is a bunch of google spyware that the preloader keeps running on your system 24/7...
  8. i have seen solutions that modify the dvr by installing a small circuit board that can split the ide signal to an external plug that is then connected to a pc. this way the files could be pulled off the dvr disc and stored on a comp or cd. this worked only for dvr models that store the video unencrypted in a normal digital video format. or you can always just open the case and yank the drive with the above conditions met. or connect a cable to the drive from a usb external hd case and use a longer usb connection to get the signal to a pc and access it. would still require opening the dvr to hook up but you would only have to go to usb on the pc. as for legality, i guess if you keep the videos to yourself you should be ok, if you spread them around you are probably in trouble.
  9. or you could actually decide to stay legal?
  10. i've never had, wanted or considered aol and they send me trial discs. lol. the nbc interview shows again how biased reporters are whn it comes to their stories. vince tells the aol dude that he is annoying the fuck out of him. does nbc mention this? no. instead they ask him how he stayed so polite. but to tell the truth the aol guy was obnoxious in trying to keep the account (his job) and didn't get really nasty until he was told that. no, i don't think that aols policy regarding customer retention and account reactivation if you as much as log on by mistake is right but the call center drone /was/ just doing his job. to be honest i think aol can say he is no longer with the company because he never was. he was probably part of an outsourced 3rd party callcenter and never worked for aol. so they can say he doesn't anymore. another thing is the legality issue. the callcenter states that the calls may be recorded or monitored for quality assurance. but if vincent ferrari did not inform the aol guy he was also recording then he has made himself punishable by law since it is illegal to tape a convo without informing the other party. consent is implied after the notice is given. edit: my bad, it is legal in most states to record without other paries consent. http://www.callcorder.com/phone-recording-law-us.htm
  11. haven't heard about usenext. if you are leeching music off torrents etc. try www.pandora.com it's legal (well, quasi legal. their license is for the us. and pr is a territory so...) you give em a song or artist and they will play the artist and anything that sounds similar. is great for discovering acts you would not normally listen to, cd quality and for some reason it works great even when normal browsing is sluggish with noelink onelink.
  12. the g5 will have the core duo 2. or is supposed to, anyway. even more grunt. (for most things an imac with a 20 inch screen should be good enough though. already powerful processor and big screen with decent graphics. although as far as gaming goes i don't know how well it would hold up. as for the mac vs similarly equipped pc, the pc is going to be half the price. i'm not sure that macos can make up that much to justify it. personally excess cash would go into an imac simply for the chic case.
  13. amd is going to have to do something to /stay/ king? iirc the intel chips are faster than the amd ones? and with conroe coming out the p4s are going to be dumped by intel, hurting amd even more. i think amd has really fallen behind by a generation now. they are playing catchup ball. and even when the g5 comes out, which it should with the core duo 2, it will still be too expensive compared to a pc. if you need the macos fine. otherwise stay away unless you can afford the extra markup.
  14. and disables any kind of radio transmission in the surrounding area. keep in mind that turning your entore homes electrical system into a huge antenna can violate fcc rules pertaining to the owning and operating of transmitters in certain frequency blocks. also keep in mind that letting electrical appliances connect to the mistreated wiring with its high frequency noise in addition to the existing 60 Hz cycle can cause malfunctions or even damage in their control circuitry. Electrical wiring is to be used for just that. in no case is it prudent to run any kind of data signal short of the very low bandwidth meter reading applications the power companies use.
  15. i had prtc dsl before onelink. they wouldn't open /any/ ports. by default everything except 80 was blocked. that might have changed, but i'm still not going back.
  16. i dunno if it's real or not. i just think it's hilarious.
  17. when choosing comps and on a budget the mac automatically disqualifies itself. as for mac users claiming they don't get viruses, that may be true. they have even more security by obscurity than a linux box. linux you can actually find working systems online. how many macs are online at any one time? not enough to make hacking them interesting.
  18. http://my.break.com/Media/View.aspx?ContentID=118734&ChannelName=movies :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:
  19. you can prolly fry eggs on that laptop. does it have battery runtime or do you have to have it plugged in all the time?
  20. depends. no, really. do you want to game on it? work on it? just surf on it? for media center, mac mini with the intel cpu. small, quiet, perfect. for surfstation: imac sweet looking little rig with 20 inch screen. but also pricey. and then the macbook. also intel. the downside to all: pricey. the upside: you can now run xp on em. as for virus and bug free? hell no. there are so many kinks found in macos compared to the number of running macs in the wild that the os looks unsafer than anything else. as for ease of use, yeah.
  21. lol. you actually told them you have trouble with p2p? in all likelihood p2p content is illegal, so they can do that to you since iirc the terms of use say no illegal stuff. blocking p2p crap means less cost for them. and since they are a company out to make money off of you they will do that any way they can. the funny thing is that when the web slows down to a crawl (including testing here) often a download from microsoft or other places will still be able to run full throttle. i would call in to receive a credit for every creditable disturbance (which have gone down lately though) but don't want to spend 2 hours on the phone every time just to call it in.
  22. lol. government do something about it? government do something useful? what puerto rico do you live in? if you don't like onelink and have an option, change providers....
  23. yep. i id. but some people just have to bash a good thing. that's my job. and i do not tolerate competition.
  24. me? look at all the other people running around with the threaddefibrillator.
  25. it works. you take a few feet of powerline, shrinkwrap it and twist several strands together and hook them between two gigabit cards and you can reach 200 mbits on powerlines...
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