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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. All i know there is to much of a cover up going on Here in austin there were a few car bombs done in front of the state capital (in an attemp to kill the bush famaly) but i cant find a single bit of evidence to support it The website and newspaper that had this had "an electronical glitch" and those documents are now unaccessible. I know they happen cause i saw it live on local tv and had eye witness reports of it
  2. YEP! lol
  3. Hey did a plane really hit the pentegon? There lots of info both ways i dont really know what to believe
  5. Dark06


  6. Dark06


    Okay so we got a bomb threat call into the schoool today so school was cancell today it's the secound one i seen there was one on the last day of school last year and we had to go in an extra day to school while every1 else was at the pool It has kinda become like a school tradition every year you can expect at least one bomb threat and if your lucky there will be a real bomb in there so im wondering does this only happen at my school? If this has happen at your school plz tell
  7. U got to b kidding me! are u sure there not cached?
  8. Me was one buggy operating system
  9. Wow i thought i might b the youngest in here but i guess not
  10. Wow thats amazing i did not know of anyone who did not practice daylight savings time naw we sholud stick to the summer time the whole time im not sure id thats daylight savings or whatever the oppesite is
  11. i saw this one time it look koool but one i tried it i quickly change my mind your fingers fell really wird just holding them in mid air
  12. 16 year old 11 th grade (junior) Skills usa computer maintnance member working on A+ and Networking + Love computers i own my own rather small buissness (im a self employed landscaper) i hope to be able to work somewhat in the computer field this summer im gonna print an ad on the newspaper and hope people will call me to fix their computers i know a bit about html i wanted to b a webmaster/computer programer but gave up on that cause typing code all day aint fun. I live in Austin,Tx wanna know something else check out my myspace http://www.myspace.com/sweetapple_juice if u add let me know your from testmy
  13. I never thought of that i have shaded the whole keybord out with a permenent marker but never switch the keys
  14. Its a joke but they should look into this is a preeety good idea
  15. Those are excatly the ones we got for our com maintnace program at school Fattymcbluff they got them for us from a room that had not been used since the school was built in 96 since then all the comps that broke were just piled up there we found a 66mhz one and we actually got it to run linux
  17. 200 mhz procesor 128 mb onbord video no sound running xp online capabilities but thats nothig i got a 66 mhz 32 mb of ram 1 gig hard drvive computer at school thats actuallu online but its using linu0x
  18. So will you or any1 else for that matter need the windows xp iso?
  19. Want me to upload u a windows xp cd iso ? maybe u will have better luck with that legal as long as you use your key on the side of your machine
  20. http://www.streamload.com/ THATS THE BEST
  21. 2 hours is a lot of timec wasted but not as much as this is going to waste him
  22. Dude my school club when to waco (where in austin about an hour drive) AND WAS SURPRISE TO FIND THAT WE HAD ACCES all along Ih 35 even when there was nothing but cows around it was awasome
  23. Ok lets start with the basic ISP? Cpu speed? Memory? Version Of Win? IE or Firefox? Advertise speeds? Anitvirus?
  24. They are trying to
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