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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Didnt we have responce from other Dial^ users before, I know mrp was using dial for awhile but I thought we had a few more...? Microwave
  2. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Why thank you for the praise. I am very glad you are happy with the functionallity and the fact that this site will ALWAYS be free. To tell you the truth I pick up more than ten times the cost of the dedicated server in ad revinue and also to tell you the truth I do this for fun and even if I broke even I would be happy. ~~ though my site has text advertising I have promised never to have pop-up or anoyance ads on ANY of my sites, I feel those are making the internet a stressful place. Hell, I felt bad for those couple of months that I had some casino ads... the internet should be a place were you can kick off your boots and not have to be bombarded by advertising... blah blah blah This is a quote from CA3LE from 2 years ago.... Microwave
  3. Except Cholla is paying a lot less money then the Satellite ppl are paying... Microwave
  4. sophsterr, First welcome to the site I hope you will enjoy. We will try and help if we can............ follow these steps and post again 1. What OS are you running, ex win 98, win xp SP1, SP2 2. What service do you have, what is the advertised speed for download/upload. 3. What tweak programs you already have installed, and run this test please....http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks [www.dslreports.com] copy and paste result URL address in your post! 5. What speed do you have against www.testmy.net [www.testmy.net] and http://nitro.ucsc.edu/ [nitro.ucsc.edu] also make a tracert, go to start-run type command and hit enter, type tracert testmy.net and hit enter, right click copy all and paste it in your post. Microwave
  5. Yep delete is the way to go, unless there is some possibility that its a needed file or cookie...... it doesnt really hurt to be on the PC but it doesnt help either.... Microwave
  6. Here is a link that may help answer your question, I think the real issue is that they can change the rules anytime they want.....
  7. Actually this test site is the MOST accurate site on the net, and if you or anyone else knows where a more accurate site is please tell us. There have been hundreds of thousands of test on this site and we have seen some irregular things b4, I would guess that either your firewall, AV pgm or some browser optimizer is the cause of your high score, I am also confident that if you wish to find the cause that we can find and identify it if you want. As had been suggested post a test score from DSL and we can start there if it is your wish. Either way you are welcome here to test and post, and when we identify the cause we can stop what is causing this and you can get your "truespeed. thanks :) Microwave
  8. It looks like a decent plan but, what will it be used for? Do you in fact have enough space to do what it is you want. What provisions do they make if you go over your allotted transfer, and does that mean down or up or both?? Do they freeze your account or charge you a higher fee if you go over?? Of course these may be questions you already have answered for yourself.... good luck... Microwave
  9. IE...... but I have started to use FF, it just doesn't do all the things that IE does, and the net really is set up for IE.......... OK I know that will get me blasted..... L0L we don't have a lot of IE fans here.... Microwave
  10. Does ComCast even have a pkg that fast? And its the only test from that IPA Addy, what kind of connection do you have and what do you pay.... answers please I need answers L0L.... almost 1000 x faster than 56k.....
  11. It is kinda cool that he has been able to max out his connection, and I think that is something that everyone wants 2do........ no matter what connection you have make it the best that it can be........ but I would freak if I had to use 56k all the time....L0L but I do know ppl that dont really see it as an issue..... Microwave
  12. Except it didnt work yesterday, used ME (couldnt find 98se boot disk.........but I did format and reinstalled , but
  13. Just dont try a group hug......L0L Microwave
  14. , as you Know Sat is a different ball game........ and Dway seems to be a difficult one to tweak.........good luck Microwave
  15. Yep reset can make a world of difference...... Microwave
  16. Yeah Z.A. runs great 4me while not affecting my speeds at all. I had a paid version of McAfee (latest greatest) and it slowed down my speed testing by 1000Kbps, even after reinstalling a few times it was an issue that couldn't be resolved so I removed Mac and installed Zone Alarm and have been getting great speeds..... so I guess you don't always get what ya pay 4....... Microwave :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4944 Kbps about 4.9 Mbps (tested with 1075 KB) Download Speed is:: 604 KB/s Tested From:: http://s1pwnsyou.camaroz.net Test Time::
  17. Yep thats the way
  18. Yep VanBuren is the Master Blaster with CableNut....... now if he could "tweak" some cash from Billy boy that would be cool.....L0L Microwave
  19. OIC TY....... makes sense now... Microwave
  20. Very nice indeed......... Pffffft ....he's gone....... Microwave
  21. Indestructable, Like the new Sig....... is it "mean green" ...L0L Microwave
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