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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. Personally I use the TCP Optimizer. But if your using ROM-DOS setting, I'd say thats about as good as it gets. Him and cholla were the two that were into it real well for speeds here ............ thats a dial up connection? :shocked: So how do you figure to improve on that?
  2. Good speeds there fikester. Hope it holds up there. Don't go away mad, ........ Satelite has always sucked and been the only alternative to dial-up for years for many. But it does look like it may be turning for once. A good thing to see really. For the longest time I thought it was gonna be BPL that replaced satelite.
  3. That I definately would do. Its why you pay extra, so you can play with it a day early.
  4. Yep, every year the lady bugs find my office in the basement ......... but not the rest of the house for some odd reason.
  5. Norton itself will kill your speeds. I'd say use Avast or AVG. Both free and much lighter on speeds.
  6. Honestly finding differences between ISP is one of the things we do here. And giving results between them is the fruits of the labor. Its so those who want to know which one might best service someone might make a more educated decision. Reviews sort of you miht say. So no offense should be taken. Not to really see who has the biggest dog.
  7. Which version of rose are we talking about? For the 1997 version? This one is only 34 years. Born Kate Elizabeth Winslet 5 October 1975 (1975-10-05) (age 34) Reading, Berkshire, England http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kate_Winslet Is this the one muddy?
  8. Your probably right, the ship was actually a Halloween hoax for real ................ Just kidding.
  9. Sounds more like Harlem language. "cool0" Yep, might well be.
  10. It does, but some of the blue background covers things up I try to read. Why I switched. I loved it really.
  11. Personally I check mine here. :haha: http://www.testmy.net/speedtest/d_load.php
  12. I did for a year or two. But then happened to use christmas again as the season rolled around and liked the way it looked last year. Been there ever since.
  13. Christmas year round now. Easiest for me to see.
  14. Glad you found something you liked and had the money.
  15. Have to get started somewhere. Welcome to the forum sloppy87 This should have at least been in general also.
  16. If you need the help we usually have the answers, and sometimes you may have our answers. Welcome aboard.
  17. Last I heard that was pretty much correct.
  18. Damn, and I was having my Tux cleaned for the party on the island.
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