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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. Heck, 60 was good on the 6000. Not too suprised there. Seen 90 one time when tech support was out.
  2. The hot deals will be on newegg before christmas. Pretty good shit. Should be cheaper than that. Coknuck got a hot deal last year like that. I on the other hand missed a sweet deal on a moniter, still waiting to do it again this year. Yep on a moniter again. Maybe I will not drag as long this time. Was like a 22" $189 one for $139.
  3. Unfortunately that is totally right. It used to be all you had to do to notify your spouse of your suing her/him for divorce was to publish it in the local paper for three consecutive times in it. And it did not have to be one that she/he would even know existed. It has happened too many times here. In fact I just got a bill for $1238 to replace a sidewalk in front of one of my houses, and I never got notice I could do it myself. And the crete would have only run maybe $125. And less than a weeks labor. Asswipes. And nothing I can do except pay or pay later with interest. :knuppel2:
  4. I fully agree and more compuguybna. War is not the necessary expense from that cash. I say as always were wasting billions of dollars when we'll never live there anyway. I say under the ocean. I mean for gods sakes, would you rather get with it with an alien? Or gorgeous Mermaid. The politicians are nuts. I think I know where I'd put my money.
  5. Actually right now Iraq is safe compared to Afghanistan. But best wishes there too.
  6. Hey don't be shy, the only ones who bite here are the females. And for some reason that seems ok.
  7. Welcome aboard the crazy bunch train. Hop aboard and have some fun. We're all just playing and funnin.
  8. Maybe try this first. http://www.testmy.net/t-4257
  9. Well its my pleasure to welcome you aboard this fine forum gr8fulcrone . And your on the right path, best of luck, and hopefully your next post will be full of success.
  10. Thats satelite for you. And the biggest gripe with it. Not just the bandwidth, but the bangless per buck. :knuppel2: Its horrible. And don't get started with rain or ice on the dish interuptions ....
  11. I am convinced. 'Keep buying store bought'. I would have been so pissed by that time. Not to mention it would have taken me months to get that to a shop and figured out.
  12. Actually Latest Member: rcarver48. They join so fast. And welcome to the forum. I am guessing you have done all of this http://www.testmy.net/t-4257 EDIT: fixed link
  13. Spaceway was sent up in 07, they had plenty of time to send up the next. Thats no excuse really. If their getting the cash it should be that simple .... yes. And generallee76, why not start a new thread if this is not working for you. It will help by the way till they over sale it once more. Its how they do it.
  14. Damn you are in nowhere land. Those do not even look like choices really. I do understand, and for over 5 years 8.0 DSL has been staring at my house only 2 blocks away. And yet the pone company has no desire to bring it on over. I even offered to pay. They said when they are ready and not until. But EVDO is ok till it gets here.
  15. Hey Lolita_ra, to the forum. So where you hail from?
  16. My satelite problems .... and probably yours also ... undoubtably will not end till you get away from them someday. And best of luck on that venture one day. To me its almost like looking for a soul mate. Hoping beyond hope that one day she will be there.
  17. I actually was in the girl scouts for years. Every so often I would actually scout out a cute one too.
  18. Yeah, I was thinking girls scouts ............... cookies (dirty minds ) and maybe a Ferrari.
  19. That might be it really. Cablenut can even slow a computer down if the wrong file is used. Thats why I use the TCP Optimizer, its so much simpler and no trial and error to it. Sometimes it even gets better results. I wish I could only get 35 megs.
  20. to the forum westom. Hope you enjoy your stay. Electrician maybe?
  21. :2funny: Hey fella's. That squabble was over a year ago. :2funny:
  22. I just have to have that 'pink' drill to finish out my tool assortment. :2funny:
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