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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. What ever happened to Dlewis anyway? Didn't he do this type of stuff?
  2. Try this. http://filehippo.com/download_asquared/ Careful though, its strong. Gets stuff you'd never think of.
  3. I guess it doesn't like me. Are we supposed to use the same name as in here?
  4. WOW, that was a short poll. Missed it ............ who said I want to chat with this bunch?
  5. Avast is mine for the last year, and girls seem to like the update voice. Go figure it had to be a male instead of some sexy voice. But other wise its very good and free.
  6. I hear you there, but its not available to everybody.
  7. Again a few have gotten the unlimited. I hope you do. Again check all facts with the representative before finalizing is all I know for sure. Best of luck wth it. Again, you'll easily know in the first 30 days I am sure.
  8. If you are using it on the ground floor it is easy. In the basement you'll need cables and antenae for it to reach signal. And signal is the key to speeds on it. And a tiny help from TCP Optimizer. Yes more recommended than cablenut. Actually granpa has the best settings of anyone I know. But I'll get you through the basics. I actually use the U720. And by the way Sprint is the best of the EVDO providers. So actually feel lucky. All you do is plug it into the USB port and the Sprint representative will walk you through it. Simple instructions also come with it. Yep no more ice or snow on the dish. Not fantastic speeds, but surfing rocks compared to satelite. D/L might be the same, but without the jet lag of satelite it'll be better still. And the upload kills satellite. I pay the same within 1 cent, so for me it was so easy to do. Here is my modem, any idea which one you'll have? I hear some are internal antenae. Never dealt with one of those. But again they have great phone installers, and its a fast setup time. Odds are you'll love it. I know I said I was gonna walk you through it. I just did, that all there was to it. Unless again its in a basement. Then you'll have to let me know. Also "I" got to do a 30 trial to see what I thought of it. You might ask of that. It only took a week and one rainstorm to know though. I don't know what plan will be available to you, but I got in on the truly unlimited plan for D/L's. Some have a 5 Gig plan. Be sure and check on that.
  9. Its wireless by cellphone waves. Try these links. Sprint: http://www.sprint.com/business/products/products/evdoEnterZip.jsp Verizon: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/CoverageLocatorController Cricket: http://www.mycricket.com/broadband/ Your local phone company also. http://www.evdomanuals.com/ev-do-service-providers/ So thats who was blocking my post. And a couple more.
  10. Nice upload. Even though the rain never stops mine it will slow it down at times. Even trees do that a bit. I get a 2 point signal gain at this time of year after the leaves fall off the neighbors trees. So not anything kills it, but it still gets affected a bit.
  11. Good to see you back michealm. Looks like things did nothing but get better for you.
  12. Very nice speeds, welcome aboard the forum.
  13. Also testing with a larger file might help with the speed.
  14. If he is getting 1464 and he's supposed to be getting 1500? Not sure about the problem, but then I must be lost.
  15. Yes very nice snd simplistic choice for carving. Ours were too simple and old fashioned. Never get the kids to sit still long enough to pick some good ones.
  16. I have no idea, its copied straight from the test results TMN gives out. I'd say ask CA3LE.
  17. You mean hair in the food is not normal? Man, I have to find a new place to eat then.
  18. Its in my sig momma. Sprint EVDO Rev. A
  19. Nice speeds and welcome aboard.
  20. Thats usually the way it works. Its very difficult to see what "you" might have doe wrong. I was the same way roofing. After teaching roofing all the time (roofing general contractor) and having to answer questions o what was done wrong, my own work it was hard to see. I'd often actually ask a student for a fresh pair of eyes. And they usually found it. But trust me it was rare. Also coknuck is in your neighborhood. If you ever seen a beard fly by on a good looking Harley, that might have been him.
  21. :::.. testmy.net test results ..::: Download Connection is:: 1200 Kbps about 1.2 Mbps (tested with 1536 kB) Download Speed is:: 146 kB/s Upload Connection is:: 502 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 61 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Main) Test Time:: 2009/10/30 - 8:08am D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-851SAQJEN U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-WEGJ650B2 User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; WOW64; Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) ; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; Media Center PC 5.0; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729) [!]
  22. Well now, if that don't beat all. Thats what started it.
  23. I wonder if that is smart bro? Or that would be great dial up.
  24. Yeah, sometimes that happens. But again I don't have much of chest hair. So maybe mine got lost. But for some reason my girlfriends always told me grass don't grow on a playground anyway. So is that it? The chin is too busy?
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