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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. I am not debating it either, I was just stating what it is in here mostly. We will leave it as it is considered that on here. K
  2. There are some others, and some charge only if you need tech support. But it is still available. And brandband is also so debately as to it's actual definition. I believe dial-is actually considered broadband. As this forum was not supposed to include dial-up. Then they decided it is also a brandband.
  3. Free dial-up is still available.
  4. I guess all the griping won't change the fact that it is a choice most times. Them or dial-up. And I chose them for now,[til something better comes along]
  5. That ain't no crap! I could see if they were needed upgrades, but they are not. THese old systems are capable of much higher speeds. And it seems like Dway is stuck in dial up phase. Dial up has not changed except for going from 28-56 kbps., after all these years. And $400 you are right. They need to rethink the issue of paying unreasonably to upgrade. They should at least give you the option of the $49 deal like the rest!
  6. Thanks water, maybe that should be a sticky. *clears throat*
  7. ^ ^ ^ ^ Better luck this year Roco. Maybe you will use the right amount of powder this time.
  8. "Linksys WRT54g " I'll try to remember that if I decide to go for a router. Thanks.
  9. That is OK, you go ahead and enjoy it. I now understand your frustration with the cutback on the speeds. You are used to much more.
  10. Then that is not as bad then. With 50 at once I think something would come loose before I got done reading them. (I think my head would spin loose)
  11. Nice speeds coknuck. Better than ever.
  12. Man how do you give 50 numbers straight in a row, and get them all right. is right.
  13. AAWWKKEEEEKKK There was my damned mother in law again. I thought I had buried her deep enough. Danged it fallow, That was scary. :icon_shaking:
  14. For some reason, I actually do not doubt that.
  15. You mean they have not caught up to you yet wyantm06 I don't understand it, they should have caught up to you by now! (just joking ) Everything is fine. Actually the little old lady just thought you were cute, she was actually hoping you would come out and play.
  16. So is a dirt chucker out also? Man I need an up to date dictionary.
  17. Good well water always tastes better if it is clean. Especially in the hot summer.
  18. For inviting, or digging. On the inviting no problem. On the digging I have one minor problem, they have never made a shovel in my size.
  19. I don't think Van Buren really cares right now. He is an exception.
  20. Story of my life, yours are across the road. Mine are all 2 blocks away. Piped gas and DSL. So dig a tunnel under the road, and invite them to use it.
  21. I just noticed you also are behind a wireless router. That will slow speeds down also. On the settings I use the TCP Optimizer only. So I would know less than you which is the right cablenut settings.
  22. Lets see, the monster_man arrives on halloween, now what is up? Welcome to the forum monster_man
  23. Spyware scans are in that link. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-4257 Along with all the other goodies.
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