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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. After reading a little further I would totally have to agree with you ISP geek. "eBay strongly encourages you to keep your member profile public. In other words, everyone should be able to view the feedback other eBay users have left about you. A private profile means that others can't view your feedback. Your member profile is a valuable asset on eBay. Making your member profile public generates trust and increases the likelihood that other eBay members will do business with you. After all, you'd probably want to see another user's member profile before you bought from them." http://pages.ebay.com/help/feedback/reputation-public-feedback.html
  2. MJFSOL try reading here. Achieve the Best Performance Out of Your Computer http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-4257 And after it is clean try reading here. The TCP Optimizer is the easiest one to figure out. It actually gave me my bast speeds. And the cablenut is there if you want to play around a bit. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013 Then post back the improved speeds, or any problems you might have encountered.
  3. I guess I misunderstood. Hey what if I take a bath in it and come over right now?? Would that work water. I hope it does not have to be Budweiser.
  4. I truly appreciate that cholla. I guess I have overcome quite a few obstacles in my time now that I think about it. I guess those did not seem as big as some others I have had to face. Quitting smoking was more of a timing thing than anything else.
  5. MJFSOL you are running a 2460 Kbps on a 5 Mbps connection speed over wireless. Are you in the USA What type of connection is it anyway. Wireless internet besides the wireless router?? Anyway that would appear slower than necessary. I wouold think it should be much faster.
  6. I don't blame him at all! What no periscope? I would have one of those on you also. And even a couple of bugs for eaves dropping also. Especially you shug.
  7. Welcome to the forum Shugs bark is usually worse than his bite. Enjoy your stay. OK, I said what you wanted shug, now where is my testmy bucks cheapo? edit: spelling
  8. I stick with the skunk theory. Just install a dead skink in his car. With a note pinned to it's tail stating that this is what happened to the last skunk who tried this. Or maybe mix it with the shitty story.
  9. I was truly lost before you explained it shug. *as he wipes the sweat off of his brow* For all I knew it was modern school talk. Bt now at least I know my kids will not be doing that to me. My luck it will be much WORSE! EEeekk...
  10. So would that be like alluminum foil in the hubcaps to stop radar traps dark06?? I am pretty sure they ruled that old wives tale out. Now lead lined walls, maybe. And a lead curtain should do it.
  11. Well that is not too bad. You still have internet. That is pretty good concidering...well you know. I probably would have been worse on my kids, probably grounded from internet also.
  12. So actually if they were in each room. OK, I thought you actually meant a ton of them in one room.
  13. Hey TimPawlak, I thought your dad kept the other internet service?? How would that come up the same??
  14. Thanks water, a very thoughtful and caring idea. I'll have the kids pick out some tomorrow after I get home. They will love the idea.
  15. I am assuming you mean in a business Dlewis. A ton of ceiling fans at home might be over kill. But breezy though.
  16. Definatley misquoted there. I know better. Yoy actually want to pour a beer on CA3LE, just so you can drink it off. NOW, tell the truth.
  17. Sorry, I meant they will NOT dry up on you.
  18. ONE big disappointment you will find. You cannot print what is concidered glossy prints like you can with inkjet. I like them, and they look the same behind glass. But for some reason folks still think they should be as glossy as the waxy paper from inkjet. The problem is the glossy will very quickly if not immediatley mess up the laser as it uses heat which will melt and gum up everything. By the way I personally am still on the trial toner it came with. Iv'e had it for 6 months. And they will dry up on you like the inkjet. My main reason.
  19. Damned it, what about us that cannot stand beer anymore. MAYBE mixed drinks??
  20. RESURRECTION ONCE AGAIN! Does someone need a hug?
  21. Very truye words. Sort of monopolizes a neighborhood or area. Definately gives you absolutely no damned choice. Unless you want DSL and such. And the way they will not service just anyone. Other than speeds, I personally think CABLE SUCKS!
  22. If you are married swimmer that would explain it. It sounds something like my wife when she finds out the last potato chip is gone.
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