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tommie gorman

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Everything posted by tommie gorman

  1. Actually php and I have too much confidence in Hughes. They may up the package, but they will then over sell it to where you actually get less. Except if you want to stay up till midnight to get those speeds. Probably be up to 2.0/250 with a reality of 700/75 in the daytime @ best. Lots of confidence.
  2. Who wants free problems. They could not pay me enough to...well it would depend on how much I guess.
  3. You don't have to tell me twice. I know.
  4. Off course not resopalrabotnick, for power lines I prefer to just drop a tree on it. Much more efficient and quick. They tend to come out rather quickly. One time I gave them over a week to disconnect a power line so I could cut down some trees. They even stopped in a large trck one time and did not bother to do it. So finally I decided to go ahead and start cutting. No matter how careful you are with that many trees it would be hard not to do any damage. Low and behold eventually after carefully trying to not do this terrible deed, I finally knocked the power line out of the air. A loud bang and it was down out of my way finally. I finally was relieved to know it was down. After that it was smooth sailing cutting the trees. And the power company arrived that night to rehook it back up. It pays to loose your patience some times.
  5. Spyware? Reload TCP Optimizer again? *just thinking out loud* Restart modem? Defrag? cclean and reboot? Sometimes just cleaning up helps. Never know.
  6. Yep, was never really impressed with the 360's either. Had one myself. It was merely OK.
  7. Limits on dial-up is a little silly today. Anyway, one way I got a power line replaced one time was to build a bonfire underneath it. For some reason after getting it red hot and burning the remaining insulation off of it, they decided it might need replacing. Go figure. :lol: Just make sure it is broken, not cut.
  8. There again, the 351 is much larger than the 5.4 (330 cu. in.) and yet it probably uses less fuel. Some reason the 5.4 likes gas. And the 4.6 (mine is 281 cu. in.) is not bad on gas, and there was not much power spec's difference when I bought it compared to the 5.4
  9. I understood all of that except the "Duh nuh nuh....!" Part. I also could not find it in my Babel Fish Translation. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  10. I still like AMD. So do quite a few folks. Not everybody wants the high end stuff they test with. There are still advantages to AMD. Just not in a lap top. And since I am not a lappy person...
  11. 899ms Ping. Probably normal for sat. 978 D/L 0 U/L definately normal for sat. It is OK, but it is off for satelite.
  12. Sorry, I use TCP Optimizer. Wish I could help. *as he crawls under a bush to think* The newest and largest number I assume. "VanBurens_cablenut_settings_version_9.zip" Obviously for cable and XP, and I am not sure after that. I think that is it. No? Maybe speeds differ? It is not opening up for me either, so I was just guessing. "404 - Attachment Not Found" Hope you find it.
  13. The site seems to be working fine for me. http://www.cablenut.com/ http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013 Also this has something to do with it. "Test Time:: 2006/10/10 - 6:22pm". Try much later or earlier. And you might read here also before doing the others. "Achieve the Best Performance Out of Your Computer" http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-4257 One more important thing, Welcome to the forum Dragonbreak Enjoy your stay.
  14. Welcome to the forum Amdkillsintel Love that name Amd kills intel. Tools in your browser*Internet Options*Delete Files including Offline Content*OK*OK*test.
  15. OK at certain times of day it will get extremely slow. Not necessarily 18kbps. but to me it seems like dial-up when it hits around 200 kbps. You should not be below 200kbps. actually. If everything is working properly. You have to figure many different things into speeds. Traffic of all users, cleanliness of the comp., clearness of the sky and not just at your house also at the other end, the speed of the server you are taking data from or speed testing from, grounding, background processes on your comp., how many windows are open at the time, etc... During off peak times do you still get the slow speeds? Early AM (before 10 ) or after midnight TMN time?
  16. For some reason I think the 5.4 is a little harder on fuel than the 4.6, more than just the size of the engine. If I am not mistaken the Navigator is built on the F150 frame. And if I am not also mistaken the Mountaineer is also built on the Explorer frame. And a friend of mine had a 6 in his explorer 4X4 pickup. And only got 1 mpg more than my full sized pu with the V-8. And yes fuel has dropped down to $1.93 here in KC MO.
  17. Yeah it is almost redundant to have higher speed with a limit on usage. I wonder if there is a limit on dial-up??
  18. Now that is my point exactly!! I drive a 2002 F150, 4.6L, auto, 4X4, long bed 8', Supercab. 17.5 mpg. You can have your 1/2 pint vehicles. And which will need worked on first, not my full sized truck!
  19. I am not too fond of the mini SUV's myself. Too top heavy and skinny. Don't quite feel safe in them. And the gas mileage for being so small is not really that good to me for the sacrifice.
  20. Sounds like a very decent ISP there Roco.
  21. One thing about being on here, you could party or feast most of the year if you looked hard enough.
  22. Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day in Canada. Just to help our neighbors celebrate one of their days. It started with my daughter asking what were all the writings on her calender for today? They always keep me hopping. And low and behold it said it was Columbus Day, Conmemoracion del Dia de Colon Leif Erickson Day, Fire Prevention Day, and Thanksgiving Day(Canada). So here it is, "Happy Thanksgiving Day Canada". Also a helpful link. http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsc-ccsp/jfa-ha/action_e.cfm
  23. And I would venture to say they probably get a lot of bandwidth for it also.
  24. Doomsday, yours is a (Windows XP)?
  25. Sounds pretty much normal for satelite to me. Not making fun, just sounds normal. So nearly 1k says you may not have tweaked your connection as of yet. Try reading here where you can D/L cablenut which is popular in here, or the much simpler one TCP Optimizer which is the one I use. http://www.testmy.net/forum/t-1013
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