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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. We use Symantec 10 and it works great! And since I work at the University, I get it for free!
  2. Wow that guy was a dick. Just out of curiosity, why are you still using Windows Me?
  3. Business plans are typically put on sats and gateways with lower contention rates. You will most likely see advertised speeds during most hours of the day. Unlike on the consumer plans. A better place to ask that ? will be at http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat There are a few more business users that can answer that question there.
  4. Speeds lower than dialup are not the norm for Hughes, but speeds between 250kbps and 600kbps ARE normal during peak hours. (6:00pm -- 11:00pm EST) Lately, Hughes has been selling faster than they can add bandwidth and it's hurting the rest of us. But that part IS normal....
  5. Until Hughes gets DVB-S2 working on all of the sats, I don't expect anyone on a consumer plan to get the advertised UP TO 1.5Mbps. So far I have seen nobody actually get that speed on the proplus plan. That's the main reason I won't upgrade until they get their stuff together.
  6. You don't happen to be on AMC9 (83W) 1370 do you dotdog?
  7. It's pretty much pot luck. The only way to get it changed from what the NOC defaults you to (during installation anyways), is if the installer requests a change at the site due to line of site issues.
  8. I missed the site was well. Glad it's back...
  9. You should see more consistent, and snappier web browsing. Your uploads should also be better. BUT, it really depends on what sat and transponder you are on. As long as your aren't on Horizons 1, or IA6, you should be ok.
  10. To clarify, a crossover cable is used to connect 2 "like" devices, such as 2 computers, or 2 routers directly. In the case of a hub, you can use a straight through cable just fine.
  11. I read somewhere that over-exposure to Dihydrogen Monoxide can cause frequent urination.
  12. From what I've been reading, certain beams are having issues. (Wild Blue) It's not just overloading, it's the hardware and software at the NOCs I think. They are getting their new bird up in a couple of months though. Though it will fall short of being half as impressive as SpaceWay 3 is "supposed" to be.
  13. You're right, what they are doing is unethical. Like I said, I don't agree with how they are doing it, but I do understand the need. Now Tommie, you know you would go with Wild Blue before you'd go back to dialup. I say let them trade it in and pay 50 bucks for a DW7000 , with NO contract. That would be a fair trade. The other route ofcourse is to get a used 6000 or 7000 off of EBAY. Though I would go with the 7000 if you're going to go that route. If for nothing else, get it for the ups.
  14. I dont agree at all with the way that Hughes is going about this, BUT I do understand why they would need to do it. First, every different kind of modem takes different equipment, software, and support at the NOC. Right now there are 5 modems being used. DW3000, 4000, 6000, 7000, and 7000s. It comes down to cost, and im sure it costs them a lot of money to have to continue providing support for these old systems. It's just like M$ cutting support for windows 98. Could they have gone about doing it a different way? Yes, provide an affordable upgrade with no contract attached. But they chose not to go that route.
  15. Pretty much the only advantage or the 7000 is the uploads. One other thing, make sure that you run the 2992 test TWICE to get the most accurate results. Sometimes it will over calculate your download because Hughes is such a bursty system. You can also try a larger test file: http://www.testmy.net/dl-5983 ::::::::::.. Upload Stats ..:::::::::: Upload Connection is:: 187 Kbps about 0.19 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 23 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 2) Test Time:: 2006/10/02 - 6:35pm Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 44.52 sec Tested from a 1013 kB file and took 44.37024 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 81.55 % faster than the average for host (direcpc.com) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-M4Y16WGQ3 User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1)
  16. Told ya, It usually takes a day or 2 to get the thread going. It appears they are moving 4000 users to the same transponders, thus crowding the transponder with 4000 users and lowering speeds.
  17. Im the one who really figured out the in's and out's of Symantec ghost at work, and I maintain all the ghost images, so I am known as the "Ghostmaster".
  18. I've found that most of the time "limited or no connectivity" is a DHCP problem. And when it does, Winders assigns a 169.* address.
  19. Question, Virtual PC is like VMWare right? So wouldn't he technically be running it off of the same machine? I still think it's something with the virtualization. If it really is faster though, that's pretty cool.
  20. I imagine it has something to do with the virtual bridge of your network adapters. Have you downloaded a large file to test the speeds, or just ran tests here?
  21. For all HughesNet users: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/remark,16903011~mode=flat --Thanks to SeaGreen
  22. Nope, did it at work....
  23. Advice: Don't take the 15mth contract. Fork over the 200 bucks for the modem. You're better off if you decide to cancel.
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