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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. They werent real speeds oleol. Looks to me like hughes web acceleration was accelerating the download file. Because when I was testing with this, the only light blinking was the lan light on the modem, nothing else. So it wasn't actually downloading a file that big. It was just a small compressed piece that the DW7000 decompressed and gave the "appearence" of a fast download.
  2. Make sure you have uninstalled the dw software from the other two machines. Remove any extra network settings that you had in place. Set your NIC cards to obtain IP addresses automatically. Connect the ethernet cable coming from the DW7000 to the WAN/INTERNET port on the router, and connect each computer to the other LAN ports. It should be plug and play from there. There are no extra jacks on the modem, unless you are talking about a DW7700, which is only availible though VARs for business.
  3. What type of router are you using?
  4. ghostmaster

    Dell GX270

    Yeah the enormous discounts we get is also a plus. I don't know if their parts and support is as good for regular consumers or not, but we love it....
  5. virtual ram = virtual memory or the swap file.....
  6. ghostmaster

    Dell GX270

    awesome, glad to hear that..... that's why we buy dell.....
  7. ghostmaster

    Dell GX270

    I would have him take it back to work and have a warranty parts request put in through Dell. I doubt they would help if you called them yourself. They probably have next day parts and labor so it shouldn't take long to get it replaced. Good luck! We have over 200 of the Dell GX520/620 slim line models in our building. The 620s run loud and hot, but we havn't had any problems yet.
  8. ghostmaster

    Dell GX270

    Things to check: The GX270 and GX260 series (minitower) both have a flaw where certain capaciters on the motherboard will burn up or even explode. I believe they are the ones closest to the AGP and PCI slots. Check to make sure none have. The GX270s are also notorious for having BAD power supplies. We have had close to 14, just in our building that have had them. Make sure that the CPU, power supply, and case all have working fans. (ESP The power supply, as they are known to go bad). The GX 270s have been the most faulty model we have ever bought in our department. All other Dell's have been of excellent quality.
  9. Ive seen the upload spike like that on the hughesnet speed test, but never on TMN. What type of transmitter and dish do you have? What plan are you on?
  10. Does the VGA on 360 look better than component?
  11. The thing I love about this site the most, is that it's clean, well designed, honest, and friendliness is enforced! I don't think any other forum can even touch this one..... I check this site constantly during the day. I can't say that about any other site. testmy owns.....
  12. Will games really look better in 1080i? Maybe the slower action games, but I thought FPS games would look smoother in 720p. Another question. Even running at 1080i, does the TV still scale it back to 720p? (assuming the native res is 1366 X 768) Im still new to the HD so im curious.
  13. Most of them do nothing but give you stats on different things. The only ones that do anything are the setup functions.
  14. Yes...Happy Sysadmin day to all of us!...... Thank God im not on call again until September!!
  15. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat Click on the Satellite FAQ link to the left. All the info you need is there.
  16. You have been FAP'd most likely. http://fairaccess.hughesnet.com Read this, and if you don't think you are getting FAP'd, we'll help you troubleshoot. But Im pretty sure you're reaching your download threshold....
  17. Your speed tests will vary every time you test. Just depends on the traffic at the time. Nature of the beast when it comes to Dway. No amount of tweaking has ever really affected my speeds one way or the other....
  18. Lots of trans errors? Sounds like the transmitter might not be grounded properly. If you reboot the modem, by unplugging it, does it get better for a short time? 1 Watt is correct for a home system. You only need a higher power transmitter if you have a bigger dish and/or live at the edge of service, or if weather is a major factor.
  19. 50 to 60 can be a normal signal depending on your location and transponder. Don't browse with AOL if your using HughesNet. Use internet explorer. AOL goes through another proxy and your just asking for more headache. Have you ran the LCCU program? It optimizes your IE browser settings. DON'T set a broswer proxy. There is no need for it on a DW7000 (assuming thats what you have). Ive heard that some people are having trouble with Hughes Web acceleration. If that is causing your problem, there isn't really much you can do about it. Hopefully Hughes will have that problem fixed soon. There are some great FAQs over at http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat.
  20. Hughesnet (DW6000 and DW7000) blocks all incoming ports unless you have a static IP. If you do a port scan from a website, it will tell you that you have open ports but you don't. This is because a proxy at the NOC is reporting the open ports. Any file sharing program that pretty much forces the user to share files probably won't work too well. That includes Edonkey/Emule and bit torrent. I recommend Shareaza or LimeWire. I haven't had any problems with either of those.
  21. Unless you have some sort of magic lifeline that plugs straight into the internet, I don't see how it will make much of a difference.....
  22. Instead of browsing for computers, try just typing the computer name. I sounds like to me that windows is looking for a terminal services license server, but since you are using XP Pro, you don't need one just to connect to another XP Pro machine.
  23. just hit accept, and check no I prefer not to recieve this informatin. you don't have to enter an email address....
  24. Im a CCNA and most of the work we did in training was with routers, not switches......we even setup Frame Relay, ISDN, and other networks. The only things with did with switches were setup VLans, trunking, and port security. You have to learn at least the basic router setup and troubleshooting to even hope to pass the CCNA. Did you mean CCNP just-? Things have definately changed with Cisco certs now. They say that the stuff you learn for CCNA now used to be what you learned for CCNP. All I know is im glad I did it, because it just looks good on a resume. (Thats about it though for CCNA)
  25. That is the correct IP to use. Now you would need to set that IP manually on the router if you havn't already. And then forward the port to the IP address of the camera. After that you could add the port at the end of the DNS (http://yourdns.dydns.org:8245), or simply point a web browser to http://6x.xxx.xxx.210:8245 to access camera from the outside. Good Luck!
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