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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. its called sarcasm...lol
  2. If you are on a consumer account, dont expect a lot of help from tech support. A lot of Dway users have been having speed drops at night, but mostly on the 7000s. Head over here, for the REAL tech support: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat
  3. When did RR start offering speeds like that?
  4. Some people dont know the difference. Just like when they say things like "im supposed to be getting 5Mbps, why am I only getting 600kBps! I want my 5 megabytes!"
  5. ghostmaster


  6. ghostmaster


    Never use Hubs. You will need 2 NICS and routing software, perhaps even setting up a Linux machine as your routing computer. You cannot create subnets with just a switch, you must have something acting as a router to seperate broadcast domains.(subnets) The number of subnets you want depends on what class of IP you run.
  7. Almost looks like QoS is enabled, to load balance the bandwidth between the 3 connected machines. Unhook 2 of them from the network and test 1 computer through the router to test this. (at least I think that would work) If that works, just disable QoS on the router.
  8. Good, I hate these jerk off script kiddies that do that crap. Esp when they are too stupid to forge their IP and MAC address.
  9. Thats what I recommend, get off of the consumer and at least get on the Pro plan. U.S. support baby! And they actually seem to care.
  10. http://www.dslreports.com/forum/wildblue Try this site, they will probably flame you for complaining about their precious wild blue, but they might be able to help.
  11. ok... try RD /S to remove a directory EX: c:RD /S exampledirectory
  12. c:del /F test.txt
  13. use del -F in command line...just to make sure it forces it....
  14. After your bios screen disappears, hit F8 until the menu to boot in safe mode comes up.
  15. I did that before too, those times were few and far between.
  16. I'm not so sure that you're gonna get it any better than that. You must have really good phone lines lol. When i was on dialup the highest connection i could get was 28.8kbps. Looks like your pretty much at 56k. Phone lines are capped at 53.3kbps down and usually 33.3kbps up.
  17. The DW7000 systems have been having problems with speed esp at night. But some of the people I know that were having the problem says that it is resolved. It is something wrong on Dway's end.
  18. 1. Grounding.. Hell NO!! Call the company and tell them what he did! That static buildup might be causing some of your problems. 2. If he grounded your system like that, he probably didnt point the dish correctly. I would call the installer and tell them that it is unacceptable and they need to send another installer out immediately. The 1 watt transmitter is standard for the consumer edition. 2 watt is for SOHO and business plans. Also, the Satellite you're pointing at has been having speed issues, esp during the evening hours. Try running the test during the day and see what happends.
  19. Any speed less than 200Kbps is considered unacceptable to Dway.
  20. Gee, I hope this guy didnt have a zombie virus on his computer and didnt know he was causing you a DoS attack!!
  21. yeah, look up his IP and contact his ISP.
  22. A you referring where it says Windows Server 2003 Evaluation Copy Build XXX.XXXX Or are you referring to the popup that asks you to activate?
  23. Thats why the FCC requires a professional to install/point a 2way satellite dish. However, since he is on 89W, the proper satellite for DW7000, he needs to check the grounding, and it might need to be reaimed. Although a lot of DW7000 owners are reporting similar problems. Some kind of problem on their end.
  24. Or you can ask these guys too http://www.dslreports.com/forum/sat Usually Dway will make a stink about you pointing it yourself.
  25. ghostmaster


    Edit the boot.ini file on c:, or you can rightclick my computer, properties, click on advanced and startup and recovery.
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